【Which】の意味、使い方について詳しく説明! 英文法基礎
Which は wh ワードです。 which を使用して、質問をしたり、関係節を導入したりします。
疑問 Which として
特定の情報を求めるために、質問の中で which を決定詞および疑問代名詞として使用します。
‘ Which car are we going in?’ he asked Alexander.
Which museums did you visit?
Which do you prefer? Lemon cake or carrot cake?
間接的な質問やステートメントでは which を使用します。
In the Young Cook of Britain competition, the finalists were asked which famous person they would like to cook for.
Find out which way they’re going and we’ll follow.
Which または what ですか?
which と what の両方を使用して質問します。回答の範囲が限られている場合に which を使用します。回答の範囲が制限されていない場合は、より一般的に what を使用します。
Which is the capital of Liberia? Monrovia or Greenville?
What ‘s the capital of Liberia?
関係節の Which
関係節 which を使用して、動物や物を参照します。
We have seen a lot of changes which are good for business.
The cruise ship, which will depart from Liverpool for a fifteen-night Mediterranean cruise, returns to the Mersey on 29 September.
また、句または文全体を参照するときに関係句を導入するため which を使用します。
She seemed more talkative than usual, which was because she was nervous.
People think I sit around drinking coffee all day. Which , of course, I do.
which を前置詞と一緒に使うことがよくあります。一部の正式なスタイルでは、前置詞を文末に「ぶら下げ」のままにするよりも、 which の前に前置詞を使用することを好みます。
There are several small ponds in which a variety of fish live. (または a variety of fish live 生息 in 小さな池 which There are several small ponds 。)
Which + of
他の限定子 ( the, those, your ) および代名詞 ( yours, them ) の前 of 、 which を使用します。
Which of the following features do you feel are important when choosing a house?
Which of your sisters lives in Boston?
There are a lot of high-street retailers. Which of them are offering the best value for money?