英語動詞の形式:動詞 +… + thatパターンの意味、使い方など
報告動詞 + that- 句
レポートに関連するいくつかの動詞の後に、直接目的語として機能する that 句を続けることができます (例では下線が引かれています)。
accept |
decide |
insist |
repeat |
admit |
discover |
know |
reply |
agree |
doubt |
mean |
say |
announce |
expect |
mention |
see |
assume |
explain |
notice |
show |
believe |
feel |
pretend |
state |
check |
find (out ) |
promise |
suggest |
claim |
forget |
prove |
suppose |
comment |
guess |
realise |
think |
complain |
hear |
reckon |
understand |
confirm |
hope |
remark |
consider |
imagine |
remember |
Everyone agrees that we have to act quickly .
It’s easy to forget that she’s just a child .
Recent research proves that global warming is already a reality .
特にインフォーマルな会話では、これらの動詞の後に that を省略することがよくあります。これは、ゼロ that 呼ばれることもあります。これは、 guess 、 think, hope 、 reckon の後に特によく見られます。
I think he’s on holiday this week .
I reckon it’s going to be a long, hot summer .
動詞の後に間接目的語と that 句が続く
一部の動詞 (通常はレポートに関連する動詞) の後には、間接目的語 (下線付き) と、直接目的語として機能する that 節が続きます。
advise |
inform |
remind |
assure |
persuade |
tell |
convince |
promise |
warn |
He told us that it would take a long time .
Not: He told that it would take a long time .
He convinced everyone that the new road would be good for the town .
The school informed George that he had passed the entry test .
動詞は that なしでも使用できます:
She convinced me I was wrong .
動詞の後に前置詞句と that 句が続く
一部の動詞の後には、前置詞句 (下線付き) と直接目的語として機能する that 節が続きます。
admit |
explain |
point out |
recommend |
state |
complain |
mention |
prove |
say |
suggest |
We complained to the committee that they had not kept us informed .
I’d like to point out to everyone that it will be expensive to hire a concert hall .
I suggested to Gina that she should get a summer job .