Yet in this savage throng there are some women.
A number of men among the passing throng of people do not blink.
The throng that has gathered to inherit such a mission and to straighten this amazing way of indemnity is none other than all of you.
However, as you approach the work, you can see that the vast and vague seascape is made up of a throng of innumerable trees and plants that have been finely drawn.
Leaving the bar, I lost Rinri in the Shinjuku throng.
バーを出た後 新宿の雑踏の中で リンリとはぐれてしまった
And Chris Hughes strode into the middle of the throng with his weapon above his head, pointing at the ground, and he said, “Kneel.”
すると クリス・ヒュースは その群衆の真ん中に歩み出て 武器を頭上に掲げ 地面に突き立てると ひざまずけと命令しました
So he agreed [to this], and sought an opportunity to betray Him to them [without an uprising] in the absence of the throng.
ユダ は 承知した. そして 群衆のいないときに イエス を 彼らに 引き 渡そうと 機會をねらっていた.
When all denied, Peter and they that were with him said, Master, the multitude throng thee and press thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me?
There is the little tribe of Benjamin, leading them, there the great throng of Judah’s princes, and there the princes of Zebulun and of Naphtali.
そこには, 彼らを 導く 末子の ベニヤミン がおり, その 群れの 中には ユダ の 君主たち, ゼブルン の 君主たち, ナフタリ の 君主たちもいる.
There is Benjamin, the least of them, in the lead, the princes of Judah in their throng, the princes of Zebulun, the princes of Naphtali.
そこには, 彼らを 導く 末子の ベニヤミン がおり, その 群れの 中には ユダ の 君主たち, ゼブルン の 君主たち, ナフタリ の 君主たちもいる.
Stroll to Pier 39 for more seafood eateries, shops, street performers, and the area’s noisiest residents: a barking and bellowing throng of sea lions who have turned some of Pier 39’s floating docks into a sea lion beach party.
Megan The Fox: Help Megan collect as many gem… game, play online Description:Megan The Fox: Help Megan collect as many gems as possible from the endless throng of squishy critters.
ミーガンフォックス:ミーガンはふにゃふにゃした生き物の無限の群れから、できるだけ多くの宝石… ゲーム 遊ぶ 無料オンライン 説明/ コントロール: ミーガンフォックス:ミーガンはふにゃふにゃした生き物の無限の群れから、できるだけ多くの宝石としての収集を助ける。
A group of people stood on the roof of the porte cochere overlooking the plaza, and from there, Dr. Walter Foley unfurled the Stars and Stripes while the throng assembled below waved widely and burst into a rousing rendition of “The Star Spangled Banner.”
何人かのグループが広場を見下ろせる玄関のひさしの上に立ち、そこからWalter Foley 医師が星条旗を翻すと、下に集まった群衆は熱狂的に手を振り、突然湧き上がるように国歌を歌いだしました。
You can avoid the throng of Chloes, Emilys, Jacobs and Jacks topping the baby name charts for the past few years, and choose from a huge variety of names collected in specialist books and on the Internet.
過去数年間のための赤ん坊の名前の図表を越えるChloes 、Emilys 、Jacobs およびジャッキの群衆を避けることができ専門家の本でそしてインターネットで集められる色々名前から選ぶ。
However creditors throng there and the president disappear.
Today students and tourists throng the streets of Camden town to find articles of all kinds.
The marketplace, to which both tourists and locals throng, is supported by Shimizu Port.
With the throng of undulating bodies on the dance floor,
みんなと一緒に ダンスフロアで身体をくねらせ
And there among the gathered throng… just what is going on?
Gone is the bustle of the crowds that throng the place during the daytime.