Also available in four fantastic flavours: apple & cinnamon, blueberry, dark chocolate and apple & sultana.
4素晴らしい味でも利用可能: 林檎 & シナモン, ブルーベリー, ダークチョコレートとリンゴ & スルタナ.
The Water Mill Porridge Oats with Apple & Sultana.
Appleと水車粥オーツ & スルタナ.
I ZALETI Ingredients: 125 g yellow maize meal 125 g wheat flour 100 g butter 75 g sugar 2 pcs eggs 50 g sultana raisins moistened for a couple of hours in a shot of grappa (or other aromatic spirits) grated peel of 1 pc lemon pinch of vanilla milk, as needed pinch of salt.
私ZALETI 成分: 125グラム黄色トウモロコシの食事125グラムの小麦粉100グラムのバター75グラムの砂糖2個の卵50グラムサルタナレーズンは、グラッパのショット(または他の芳香族の霊)が時間のカップルのために湿らせた1個のレモンの皮すりおろしバニラのピンチ牛乳、必要に応じて塩のピンチ。
The sultana raisin was traditionally imported to the English-speaking world from the Ottoman Empire.
Some of the famous local festivals include Chestnut Festival that takes place at the end of October, the sardine festival that takes place on the first Monday of September, the Sultana festival that occurs in August, and the Tsikoudiá (Raki) Festival, that is celebrated in mid-October.
有名な地元のお祭りには、10 月末に行われる栗祭、8 月は、タナ祭、9 月の最初の月曜日に行われるイワシ祭り、10 月中旬で祝われている Tsikoudiá (ラキ) 祭などがあります。
I bought one with sultana, and the other with candied cherries (in the photo).One costs 55p.
It kicked off with further sultana notes, then herb butter, ripe papaya, lemon balm, white stone fruits, lightly medicinal gauze and a sweet sootiness.
The hall was so called because of two big twin marble flagstones that are part of the floor. This hall was in the centre of a series of chambers where the sultana and her family lived.
In the US and Canada, the name “raisin” is applied to all dried grapes, so that the breakfast cereal known as “sultana bran” in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom is called raisin bran in the United States and Canada.
アメリカ合衆国では、レーズンという名前は乾燥ブドウ一般を意味する単語であり、オーストラリアやイギリスでサルタナ・ブラン(Sultana Bran)として知られるシリアルはアメリカ合衆国ではレーズン・ブランと呼ばれる。
Actually, you did a great kindness to us. To help you Sultana will close one of my old account.
私にとって過去の清算の機会にもなるのです - 何の清算ですか?
“It is an amazing feeling to conduct a programme, interact live with guests and respond to our audience’s requests to discuss health, women’s rights, social injustice, education and agriculture,” Sultana tells IPS.
Mr. Darya received a standing ovation during the entire performance of his popular song “Atan” and said, “I can never fully express my immense gratitude to Sultana Darya & Hejran Darya who devoted valuable and precious years of their lives to my career, for the overwhelming support I have received from my lovely fans around the world and to Ariana Television Network for their dedication to the Afghan culture.”
そして、私のキャリアのために、人生の大事なそして貴重な年月を捧げてくれたSultana DaryaとHejran Daryaに対する、そして世界中の愛すべきファンから受け取った圧倒的な支援に対する、そしてAriana Television Networkのアフガニスタンの文化に対する貢献に対する、私の深い感謝の気持ちは言葉では完全に言い表すことができない。