

「small hours」の意味(noun)

; (米国平日)



She was up until the small hours of the morning trying to finish her essay.
【英単語】small-hoursを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文1

参考:「small hours」の例文一覧

It has every potentially stultifying quality but is genuinely readable, even gripping, keeping one from one’s bed in the small hours , resistant to the delay of note-taking.
During that period we discovered every place in the building where one could “get one” in the small hours of the morning.
We were not planning to filibuster it into the small hours of the morning.
【英単語】small-hoursを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文2
It is quite unnecessary to sit until the small hours of the morning like this.
Those of us who have been here until the small hours of the morning during the present week have seen enough of it.
この 1 週間、朝の遅い時間までここにた私たちは、それを十分に見てきました。
It is only twenty minutes past nine, and quite recently we have been used to sitting up till the small hours of the morning.
9 時 20 分を過ぎたばかりで、ごく最近、私たちは朝の遅い時間まで起きていることに慣れてきました。
【英単語】small-hoursを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文3
I am told that we have passed that already in the small hours of this morning.
I cannot understand why he wants to press on at such speed in the small hours .
We shall not get a result similar to that in the wee small hours of this morning.
【英単語】small-hoursを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文4
They may be long and go on into the small hours , but it is a fascinating subject.


読み方は【ˈsmɔːl ˌaʊəz】です。下記動画を聞きながらˈsmɔːl ˌaʊəzを大声で発音しましょう


「small hours」の類語一覧です。順番に覚えましょう!

  • midnight hours
  • wee hours
  • wee small hours

small hoursの実際の意味・ニュアンス(小さな時間?を理解して、正しく使いましょう!

That night we returned it was already the small hours.
In this way all the way finally in sight, to the time Urho is the small hours.
She heard that it had arrived at midnight to climb the small hours is enough time to watch the sunrise at the Dongfeng, adding that at night people can climb over, and flashlight together into a string of light, like a dragon, flew regret terribly.
Looking around the dark river, I was wondering why I could not catch any fish at the small hours.
It was the small hours of Thursday morning when they moved Mummy to the operating theatre.
Everyone finds something to enjoy in this extensive and low-rise. holiday destination, which retains its old world charm in narrow Alleyways behind the new hip and passing “Strip”. The Strip, a East of the city, it goes from the Hotel Montechoro to the Praia. Oura, full of dozens of cafes, restaurants and bars Keep pumping from breakfast time to small hours.
誰もがこの広がる低層の中で楽しむべき何かを見つけます その古い世界の魅力を狭く保持している休暇の目的地 新しいヒップの背後にある路地と出来事#34;ストリップ#34;ストリップ、 町の東、Montechoro HotelからPraiaまで続く たくさんのカフェ、レストラン、バーが並ぶda Oura それは朝食の時間から小さい時間まで汲み上げ続けます。
From Kampa, you should definitely go for a walk on Charles Bridge, the oldest preserved bridge in Prague, to witness its unique atmosphere for yourself, especially in the small hours, or late at night.
In the small hours of the morning Daddy removed my tube yet again.
Those looking to party into the small hours can head for DLRO (Pelayo, 59), which opens until 5 am every day.
楽しみを長引かせたい方々には、毎日午前5時まで営業しているDLRO (Pelayo, 59)があります。
Daddy is a bit of a night owl anyway and so he and I would hang out in the small hours of the night whilst Mummy slept.
Walking along this avenue full of colour will be an unforgettable stroll past flower kiosks, press kiosks, street artists and a hive of activity, which goes on from the small hours of the morning to well into the night.In the Ramblas, there is also the famous La Boquería Market, which any visitor should take a look at.
朝から晩まで活気づき色彩あふれる遊歩道で数々の花屋やキオスク、大道芸人達を眺めながら散歩することは旅の良い思い出となるでしょう。 ランブラス通りには有名なボケリア市場があり、見逃せない観光スポットとなっております。
The giant pandas presented to Macao were transferred to cages in the small hours of April 30.The giant pandas presented to Macao were transferred to cages in the small hours of April 30.The scene of the Farewell Ceremony for the Second Pair of Giant Pandas Presented by the Central Government to Macao Zhang Xiwu, head of the Protection Department of the State Forestry Administration of the People’s Republic of China and director of the Giant Panda Protection Administration Office of China, presides over the farewell ceremony.
4月30日未明、カゴに入るマカオゆきのパンダ 4月30日未明、カゴに入るマカオゆきのパンダ 4月30日未明、カゴに入るマカオゆきのパンダ 送別会現場 ご挨拶している中国林業局保護司司長兼中国ジャイアントパンダ保護管理事務室主任の張希武氏 ご挨拶している中国林業局副局長の陳鳳学氏 ご挨拶している中国林業局副局長の陳鳳学氏 送別会にご出席なさる佳賓とリーダーたち 三人で一緒にクリスタルボールを押し、パンダのマカオへ行く旅路につくことを宣した陳鳳学副局長とマカオ特区政府民政総署管理委員会の羅永徳副主席、国務院香港マカオ事務弁公室連絡司の周駿副司長。

「small hours」の意味(noun)

; (米国平日)



She was up until the small hours of the morning trying to finish her essay.
【英単語】small-hoursを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文1

参考:「small hours」の例文一覧

It has every potentially stultifying quality but is genuinely readable, even gripping, keeping one from one’s bed in the small hours , resistant to the delay of note-taking.
During that period we discovered every place in the building where one could “get one” in the small hours of the morning.
We were not planning to filibuster it into the small hours of the morning.
【英単語】small-hoursを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文2
It is quite unnecessary to sit until the small hours of the morning like this.
Those of us who have been here until the small hours of the morning during the present week have seen enough of it.
この 1 週間、朝の遅い時間までここにた私たちは、それを十分に見てきました。
It is only twenty minutes past nine, and quite recently we have been used to sitting up till the small hours of the morning.
9 時 20 分を過ぎたばかりで、ごく最近、私たちは朝の遅い時間まで起きていることに慣れてきました。
【英単語】small-hoursを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文3
I am told that we have passed that already in the small hours of this morning.
I cannot understand why he wants to press on at such speed in the small hours .
We shall not get a result similar to that in the wee small hours of this morning.
【英単語】small-hoursを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文4
They may be long and go on into the small hours , but it is a fascinating subject.


読み方は【ˈsmɔːl ˌaʊəz】です。下記動画を聞きながらˈsmɔːl ˌaʊəzを大声で発音しましょう


「small hours」の類語一覧です。順番に覚えましょう!

  • midnight hours
  • wee hours
  • wee small hours

small hoursの実際の意味・ニュアンス(小さな時間?を理解して、正しく使いましょう!

That night we returned it was already the small hours.
In this way all the way finally in sight, to the time Urho is the small hours.
She heard that it had arrived at midnight to climb the small hours is enough time to watch the sunrise at the Dongfeng, adding that at night people can climb over, and flashlight together into a string of light, like a dragon, flew regret terribly.
Looking around the dark river, I was wondering why I could not catch any fish at the small hours.
It was the small hours of Thursday morning when they moved Mummy to the operating theatre.
Everyone finds something to enjoy in this extensive and low-rise. holiday destination, which retains its old world charm in narrow Alleyways behind the new hip and passing “Strip”. The Strip, a East of the city, it goes from the Hotel Montechoro to the Praia. Oura, full of dozens of cafes, restaurants and bars Keep pumping from breakfast time to small hours.
誰もがこの広がる低層の中で楽しむべき何かを見つけます その古い世界の魅力を狭く保持している休暇の目的地 新しいヒップの背後にある路地と出来事#34;ストリップ#34;ストリップ、 町の東、Montechoro HotelからPraiaまで続く たくさんのカフェ、レストラン、バーが並ぶda Oura それは朝食の時間から小さい時間まで汲み上げ続けます。
From Kampa, you should definitely go for a walk on Charles Bridge, the oldest preserved bridge in Prague, to witness its unique atmosphere for yourself, especially in the small hours, or late at night.
In the small hours of the morning Daddy removed my tube yet again.
Those looking to party into the small hours can head for DLRO (Pelayo, 59), which opens until 5 am every day.
楽しみを長引かせたい方々には、毎日午前5時まで営業しているDLRO (Pelayo, 59)があります。
Daddy is a bit of a night owl anyway and so he and I would hang out in the small hours of the night whilst Mummy slept.
Walking along this avenue full of colour will be an unforgettable stroll past flower kiosks, press kiosks, street artists and a hive of activity, which goes on from the small hours of the morning to well into the night.In the Ramblas, there is also the famous La Boquería Market, which any visitor should take a look at.
朝から晩まで活気づき色彩あふれる遊歩道で数々の花屋やキオスク、大道芸人達を眺めながら散歩することは旅の良い思い出となるでしょう。 ランブラス通りには有名なボケリア市場があり、見逃せない観光スポットとなっております。
The giant pandas presented to Macao were transferred to cages in the small hours of April 30.The giant pandas presented to Macao were transferred to cages in the small hours of April 30.The scene of the Farewell Ceremony for the Second Pair of Giant Pandas Presented by the Central Government to Macao Zhang Xiwu, head of the Protection Department of the State Forestry Administration of the People’s Republic of China and director of the Giant Panda Protection Administration Office of China, presides over the farewell ceremony.
4月30日未明、カゴに入るマカオゆきのパンダ 4月30日未明、カゴに入るマカオゆきのパンダ 4月30日未明、カゴに入るマカオゆきのパンダ 送別会現場 ご挨拶している中国林業局保護司司長兼中国ジャイアントパンダ保護管理事務室主任の張希武氏 ご挨拶している中国林業局副局長の陳鳳学氏 ご挨拶している中国林業局副局長の陳鳳学氏 送別会にご出席なさる佳賓とリーダーたち 三人で一緒にクリスタルボールを押し、パンダのマカオへ行く旅路につくことを宣した陳鳳学副局長とマカオ特区政府民政総署管理委員会の羅永徳副主席、国務院香港マカオ事務弁公室連絡司の周駿副司長。

