【Since】の意味、使い方について詳しく説明! 英文法基礎
since は、前置詞、接続詞、副詞として時間を参照し、接続詞として理由を紹介します。
Since : 時間
since は、前の時点をさかのぼって参照するために使用します。日付、時刻、または名詞句の前置詞として since を使用します。
It was the band’s first live performance since May 1990. ( since + 日付)
I have been happily married for 26 years, since the age of 21. ( since + 名詞句)
また、従属節を導入する接続詞として since を使用します。
It’s so long since I saw them. ( + 句 since )
Lenny had slept most of the way since leaving Texas. ( + 句 since )
He’s been back to the office a few times since he retired. ( + 句 since )
Since と時制
since が過去のある時点での行動や出来事を紹介するとき、 since の後に単純過去形または現在完了形を使用し、主節で現在完了形を使用できます。 :
They haven’t received any junk mail since they moved house.
They haven’t received any junk mail since they’ve moved house.
it + be + time + since という表現で、過去形、現在完了形、または過去完了形 after since を使用できます。
It’s been years since I rode a bike. ( it’s = it has )
It’s been years since I’ve ridden a bike. ( it’s = it has )
It’s years since I rode a bike. ( it’s = it is )
It’s years since I’ve ridden a bike. ( it’s = it is )
It’d been years since I’d ridden a bike. ( it’d = it had )
It’s been years since … は、 It’s years since … よりもアメリカ英語でより一般的です。
since が現在も継続している過去の状態を導入する場合、 since の後に動詞の現在完了形を使用し、主節で動詞の現在完了形を使用します。
Since I’ve been back at work, I’ve been feeling great.
+ -ing Since
動詞の主語が主節と従属節で同じ場合は、 since + – ing フォームを使用して時間を表すことができます。
Since leav ing school, he has had three or four temporary jobs. (彼は学校を卒業してから…)
Since mov ing from a Chicago suburb to southern California a few months ago, I’ve learned how to play a new game called Lanesmanship. (引っ越してから…、習いました…)
Since 、 since then
時間の参照が文脈から理解される場合、時間の副詞として since または since then を使用できます。
His father doesn’t talk to him. They had an argument a couple of years ago and they haven’t spoken since . (彼らは議論を持っていたので)
They bought the house in 2006 and they’ve done a lot of work on it since then . (2006年以降)
since または sincethen のより強力な形式として ever since since then 使用します。
When I was young, I had a little collie dog, but one day he bit me really badly. I’ve hated dogs ever since .
Since : 理由
従属節を導入するための従属接続詞として since を使用します。何かの理由を示すために使用します。
Sean had no reason to take a taxi since his flat was near enough to walk to.
Since her husband hated holidays so much, she decided to go on her own.
They couldn’t deliver the parcel since no one was there to answer the door.
Since : 典型的なエラー
それ since 、長期間使用していません。私たちはのために使用 for ます:
She was waiting for four hours.
いいえ: She was waiting since four hours ました。
from ではなく since を、ある時点を参照する句とともに使用します。
I’ve been swimming since I was three years old.
I’ve been swimming from the age of three.
ない: I’ve been swimming from I was three years old ます。
理由を説明するために、 once ではなく since を使用します。
I think I should have my money back since I didn’t have what was promised in the brochure.
否定: I think I should have my money back once I didn’t have …
ある時点をさかのぼって参照するとき、「それは長い時間です」の後に、 ago ではなく since を使用します。
It’s a long time since your last letter.
Not: It’s a long time ago your last letter です.