英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
silken | 絹[シルク]のような | (fabric: resembling silk) ( 生地 ) |
She wore a blouse made of a beautiful silken fabric. | ||
彼女は美しい絹の生地でできたブラウスを着ていました。 | ||
silken | 絹のような、絹のように滑らかな | (silky: smooth like silk) ( 触感・食感 ) |
Her silken hair flowed gently in the breeze. | ||
彼女の絹のような髪がそよ風にそよぐ。 |
The mother and sisters are shown clothed in silken garments seemingly melting into tender expressions of sorrow.
The Pope lives in grandeur, surrounded by gold and silken robes, servants, and guaranteed comfort throughout retirement.
Four classic Silken Knots on the necklace bring to mind delicate silk blossoms.
These pads are made of smooth fabric on their upper surface while their interior is silken soft to serve as a buffer zone against falls.
これらのパッドは、それらの上面間に滑らかな生地で作られています そのインテリアは、転倒に対する緩衝地帯として機能するように柔らかい絹のさ。
Their tofu is available in lots of textures: silken, lite firm, firm, extra-firm and cubed super-firm.
彼らの豆腐は、テクスチャの多くで利用可能です: 絹, ビット事務所, 事務所, 余分しっかりとcubed超事務所.
Later, a silken nagajuban (a long undergarment) was made.
And reward them for their perseverence Paradise and silken robes,
And their recompense shall be Paradise, and silken garments, because they were patient.
He was splendidly attired, with a magnificent white cashmere wound round his pointed silken skull-cap, ending in the true Oosbeg tie under the left ear.
After much bargaining, the famine-stricken citizens agreed to pay a ransom of 5,000 pounds of gold, 30,000 pounds of silver, 4,000 silken tunics, 3,000 hides dyed scarlet, and 3,000 pounds of pepper.
In addition to the winding-sheet, they wear long loose white boots of calico, fastened by a silken garter (Dulakbund), above the knee, and turned back like a falling collar, in order to display the lining.
彼女たちは、体に巻きつける布の他に、キャラコ[光沢のある平織綿布]でできた長くてゆったりとした白い脚絆をつけており、絹のガーター(ダラクバンド )で膝の上で止めて、裏地を見せるために、折襟のように折り返してあった。
There will be gardens of Eden for them, with rivers flowing by, where they will be decked in bracelets of gold, with silken robes of green and of brocades to wear, reclining on couches. How excellent the guerdon, and excellent the resting-place!
At the end of the apartment was a deep recess, covered with a quilted satin mattress, in the centre of which reposed a gigantic pillow of white muslin, supporter by four large silken tasseled cushions, “each of different hue, And thick with damask flowers of silk inland; Embroidered delicately o’er with blue.”
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi: Reflections on a Cult Leader Transmuting inconsistency into shibboleth this man trademarked “enlightenment” and sold mantras like hamburgers in market-efficient ways Seated on a deer-skin throne surrounded by white silken sheets he learned how wonderful it was to market “reality” Twisting Shiva’s dance into pseudo-science he saw spiritual aspirants as business clients While videos rolled and cameras clicked this guru mesmerized audiences into paying big bucks for bliss
『マハリシ・マッシュ・ヨギ』〜カルト指導者への反省〜 矛盾を特有な言葉に変えて この人は啓蒙を売ろうと企てた そして、マントラをハンバーガーのように、 市場において効率的な方法で売りました。白い絹のシートに囲まれて、 鹿の皮でできた玉座に座っていました。彼は現実を売り込むことがいかに素晴らしいかを学びました。
The thread material is mainly died silken thread; finishing a single obijime cord requires great skill and concentration.
In olden days such material was used in Japan for baby diapers because of a gentle texture that becomes more silken with each wash.
This painstakingly woven nishiki-ori has a multiple-layered structure for a three-dimensional texture, and the silken threads form a complex, diamond-like sparkle.
Yonaguni Hanaui (flower-patterned weaving) is a handmade weaving, and it is made of silken threads that were dyed with plants of the island.
Based on the mon design template of the fabric pattern, pre-dyed silken thread is woven into a pattern to create thread-dyed figured fabric, a specialized process that takes more than 70 craftsmen to produce.
“Ippudo Karaka Men” With Hakata Kinugoshi (silken) Tonkotsu soup as the base, they topped it with meat miso that includes chili bean paste, sweet bean sauce, and more in an original blend.
一風堂からか麺 博多絹ごしとんこつをベースに、豆板醤や甜麺醤などを独自に配合した肉味噌をトッピング。