英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
shattering | 打ち砕くような、強烈な | figurative (emotionally devastating) ( 心を ) |
ショッキングな、動揺する | ( 衝撃的な ) | |
The rejection was shattering to Lisa. | ||
拒否はリサにとって打ちのめされました。 | ||
shattering | 打ち砕けること、粉砕、破壊 | (act of being broken) |
The shattering of the window was caused by Matt throwing a baseball in the house. | ||
窓が粉々になったのは、マットが家の中で野球ボールを投げたことが原因だった。 |
英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
shatter | ~を取り乱させる 、 突然~の沈黙をやぶる | figurative (abruptly interrupt silence) |
shatter [sth] | 粉々にする、打ち砕く | figurative (destroy: confidence, etc.) |
The critics damning reviews shattered the author’s confidence and he never wrote again. | ||
評論家の非難のレビューは著者の自信を打ち砕き、彼は再び書くことはありませんでした. | ||
shatter [sb] | うちひしぐ、うちのめす | figurative, often passive (shock, devastate) |
Nancy was shattered by her dad’s revelation that he was not her biological father. The shock would be enough to shatter the nerves of just about anyone. | ||
ナンシーは、彼が実の父親ではないという父親の暴露に打ちのめされました。ショックは、ほぼすべての人の神経を打ち砕くのに十分です。 | ||
shatter [sb] | ~をくたくたにする | informal, often passive (tire out) |
Brian was shattered by the long walk. | ||
ブライアンは長い散歩に打ちのめされました。 |
Do planets that have not experienced shattering, orbit changing collisions still have volcanoes and earthquakes?
騒動はその時やまないでしょうか? まだ粉砕し、軌道を変更する衝突を経験しなかった惑星は火山と地震を持っていますか?
Identity theft can be a shattering experience mentally and emotionally.
The next thing I hear is not the sound of explosions but one of shattering glass.
Macs made after 1987 but prior to 1998, upon failing the POST, will immediately halt with a “death chime”, which is a sound that varies by model; it can be a beep, a car crash sound, the sound of shattering glass, a short musical tone, or more.
1998年までに製造された Macintosh では、POST 処理が失敗すると死のチャイムと呼ばれる音とともに停止する(音そのものは機種によって異なり、ビープ音だったり、車が衝突する音だったり、ガラスが割れる音だったり、音楽だったりする)。
Violence has reached a crisis level, with the number of killings shattering a 20-year high this early in the year.
Fully-concealed type without sample dispersion offering ease of frost shattering.
Along with shattering the ‘Time Delay’ theory, this also raises some interesting questions.
` 時間の遅れ` 理論の粉砕と共に、これはまたある興味深い質問を上げる。
Some ran forward and others raked automatic gunfire at the front of the palace, shattering most of the windows and puncturing the walls.
He fired rounds with a semiautomatic weapon into the neighborhood, and on the way to the college fired at a city bus, shattering the bus’ windows and injuring two passengers.
We have stated that the West Coast will adjust shortly after the New Madrid adjusts, in step with the Hoover Dam shattering.
A bolt of lightning struck the hut, shattering it.Without an office, it was hard to run, however, found a solution.
稲妻はそれを粉砕する小屋を打った。 オフィスなしで、操作を動かすことは堅かった。
But what happened for me is that that shattering actually emboldened me in a way I have never been emboldened.
でも その粉砕こそが 私を後押ししてくれ- 今までに無かった形で励ましてくれたの
Dams do not always break by shattering such that the waters they hold back pour around the shattered dam.
So the Council of Worlds highly influences the timing of the shattering of the cover-up about the presence of planet X, and the Council of Worlds also highly influences the pace of earth changes as part of 7 of 10.
As with the Salt Flats in Utah, old and highly stabile rock such as found in the Parana province will likewise resist shattering during the quakes.
Tungsten Cubes/Balls Used as Prefabricated Fragments Primary fragments are formed as a result of the shattering of the casing of conventional munitions.
プレハブ断片として使用されるタングステンキューブ/ボール プライマリ·フラグメントは、従来の軍需品の筐体の粉砕の結果として形成される。
Will the shattering of the cover-up about the presence of Planet X result in the hiding of the elite in their bunkers (following the trend amongst the Davos attendees), despite the fact that the actual earth changes are less than first anticipated, also due to the installation of the mystery boxes?
In the past, it has been possible for players to dunk a basketball and pull the rim down so hard that the glass backboard shatters, either around the rim itself or, at times, shattering the entire backboard, or the entire goal standard fails.
It’s shattering the laws of physics.
物理法則を無視して 単純に過去には行けない
I listened only when you moved toward shattering continental unions and electing vulgar demagogues.
大陸連合を破壊する方向に進み 扇動政治家を選んだとき 初めて耳を傾けた