





A scrupulous politician would not lie about her business interests.


The nurse told him to be scrupulous (= extremely careful) about keeping the wound clean.
看護師は彼に、傷を清潔に保つ こと に細心の注意 を払うように言った.
【英単語】scrupulousを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文1


Although many reputable groups are scrupulous about avoiding any strings that might be attached to industry funding, not all are so fastidious.
多くの評判の良いグループは、業界の資金調達に結び付けられる可能性のある文字列を回避することに 細心 の注意を払っていますが、すべてがそれほど厳格なわけではありません.
His contagious enthusiasm is backed by a scrupulous and detailed scholarship.
彼の伝染する熱意は、 綿密 で詳細な奨学金によって支えられています。
A scrupulous husband might wait for two full years before remarrying, while his children completed their mourning obligations.
几帳面な 夫は、子供たちが喪の義務を果たすまで丸2年待ってから再婚するかもしれません。
【英単語】scrupulousを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文2
Deep brain stimulation offers an alternative to medicationresistant patients, but patient selection must be scrupulous and installation of stimulation devices should be confined to highly experienced centers and neurosurgeons.
脳深部刺激療法は、投薬抵抗性の患者に代わる手段となりますが、患者の選択は 慎重 に行う必要があり、刺激装置の設置は経験豊富なセンターや神経外科医に限定する必要があります。
Without this basic condition, the scrupulous adherence to ‘custom’ could not be ensured, nor would the system of checks and balances built into the administrative machinery prove effective.
この基本的な条件がなければ、「慣習」を 厳守 することはできず、行政機構に組み込まれた抑制と均衡のシステムは機能しません。
Much play is made of common tones between the layers to control resultant verticals between them; scrupulous care is thereby taken to ensure that they relate satisfactorily to each other.
レイヤー間の共通のトーンで多くの遊びが行われ、レイヤー間の結果の垂直方向を制御します。そのため、お互いに満足のいく関係を築けるよう 細心 の注意を払っています。
【英単語】scrupulousを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文3
The judge was not scrupulous .
裁判官は 良心的 ではありませんでした。
They are probably more scrupulous and caring.
彼らはおそらくより 綿密 で思いやりがあります。
He is very much at home there, marking his points by means of scrupulous attention to the debaters’ words and to the tones and contexts in which they are delivered.
彼はそこで非常にくつろいでおり、討論者の言葉と、それらが伝えられるトーンと文脈に 細心 の注意を払ってポイントをマークしています。
【英単語】scrupulousを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文4
How unusually scrupulous of him!
彼はなんと並外れて 几帳面な のだろう。





  • conscientious
  • fastidious
  • fussy
  • honest
  • meticulous
  • painstaking
  • precise
  • rigorous
  • strict
  • detail-oriented
  • conscionable
  • critical
  • exact
  • heedful
  • honorable
  • just
  • minute
  • moral
  • nice
  • particular
  • principled
  • punctilious
  • punctual
  • right
  • thinking twice
  • true
  • upright


  • careless
  • dishonest
  • easygoing
  • false
  • inaccurate
  • inexact
  • lenient
  • loose
  • uncareful
  • uncritical
  • undemanding
  • negligent
  • unscrupulous


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
scrupulous 良心的な (moral, principled)
John is a scrupulous person and would never commit a crime.
scrupulous 几帳面な、慎重な (meticulous)
Jessica is always scrupulous in her work and rarely makes mistakes.


The use of graphite pencil enabled both artists to reproduce their models’ features with scrupulous accuracy.
Privacy Policy Our website pays scrupulous attention to protect personal information regarding your privacy.
個人情報保護方針 当サイトは、お客様のプライバシーに係わる個人情報を保護することに細心の注意を払い取り組みます。
When such a scrupulous regard to the case.
Wise leaders know that, and use tactics based on rigorous warrior training and scrupulous study of the enemy.
Having gained global acclaim with his gigantic sculpture Boy, Mueck is known for his scrupulous recreations of delicate parts of the human body: the skin, its wrinkles, bulging veins, each strand of hair, but always with these audacious changes in scale.
The late Hiroyuki Anzai, who worked extremely hard in the post-accident responses as a Fukushima Prefecture official, took scrupulous measurements of the air dose rate at 480 locations in the city by walking 500 to 600 kilometers between May and August 2015.
To prevent these bacteria from being mixed into a product, it is necessary to establish scrupulous inspection systems and understand the details of the genetic types of the bacteria isolated from the production site or process.
It requires grape growers to take scrupulous note of seemingly countless physical traits that are rooted in the unique genetic structure of each grapevine.
However, scrupulous inspection systems have not been diffused because the inspections are complicated and require extensive cost and time.
This same way of manners applies even when wrapping articles in furoshiki. But since it is used in weddings, funerals, etc., scrupulous attention is paid to the manners for fukusa.
When a fee is to be paid by the general estate a less scrupulous firm may stop short of providing final results in the hope of securing further fees.
Rolex watches are crafted from the best uncooked materials and assembled with scrupulous attention to detail. each factor is designed, evolved and produced in-house to the most exacting requirements.
コピーロレックスの腕時計 の時計は最高の生の材料から作られており、細部に細心の注意を払って組み立てられています。 各要因は、最も厳格な要件に合わせて設計、開発、および製造されています。
Very scrupulous in details, this type of figure seems to combine well with the current times where it is very likely that a young professional is found to change work and business with a greater speed than the last century.
The scrupulous disinfection of hands and forearms, the protection of the part to be engraved with a disinfectant of proven efficacy, studied for 20 years and, that is – says prof.
手と前腕の綿密な消毒、証明された有効性の消毒剤で刻まれる部分の保護は、20年の間研究されました、そしてそれはそうです - 教授は言います。
The film is based on this report.We are shown a scrupulous record of the courtroom proceedings that includes testimony from those who were on the scene when the shots were fired, the back-and-forth between judges and lawyers, and audio analysis of the gunshots.
He was a man known for his scrupulous justice.
Tom is scrupulous in matters of business.
Previously, Alexander had been scrupulous about being merciful towards the inhabitants of his newly conquered territories.
Also, as an outside director with a legal background, I am especially scrupulous when it comes to checking matters concerning compliance.
This is a very high quality electronic book with a scrupulous layout and ingenious ideas found here and there that rivet the readers’ attention with detailed interactive moves.





A scrupulous politician would not lie about her business interests.


The nurse told him to be scrupulous (= extremely careful) about keeping the wound clean.
看護師は彼に、傷を清潔に保つ こと に細心の注意 を払うように言った.
【英単語】scrupulousを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文1


Although many reputable groups are scrupulous about avoiding any strings that might be attached to industry funding, not all are so fastidious.
多くの評判の良いグループは、業界の資金調達に結び付けられる可能性のある文字列を回避することに 細心 の注意を払っていますが、すべてがそれほど厳格なわけではありません.
His contagious enthusiasm is backed by a scrupulous and detailed scholarship.
彼の伝染する熱意は、 綿密 で詳細な奨学金によって支えられています。
A scrupulous husband might wait for two full years before remarrying, while his children completed their mourning obligations.
几帳面な 夫は、子供たちが喪の義務を果たすまで丸2年待ってから再婚するかもしれません。
【英単語】scrupulousを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文2
Deep brain stimulation offers an alternative to medicationresistant patients, but patient selection must be scrupulous and installation of stimulation devices should be confined to highly experienced centers and neurosurgeons.
脳深部刺激療法は、投薬抵抗性の患者に代わる手段となりますが、患者の選択は 慎重 に行う必要があり、刺激装置の設置は経験豊富なセンターや神経外科医に限定する必要があります。
Without this basic condition, the scrupulous adherence to ‘custom’ could not be ensured, nor would the system of checks and balances built into the administrative machinery prove effective.
この基本的な条件がなければ、「慣習」を 厳守 することはできず、行政機構に組み込まれた抑制と均衡のシステムは機能しません。
Much play is made of common tones between the layers to control resultant verticals between them; scrupulous care is thereby taken to ensure that they relate satisfactorily to each other.
レイヤー間の共通のトーンで多くの遊びが行われ、レイヤー間の結果の垂直方向を制御します。そのため、お互いに満足のいく関係を築けるよう 細心 の注意を払っています。
【英単語】scrupulousを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文3
The judge was not scrupulous .
裁判官は 良心的 ではありませんでした。
They are probably more scrupulous and caring.
彼らはおそらくより 綿密 で思いやりがあります。
He is very much at home there, marking his points by means of scrupulous attention to the debaters’ words and to the tones and contexts in which they are delivered.
彼はそこで非常にくつろいでおり、討論者の言葉と、それらが伝えられるトーンと文脈に 細心 の注意を払ってポイントをマークしています。
【英単語】scrupulousを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文4
How unusually scrupulous of him!
彼はなんと並外れて 几帳面な のだろう。





  • conscientious
  • fastidious
  • fussy
  • honest
  • meticulous
  • painstaking
  • precise
  • rigorous
  • strict
  • detail-oriented
  • conscionable
  • critical
  • exact
  • heedful
  • honorable
  • just
  • minute
  • moral
  • nice
  • particular
  • principled
  • punctilious
  • punctual
  • right
  • thinking twice
  • true
  • upright


  • careless
  • dishonest
  • easygoing
  • false
  • inaccurate
  • inexact
  • lenient
  • loose
  • uncareful
  • uncritical
  • undemanding
  • negligent
  • unscrupulous


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
scrupulous 良心的な (moral, principled)
John is a scrupulous person and would never commit a crime.
scrupulous 几帳面な、慎重な (meticulous)
Jessica is always scrupulous in her work and rarely makes mistakes.


The use of graphite pencil enabled both artists to reproduce their models’ features with scrupulous accuracy.
Privacy Policy Our website pays scrupulous attention to protect personal information regarding your privacy.
個人情報保護方針 当サイトは、お客様のプライバシーに係わる個人情報を保護することに細心の注意を払い取り組みます。
When such a scrupulous regard to the case.
Wise leaders know that, and use tactics based on rigorous warrior training and scrupulous study of the enemy.
Having gained global acclaim with his gigantic sculpture Boy, Mueck is known for his scrupulous recreations of delicate parts of the human body: the skin, its wrinkles, bulging veins, each strand of hair, but always with these audacious changes in scale.
The late Hiroyuki Anzai, who worked extremely hard in the post-accident responses as a Fukushima Prefecture official, took scrupulous measurements of the air dose rate at 480 locations in the city by walking 500 to 600 kilometers between May and August 2015.
To prevent these bacteria from being mixed into a product, it is necessary to establish scrupulous inspection systems and understand the details of the genetic types of the bacteria isolated from the production site or process.
It requires grape growers to take scrupulous note of seemingly countless physical traits that are rooted in the unique genetic structure of each grapevine.
However, scrupulous inspection systems have not been diffused because the inspections are complicated and require extensive cost and time.
This same way of manners applies even when wrapping articles in furoshiki. But since it is used in weddings, funerals, etc., scrupulous attention is paid to the manners for fukusa.
When a fee is to be paid by the general estate a less scrupulous firm may stop short of providing final results in the hope of securing further fees.
Rolex watches are crafted from the best uncooked materials and assembled with scrupulous attention to detail. each factor is designed, evolved and produced in-house to the most exacting requirements.
コピーロレックスの腕時計 の時計は最高の生の材料から作られており、細部に細心の注意を払って組み立てられています。 各要因は、最も厳格な要件に合わせて設計、開発、および製造されています。
Very scrupulous in details, this type of figure seems to combine well with the current times where it is very likely that a young professional is found to change work and business with a greater speed than the last century.
The scrupulous disinfection of hands and forearms, the protection of the part to be engraved with a disinfectant of proven efficacy, studied for 20 years and, that is – says prof.
手と前腕の綿密な消毒、証明された有効性の消毒剤で刻まれる部分の保護は、20年の間研究されました、そしてそれはそうです - 教授は言います。
The film is based on this report.We are shown a scrupulous record of the courtroom proceedings that includes testimony from those who were on the scene when the shots were fired, the back-and-forth between judges and lawyers, and audio analysis of the gunshots.
He was a man known for his scrupulous justice.
Tom is scrupulous in matters of business.
Previously, Alexander had been scrupulous about being merciful towards the inhabitants of his newly conquered territories.
Also, as an outside director with a legal background, I am especially scrupulous when it comes to checking matters concerning compliance.
This is a very high quality electronic book with a scrupulous layout and ingenious ideas found here and there that rivet the readers’ attention with detailed interactive moves.

