【reason】の意味、使い方について詳しく説明! 英文法基礎
Reason for
reason of reason for + 名詞句ではなく reason of を使用します。
What’s the reason for the delay? We’ve been waiting more than an hour.
注: What is the reason of the delay?
There were several reasons for his strange behaviour.
通常、次の理由により、正式な式 for reasons of reason of にのみを使用します。
The government claims the new law is necessary for reasons of national security .
Reason why
reason why は節の前に使います。特にステートメントでは、 why を省略することがよくあります。
The reason ( why ) I didn’t contact you was that I was only in town for a few hours.
reason because は言いません。理由は次のとおりです。
Is there a reason why you just listed people’s initials and not their full names?
Not: Is there a reason because you …
Reason that
reason that は節の前に使います。特にステートメントでは、 that がよくあります。 Reason that はなく、やや正式な reason why :
The reason ( that ) we need new guidelines is that the present ones are just not working.
One reason that the panel could not decide who was the best person for the job was that the interview times were too short.
複数形の reason は、 that 句では使用しません。
There are several reasons why I don’t like the book.
ない: There are several reasons that 。 …
Reason + to 不定詞
reason を to 不定詞とともに使用できます。
There’s no reason to be suspicious – everything, is perfectly normal.
You have every reason to demand a guarantee in writing. I would do that at once, if I were you.