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puma | ピューマ、アメリカライオン | (large cat: panther, cougar) ( 動物 ) |
Although the puma is native to this region, I’ve never seen one. | ||
ピューマはこの地域の原産ですが、私は見たことがありません。 |
The company split into two separate companies in 1948, namely Adidas and Puma.
In 1998 director Paul Street created a commercial for the Ford Puma.
He took great pains in taming a puma.
The mountain lion, also known as a cougar or a puma, is found in most
“ヤマライオン” ”クーガーあるいは ピューマとしても知られており” ”見つかるのはたいてい…”
When in combat his shuttle mode splits, the upper half transforming into a dinobird, the lower half transforming into a large puma.
Jennifer July 14, This was a well timed post.A woman of middle to elderly age who pursues younger men is a cougar or puma, and a man in a relationship with an older woman is often called a boytoy, toyboy, himbo, or cub.This city-wide festival was highlighted by a spectacular rolling chair parade down the famed Atlantic City Boardwalk. By, East Coast newspapers were looking for ways to increase their circulation.
若い男性を追求高齢者の年齢に真ん中の女性はクーガーやピューマです, そして年上の女性との関係で男はしばしばboytoyと呼ばれています, おもちゃの少年, より高いです , またはカブ.この街全体の祭りは有名なアトランティックシティのボードウォークダウン壮大なローリングチェアパレードで強調されました. によって , 東海岸の新聞は、彼らの循環を向上させる方法を探していました.
They are found in Africa, Asia, and the Americas Except for the largest lions, tigers, leopards, and jaguars that roar, a more expansive definition of big cats has been adopted in recent years, which also includes the cheetah, snow leopard, puma, clouded leopard, and others.
Climate: Semi-arid Average temperature: -7 ºC to 24 ºC. (19 to 75 ºF) Season: From May to September.A body of water located on the Collao plateau, in the Central Andes at 3,810 masl (12,500 fasl), Titicaca (meaning stone puma in Quechua) is the highest navigable lake in the world and, according to legend, was the birth place of the Inca civilization, one of the oldest of the Americas.
気候: 半乾燥、寒冷 平均気温: -7ºC~24ºC シーズン: 5月から9月 中央アンデスの海抜3,810メートルにあるコラオ台地に位置するチチカカ湖(ケチュア語で石のピューマという意味)は、世界で人類が到達できる湖のうち、最も標高の高い場所にある湖であり、伝説によれば、アメリカ大陸最古の文明の1つであるインカ文明が誕生した場所です。
It was given the designation Puma HC Mk 1.
ピューマ HC Mk.の名称で生産された。
The company has also conducted a similar modernization activity on the British Puma fleet and is currently doing the same for the Merlin helicopter as part of the HC Mk 4 upgrade program.
同社はまた、プーマの英国艦隊に同様の近代化活動を行っており、現在アップグレードプログラムHC Mkを4の一環として、マーリンヘリコプターのために同じことをやっています。
Customers include Coca-Cola, Volkswagen, Puma, Toyota and other well-known international companies and brands.
Puma is a German sportswear company founded in 1924 by Adolf and Rudolf Dassler.
Berndt Hinzmann of the German CCC hands over Play Fair’s Clearing the Hurdles report and other campaign materials to Puma representatives at the company’s 2008 shareholder meeting in Nürnberg.
ドイツクリーン・クローズ・キャンペーンのメンバーであるBerndt Hinzmannは、ニュルンベルクで開かれたプーマの2008年度株主総会において同社代表にプレイフェアのレポートハードルを越えてなどのキャンペーン資料を手渡しました。
Last time comes as “Osaka Edition”. 〈PUMA〉sneakers meet Osaka girls.
Although they used similar engines, the fiberglass bodied Puma was much lighter.
The store is an authorized dealer of global sports brands such as Nike, Adidas, Puma, Mizuno selling varied and professional football goods and sporting goods.
Stores include Louis Vuitton, Cartier and Tiffany & Co. There are also large branches of Nike and Puma as well as Osaka’s flagship Apple store.
I decided not to do that because there was no way I could think of it.(Natural w) Next page The driving shoes purchased are Puma x BMW…?
(当たり前だw) 次のページ購入したドライビングシューズは、プーマ×BMW… ?
With the recently introduced sustainability concept – PUMAVision – PUMA wants to drive their business towards greener and more sustainable practices.
Play Fair 2008 – Puma receives the PF08 sportswear industry report in Germany
Play Fair 2008 - プレイフェア・レポートを受け取るプーマ・・・ドイツ