再帰表す代名詞(myself, themselves, etc.)の意味・使い方
再帰代名詞は self または selves で終わります。それらは、人称代名詞の主語形を参照します (下の例では下線が引かれています)。
We didn’t decorate it ourselves . Someone else did it for us.
主語の代名詞 |
再帰代名詞 |
I |
myself |
you (単数) |
yourself |
he |
himself |
she |
herself |
it |
itself |
one |
oneself |
we |
ourselves |
you (複数) |
yourselves |
they |
themselves |
He cut himself on the broken glass.
She made herself a cup of tea and sat down in front of the television.
Parents often blame themselves for the way their children behave.
主語と目的語は同じです。 |
主体と客体は違います。アグネスは鏡の中の誰かを見ています。 |
The director of the company wrote to us himself to apologise for the dreadful service. (または The director of the company himself wrote to us to apologise for the dreadful service 。)
Parents and teachers always pass on to children what they themselves have been told, and this has been going on for hundreds, or even thousands of years.
再帰代名詞 + 意味 alone by
「一人で」または「助けなしで」を意味するために、再帰代名詞を by とともに使用することがよくあります。
Why don’t you go by yourself ?
The children made the entire meal by themselves .
The National Trust is a charity depending on the support of people like yourself . (または … people like you 。)
She washed and dressed and had breakfast in the tiny kitchen.
ない: She washed herself and dressed herself …