英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
palate | 口蓋 | (roof of the mouth) |
Erin burned her palate when drinking hot coffee. | ||
エリンは熱いコーヒーを飲んでいるときに口蓋を火傷しました。 | ||
palate | 味覚 | (sense of taste) |
The American palate is not fond of overly fishy flavors. | ||
アメリカ人の味覚は、過度に魚の風味が好きではありません。 |
英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
cleft palate | 口蓋裂 | (split in roof of mouth) ( 医療 ) |
A cleft palate usually affects a child’s speech, | ||
口蓋裂は通常、子供の発話に影響を与えます。 | ||
palate cleanser | お口直し | ( [sth] that eliminates strong flavours) |
refined palate | 鋭い味覚 | (discerning sense of taste) |
We chose the one produced by Chiarli: intense aromas of red fruits, a sparkling and very pleasant on the palate.
によって生成されるものを選んだ Chiarli: 赤い果実の強烈な香り, 輝くと口蓋に非常に気持が良い.
The palate is dry, soft with a final bitter mouth.
口蓋は乾燥, 苦い口の最終ソフト.
My palate isn’t as refined as yours.
Besides, a child’s palate isn’t developed yet.
それに子どもの味覚は まだ未発達です
The palate is concentrated with thick-textured fruit.
The palate is soft and subtle structure.
The palate is fresh and mineral: feature which comes from the production area.
味わいはフレッシュでミネラル: 産地から来ている機能.
Perhaps you are like me, with a palate more attuned to beer.
It has a mellower taste that is gentler to the palate.
I have to point tonne to several samples can be considered a great palate.
Piece on Peace’s kitchen section is stocked with foodie items guaranteed to delight the most sophisticated palate.
Obtained under biodynamic, This white wine Docg has intense aromas of ripe fruit, on the palate it is full with savory notes, with a lingering finish of white fruits.
, この白ワインの Docg が熟した果実の強烈な香り, 口蓋においしいノートでいっぱいです。 , 白いフルーツの後味で.
Very good San Marzano tomato sauce, the mozzarella ragusano, the capers of Salina, oregano and anchovies. Pleasing to the palate finishing with extra virgin olive oil.
非常に良いサン ・ マルツァーノ トマトソース, モッツァレラチーズの ragusano, サリナのケーパー, オレガノとアンチョビ. エキストラバージン オリーブ オイルで仕上の口蓋を喜ばせる.
CA’ Vegar It is a wine with hints of red fruits and very fruity on the palate, holding well the flavor and the fattiness of the mozzarella di bufala.
CA` Vegar それはヒント赤い果実と非常にフルーティーな味わいのワイン, まあ味とモッツァレラディ bufala の脂肪質を保持.
Each 16 biscuit is a pure delight for the palate and makes you rediscover the forgotten snacks of your childhood.
What are you doing by operating on the cleft palate to correct it?
口蓋裂の外科的修復とは どういうものでしょう?
On the palate, the grapefruit really shines through with fresh grass and a little lime.
口蓋上, グレープフルーツは本当に新鮮な草や小さな石灰輝いて.
The mouth is closed and the tongue rests on the palate.
On the palate there are flavors of melon and pear.
The palate rounds out with spice and vanilla and ends with a smooth lingering finish.
口蓋のスパイスとバニラとラウンドし、滑らかな余韻で終わる. お楽しみください。