英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
overstimulate [sb/sth] | ~を興奮させすぎる、過剰に刺激する | (make overly excited) |
overstimulate [sth] | ~を活性化させすぎる | (make overly active) |
Right when you exit the station gates, there is a shopping area, supermarket, drugstore, and many stores selling convenient everyday goods.It’s a far cry from the overstimulating bustle of downtown.
I remember one particular day when I was retired to a cubicle, trying to avoid overstimulation.
今でも記憶に残る ある日のこと トイレの個室に引きこもり 刺激過剰を避けようとしていました
In patients undergoing IVF, FSH is administered at levels that are higher than naturally occuring to cause a controlled overstimulation of the ovaries so that they ultimately produce multiple eggs.
患者が体外受精を行う際 卵胞刺激ホルモン を 自然より高い濃度まで投与すると これが卵巣過剰刺激を起こし 最終的に複数の卵細胞を育てます
T. Berry Brazelton has suggested that overstimulation may be a contributing factor to infant crying and that periods of active crying might serve the purpose of discharging overstimulation and helping the baby’s nervous system regain homeostasis.