【Of】の意味、使い方について詳しく説明! 英文法基礎解説
Of は前置詞です。
よく紹介する Of は 名詞の補語である前置詞句、 パターンの作成: 名詞 + of + 名詞。このパターンは非常に一般的で、特に異なる部分、ピース、量、およびグループを示すために使用されます。
Lima is the capital of Peru.
Twenty-four-hour TV news makes sure we all know the main events of the day.
Would you like some more pieces of toast?
また、さまざまな形容詞 ( afraid of 、 generous of, proud of ) や動詞 ( approve of 、 dream of, think of ) の前置詞として of をよく使用します。
I never thought she could take a flight on her own at her age. I feel very proud of her.
Best of luck with the interview tomorrow. We’ll be thinking of you.
量の表現では、構造決定子 + of + 名詞を使用します。
Most of the new workers in the country are from Turkey.
Some of my best friends are computer scientists.
オブジェクト代名詞 half 前を除いて all, both , Of は省略可能です me, you, it, him, her, us, them :
Both ( of ) the finance ministers have decided to resign.
All of them will be able to travel on the bus.
否定: All them will be able to