英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
nonentity | 取るに足りない人 | (unimportant person) ( 人 ) |
影の薄い人 | ( 比喩 ) | |
nonentity | 些細な[重要でない]こと | ( [sth] unimportant) ( もの ) |
This is no longer the case, and is in fact so opposite from the case that the CIA is almost a nonentity in present alien agreements.
MemberQualifiedName is a text function for use with Oracle Essbase data sources. Based on the syntax used, it returns the qualified name of a non unique member assigned to a dimension in the row, column, page, or Point of View (POV). A nonentity member is a child of multiple parents.
MemberQualifiedNameは、Oracle Essbaseデータ・ソース用のテキスト関数です。使用される構文に基づいて、行、列、ページまたはPOVの次元に割り当てられた固有でないメンバーの修飾名を戻します。非エンティティ・メンバーは、複数の親の子です。
He’s an intellectual nonentity.
ヨボヨボの グリズフォルドがいいか?
From 1587 to 1659, they were ruled by Ottoman pashas, sent from Constantinople to govern for three years; but in the latter year a military revolt in Algiers reduced the pashas to nonentities.