英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
monied |
裕福な、リッチな | (wealthy, having money) |
金持ちの | ||
monied |
裕福な、リッチな | (relating to the wealthy) |
金持ちの |
They supported the Independent Treasury (the Jacksonian alternative to the Second Bank of the United States), not as a scheme to quash the special privilege of the Whiggish moneyed elite, but as a device to spread prosperity to all Americans.
Comfortable Class Accustomed to being secure due to ownership of goods and the power this brings, the upper class or moneyed class will react with more than shock when their property, whether corporate interests or stocks and bonds or real property, is flushed down the toilet during the increasing changes pummeling the Earth.
Recently groups of swindlers targeting moneyed hikikomori have sprung up on the Internet.
Fashion Statement is still scratching its head at the puzzling news that Ugg – purveyors of furry boots to the masses – is teaming up with Jimmy Choo – purveyors of slinky heels to the, well, moneyed few.
So… a surgeon who’s no longer a surgeon, a parking violation incurred outside poor man’s cemetery, and two parents who are as moneyed as they are alive.
それゆえの駐車違反切符だ つまり・・・ もはや外科医じゃない外科医 貧困者の墓地の外で切られた 駐車違反の切符
The moneyed version of this person lives as close as possible to the Eiffel Tower.
Instead, it followed “the moneyed middle class”, with finance a dominant theme in the novel.Heyer’s new accountants urged her to abandon Heron Enterprises; after two years, she finally agreed to sell the company to Booker-McConnell, which already owned the rights to the estates of novelists Ian Fleming and Agatha Christie.
その変わりに金を持った中間層を追い、財務が主要テーマだった。 ヘイヤーの新しい会計士はヘロン・エンタープライズを放棄するよう勧めた。
The hardships endured by Kim in the 80s, when the city was run-down and unpredictable but open to endless creative possibilities, is very different to the slick, moneyed New York landscape of today.
Declaration of the 2015 Osaka Zenrokyo Annual General Meeting As well as fighting to win every one of our disputes, let’s stand in opposition to the gutting of the Dispatch Act, to the Zero Overtime Bill, to the legislation of “collective self-defense”.Let’s stop the out-of-control rampage of the Abe government and the moneyed interests.
大阪全労協第26回大会宣言 すべての争議に勝利するとともに、労働者派遣法改悪、残業代ゼロ法案、集団的自 衛権の法制化、憲法破壊に反対し、安倍政権、財界の暴走を止めよう。
Separate proposal in honeyed veal shank.
A powerful and sensual rose with unforgettable honeyed accents.
Productivity can reach 10 kg from a bush! honeyed.
生産性は低木から10 kgに達することができます!
BA wines combine an intensive honeyed sweetness with a pleasant degree of acidity.
Satan always speaks with honeyed words and tempts, but it is all deceit.
Poetry in particular is a venus-fly-trap whose honeyed sweetness sticks to neural tracks.
特に詩の蜂蜜された甘さは、 神経の跡に固執するビーナスフライトラップのようなものです。
In any case, I just moseyed on over here to invite you to a little bit of a gathering
我が家での集会に君を 招待しようとしてるんだ 面白い連中がたくさん やって来るし…
Night fell on my eyelids But now the sun smiles on me anew Do not refuse from me a drink of honeyed mead
お断りにならないでしょう とろりとした蜜酒の飲み物です
Sufficiently waterlogged towards the end of the day, we moseyed over to the “Silverwood” part of Silverwood.
一日の終わりに向かって十分に水が溜まったので、私たちはSilverwoodの” Silverwood”の部分へと行き詰まった。
This time too, the field commander faced the people of Judah and tempted them with honeyed words.
Swathed in honeyed notes of orange blossom and rose, it reveals lusher, more nectar-like accents.””François Demachy
蜜が溶け込んだオレンジ ブロッサムとローズに包まれたとき、この花はネクターのような豊かで甘美なアクセントを帯びるのです。