





She claims lineal descent from Henry VIII.
彼女はヘンリー 8 世の血統を主張している。
A “relative” is the spouse, parent, brother or sister, or remoter lineal ancestor of the person.
【英単語】linealを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文1


It extended to all lineal descendants of the degraded individual born subsequent to the act resulting in degradation.
It is natural, for its simplicity, to establish a lineal relationship.
The holdings of a decedent with no lineal descendants and no designated heirs reverted back to the community for reassignment.
【英単語】linealを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文2
Buildings themselves tend to constitute lineal frames that subordinate their contents to their architectonics.
They conclude effect immediately from preceding cause in lineal and chronological order.
Extension was primarily lineal , and involved the coexistence of three or four successive generations.
延長は主に直系であり、3 世代または 4 世代の連続した共存が必要でした。
【英単語】linealを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文3
Extension beyond this nucleus was primarily lineal , resulting in the cohabitation of three (rarely four) successive generations.
この核を超えた拡張は主に直系であり、結果として 3 世代 (まれに 4 世代) の連続した同棲が行われました。
Provided that there is regular lineal transmission of the name, be it surname or clan name, the application of the isonymic method has few problems.
The exploration of lateral and lineal kin ties within a living population and a succession of populations in the same community may help to answer such questions.
【英単語】linealを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文4
On the other hand, we recognise that those inter-generational relations removed by greater lineal distance may be imbued with less meaning and, therefore have less acute consequences.





  • familial
  • tribal
  • affiliated
  • born with
  • congenital
  • consanguine
  • consanguineous
  • genealogical
  • in the family
  • inborn
  • inbred
  • inherited
  • innate
  • maternal
  • old
  • past
  • paternal
  • running in the family
  • totemic


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
lineal 直系の、直属の (directly descendant)


if there are two or more children, lineal ascendants, or siblings, the share in the inheritance of each shall be divided equally
in the case where only lineal ascendants are heirs, one third of the decedent’s property
直系尊属のみが相続人である場合 被相続人の財産の三分の一
Has the lineal increase we predicted in 1995 reached its climax?
Where such activity was more lineal in years past, it will become exponential at some point, and this turning point has already arrived.
そのような活動は過去何年かは直線的に増えていたが、ある時 点から指数関数的に多くなる。
Because the lineal standard exists up to age 16, based on Adam before the Fall, at the same time that you bless your ancestors, the angelic world is restored and the fallen world is completely liberated.
天使世界は、堕落前のアダムの十六歳までの血統的基準があるので、先祖たちを祝福することによって復帰されると同時に、堕落した世界が完全 に解放されます。
We stated in 1995 that the quake increase would at first be lineal, then change to be exponential.
What will create an escalation in awareness of the coming pole shift is primarily the increasing Earth changes which will not proceed at a lineal pace, but exponential.
This does not proceed on a lineal basis, it becomes more exponential, increasing from a whimper to a roar in short order.
lineal ascendants of the decedent; provided that between persons of differing degree of kinship, the person who is of closer relationship shall have higher priority of inheritance
Alberto, Italy We have shown the relationship between the recent indications that magma is in turmoil under the surface in certain parts of the globe, just as we predicted a lineal increase in earthquakes and volcanic activity worldwide early in the ZetaTalk era.
アルベルト、イタリア 私達は、ちょうど私達が早いゼータトークの時に世界的な地震と火山の活動の直線的な増加を予測したように、マグマが地球の一定の部分の表面下で混乱しているという最近の徴候の間の関係を示した。
First, in the garb he wore the yellow robe on, sword, holding India and Dai Fu, later known as the Heavenly Master Sword, Tianshi India, Tian Fu, a most important mission Taoism lineal token.
He was a lineal great-grandchild of Onami, who was one of the distinguished actors during the periods of Yoshinori ASHIKAGA and Yoshimasa ASHIKAGA.
ZetaTalk Warnings 7/29/2005: We warned at the start of ZetaTalk, in 1995, that unpredictable weather extremes, switching about from drought to deluge, would occur and increase on a lineal basis up until the pole shift.
ZetaTalk 警告 7/29/2005: 私達は、1995年にZetaTalkを始めた時、旱魃が洪水に変わるという予測できない極端な気象が発生し、これが基本的にポールシフトまで直線的に増加すると警告した。
ZetaTalk Prediction 7/29/2005: We warned at the start of ZetaTalk, in 1995, that unpredictable weather extremes, switching about from drought to deluge, would occur and increase on a lineal basis up until the pole shift.
ゼータトーク予測7/29/2005:干ばつから大洪水へと転換する、予想できない 天候の極端さが、ポールシフトまで直線的な上昇状態で発生し、増加するでしょうと、私達は、1995年のゼータトークの始まりに警告しました。
Where an autopsy or an exhumation is carried out during an inspection, due care shall be exercised not to be disrespectful, and if the deceased had a spouse, lineal relatives, or siblings, such person(s) shall be notified of the autopsy or exhumation.
When the accused has been detained, his or her counsel shall be notified no counsel has been appointed for the accused, notification shall be given to the person who has been specified by the accused from among his/her legal representative, curator, spouse, lineal relatives and siblings.
It is simply that the core must increase substantially in its temperature or motion for a small increase evident on the crust. This is not lineal, and the crust is pushed outward when increased heat and swirling about occur, so is less subject to rubbing one plate against another and there are more places where magma can ooze out in the deep ocean rifts.
At that time, only a lineal ancestor of an Emperor was allowed to open a cloister government, and, therefore, those Imperial Princes brought in by Tokitada, and so on, must be adopted children of Takakura in order to maintain influence of Takakura; this was a compromise to avoid conflict between Goshirakawa and Kiyomori.
We have stated that by the time the last weeks arrive, that emergency management teams will be so busy just trying to rescue people and deal with the chaos that they will utterly turn a deaf ear on any attempt by people such as Bush to declare Martial Law or cry terrorist in an attempt to control the populace and mold the situation to their control. This is not a lineal increase, this will become explonential.
Where the victim and others (which means the victim or his/her spouse, lineal relatives or siblings in cases where the victim has died or suffered serious mental or physical disorder) or the legal representatives of the victim have stated opinions pursuant to the provision of Article 292-2, paragraph (1) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the saiban-in may ask questions to these persons to clarify their purport after the statement.





She claims lineal descent from Henry VIII.
彼女はヘンリー 8 世の血統を主張している。
A “relative” is the spouse, parent, brother or sister, or remoter lineal ancestor of the person.
【英単語】linealを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文1


It extended to all lineal descendants of the degraded individual born subsequent to the act resulting in degradation.
It is natural, for its simplicity, to establish a lineal relationship.
The holdings of a decedent with no lineal descendants and no designated heirs reverted back to the community for reassignment.
【英単語】linealを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文2
Buildings themselves tend to constitute lineal frames that subordinate their contents to their architectonics.
They conclude effect immediately from preceding cause in lineal and chronological order.
Extension was primarily lineal , and involved the coexistence of three or four successive generations.
延長は主に直系であり、3 世代または 4 世代の連続した共存が必要でした。
【英単語】linealを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文3
Extension beyond this nucleus was primarily lineal , resulting in the cohabitation of three (rarely four) successive generations.
この核を超えた拡張は主に直系であり、結果として 3 世代 (まれに 4 世代) の連続した同棲が行われました。
Provided that there is regular lineal transmission of the name, be it surname or clan name, the application of the isonymic method has few problems.
The exploration of lateral and lineal kin ties within a living population and a succession of populations in the same community may help to answer such questions.
【英単語】linealを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文4
On the other hand, we recognise that those inter-generational relations removed by greater lineal distance may be imbued with less meaning and, therefore have less acute consequences.





  • familial
  • tribal
  • affiliated
  • born with
  • congenital
  • consanguine
  • consanguineous
  • genealogical
  • in the family
  • inborn
  • inbred
  • inherited
  • innate
  • maternal
  • old
  • past
  • paternal
  • running in the family
  • totemic


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
lineal 直系の、直属の (directly descendant)


if there are two or more children, lineal ascendants, or siblings, the share in the inheritance of each shall be divided equally
in the case where only lineal ascendants are heirs, one third of the decedent’s property
直系尊属のみが相続人である場合 被相続人の財産の三分の一
Has the lineal increase we predicted in 1995 reached its climax?
Where such activity was more lineal in years past, it will become exponential at some point, and this turning point has already arrived.
そのような活動は過去何年かは直線的に増えていたが、ある時 点から指数関数的に多くなる。
Because the lineal standard exists up to age 16, based on Adam before the Fall, at the same time that you bless your ancestors, the angelic world is restored and the fallen world is completely liberated.
天使世界は、堕落前のアダムの十六歳までの血統的基準があるので、先祖たちを祝福することによって復帰されると同時に、堕落した世界が完全 に解放されます。
We stated in 1995 that the quake increase would at first be lineal, then change to be exponential.
What will create an escalation in awareness of the coming pole shift is primarily the increasing Earth changes which will not proceed at a lineal pace, but exponential.
This does not proceed on a lineal basis, it becomes more exponential, increasing from a whimper to a roar in short order.
lineal ascendants of the decedent; provided that between persons of differing degree of kinship, the person who is of closer relationship shall have higher priority of inheritance
Alberto, Italy We have shown the relationship between the recent indications that magma is in turmoil under the surface in certain parts of the globe, just as we predicted a lineal increase in earthquakes and volcanic activity worldwide early in the ZetaTalk era.
アルベルト、イタリア 私達は、ちょうど私達が早いゼータトークの時に世界的な地震と火山の活動の直線的な増加を予測したように、マグマが地球の一定の部分の表面下で混乱しているという最近の徴候の間の関係を示した。
First, in the garb he wore the yellow robe on, sword, holding India and Dai Fu, later known as the Heavenly Master Sword, Tianshi India, Tian Fu, a most important mission Taoism lineal token.
He was a lineal great-grandchild of Onami, who was one of the distinguished actors during the periods of Yoshinori ASHIKAGA and Yoshimasa ASHIKAGA.
ZetaTalk Warnings 7/29/2005: We warned at the start of ZetaTalk, in 1995, that unpredictable weather extremes, switching about from drought to deluge, would occur and increase on a lineal basis up until the pole shift.
ZetaTalk 警告 7/29/2005: 私達は、1995年にZetaTalkを始めた時、旱魃が洪水に変わるという予測できない極端な気象が発生し、これが基本的にポールシフトまで直線的に増加すると警告した。
ZetaTalk Prediction 7/29/2005: We warned at the start of ZetaTalk, in 1995, that unpredictable weather extremes, switching about from drought to deluge, would occur and increase on a lineal basis up until the pole shift.
ゼータトーク予測7/29/2005:干ばつから大洪水へと転換する、予想できない 天候の極端さが、ポールシフトまで直線的な上昇状態で発生し、増加するでしょうと、私達は、1995年のゼータトークの始まりに警告しました。
Where an autopsy or an exhumation is carried out during an inspection, due care shall be exercised not to be disrespectful, and if the deceased had a spouse, lineal relatives, or siblings, such person(s) shall be notified of the autopsy or exhumation.
When the accused has been detained, his or her counsel shall be notified no counsel has been appointed for the accused, notification shall be given to the person who has been specified by the accused from among his/her legal representative, curator, spouse, lineal relatives and siblings.
It is simply that the core must increase substantially in its temperature or motion for a small increase evident on the crust. This is not lineal, and the crust is pushed outward when increased heat and swirling about occur, so is less subject to rubbing one plate against another and there are more places where magma can ooze out in the deep ocean rifts.
At that time, only a lineal ancestor of an Emperor was allowed to open a cloister government, and, therefore, those Imperial Princes brought in by Tokitada, and so on, must be adopted children of Takakura in order to maintain influence of Takakura; this was a compromise to avoid conflict between Goshirakawa and Kiyomori.
We have stated that by the time the last weeks arrive, that emergency management teams will be so busy just trying to rescue people and deal with the chaos that they will utterly turn a deaf ear on any attempt by people such as Bush to declare Martial Law or cry terrorist in an attempt to control the populace and mold the situation to their control. This is not a lineal increase, this will become explonential.
Where the victim and others (which means the victim or his/her spouse, lineal relatives or siblings in cases where the victim has died or suffered serious mental or physical disorder) or the legal representatives of the victim have stated opinions pursuant to the provision of Article 292-2, paragraph (1) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the saiban-in may ask questions to these persons to clarify their purport after the statement.

