品詞(英単語での分類): 形容詞
(また、知識主導型) 【アイデアや情報の利用に基づく会社や仕事などを表すのに使われる】意味として使われています。
knowledge basedの実際の意味・ニュアンス(知識ベース?基づく知見?知識基盤型?Knowledge Based?)を理解して、正しく使いましょう!
As the country increases and aims to attract knowledge based industries, this move is apt and timely.
知識ベースの産業を誘致する国が増加し、目的として、, この動きは、aptとタイムリーです.
In many areas of knowledge based business securing patents is a precondition to invest or trade in a country.
E-Learning Ministers recognized the increasing role of technology in developing students’ skills for the 21st Century and ability to contribute to knowledge based economies.
電子学習 閣僚は、21世紀に向けた学生の技能と知識基盤型経済への貢献能力を開発する上で、技術が果たす役割が増大していることを認識した。
Ministers encouraged undertaking technical cooperation amongst member economies in order to develop global learning communities that can build the skills that our youth require in our increasingly global and knowledge based economies: Ministers welcomed the initiative of holding a Working Research Summit on Education Reform in the APEC region during 12-14 January 2004 in Beijing, in order to examine the research base and policy trends in education affecting our economies.
閣僚は、益々グローバル化され知識基盤型となる経済において、我々の若い世代が今後必要となる技術が習得できるグローバルな学習コミュニティーを作るため、メンバー間で技術支援を実施することを奨励した。 閣僚は、我々の地域に影響を与える教育の研究基盤と政策の方向性を調査するため、2004年1月12日から14日、北京において、APEC地域における教育改革に関する作業研究サミットを開催するとのイニシアティブを歓迎した。
The DBMS needed to handle large join queries for the inference machine of the knowledge based system.
In Europe, the annual JURIX conferences (organised by the Jurix Foundation for Legal Knowledge Based Systems), began in 1988.
The institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers of Japan (IEICEJ), Chair of Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence, 1998-present. The institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers of Japan (IEICEJ), Paper Review Member, 1992-present. Japanese Association for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI), Comittee Member of Special Interest Group on Knowledge Based Systems, 1993-present. Research Projects Socialware Software Agents Publications
学会活動等 (社)人工知能学会 理事, 1997-現在 (社)電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究専門委員会委員長,1998-現在 (社)電子情報通信学会 査読委員,1992-現在 (社)人工知能学会 知識ベースシステム研究会 連絡委員,1993-現在 プロジェクト ソーシャルウェア ソフトウェアエージェント 文献リスト
Such patter become new knowledge based on my own records.
These people share a common knowledge based in their craft.
I would like to share some knowledge based on my first hands experience.
CBE is also closely related to the recent problem solving and active learning methods, all of which are a form of breaking away from pure knowledge based education.
RSS can be applied to text content such as blog posts; knowledge based content or even new product pages.
RSS はblog のポストのようなテキストの内容に適用することができる; 知識は内容か新製品のページを基づかせていた。
At any rate, biblical faith is having a knowledge based on real evidence that results in confidence.
From my quick knowledge based on stuff like that, I’d say no Zaha.
He doubted everything, not only the incredible knowledge based on sense but also mathematical truth, which he had believed to be the most certain.
Climate change is one of the major issues the international community should address in this century. Informed discussion and action on climate change require a large amount of scientific knowledge based on such information as satellite data.
Since its establishment in 1911, Kyushu University has been valuing creativity and diversity, and promoting its pursuit of knowledge based on a free and vigorous atmosphere on campus.
In reality, the technology reflects a deep knowledge based on the experience and sense of the engineer.
This paper describes a knowledge based on the experience of the author in the measurement of vapor-liquid equilibrium using a high pressure vapor-liquid equilibrium equipment.
Unique database in the field, containing knowledge based data of time series of protein expression for various stages of development of the given species.