- insignificant
- negligible
- trivial
- unimportant
- worthless
- big zero
- casual
- dinky
- entry-level
- exiguous
- immaterial
- inadequate
- inappreciable
- inconsequent
- inconsiderable
- insufficient
- light
- little
- measly
- minor
- no biggie
- paltry
- petty
- picayune
- puny
- runt
- scanty
- shoestring
- shrimp
- skimpy
- small
- small potatoes
- small-time
- trifling
- two bit
- unconsidered
- wimpy
英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
inconsequential | 取るに足らない、重要でない、些細な | (unimportant, having no influence) |
Don’t pay any attention to that inconsequential backbencher; he doesn’t have any real power in the government. | ||
その取るに足らないバックベンチャーに注意を払わないでください。彼は政府に実質的な力を持っていません。 |
There were numerous small third parties that usually were short-lived or inconsequential.
Do you often think about how inconsequential you are?
君は自分がどれくらい 重要な人物だと?
Do we need to uncover the small worlds of individuals whose inconsequential actions did not change the historical process?
My name, while inconsequential, is Alistair Wesley.
私の名前は、取るに足らない、 アリスターウェスリーです。
For some reason, this inconsequential moment in my life opened a floodgate of far-reaching questions.
Short-term oxygen therapy during sleep and exercise improves oxygenation but is associated with modest and probably clinically inconsequential hypercapnia.
I thought that if I used teamers as the context it could give an interesting accentuation to how light and inconsequential a death can be.
Although he participated in some reformist groups, Zhirinovsky was largely inconsequential in Soviet political developments during the 1980s.
We don’t need to trace back Chief Cabinet Secretary Edano’s past comments to understand that this is inconsequential.
It is inconsequential whether you are buying an auto for your daily commuting or expeditions, you could have an automobile that is a match for your way of living and consumes less fuel.
これは、取るに足らないかどうかが自動を買っているが あなたの毎日の通勤や遠征には、生活のあなたの方法に一致していると少ない燃料を消費する自動車を持つことが。
These seemingly inconsequential beings have baffled taxonomists due to their simple body structure, which is composed of around 40 cells and does not include many common body elements such as a circulatory system.
This just shows how Earth biased these things are and how inconsequential they are to the heavens. Those of you prepared to view this on EIT will be disappointed.
There were no breaks for food, no water breaks, and the severe dehydration made urinating pretty much inconsequential.
食事や飲み水の休憩すらありません 皆 重度の脱水症状を起こし 放尿すらままなりません
Being able to talk things out makes them resolved on a much lower, and often, inconsequential level instead of letting them brood and become major issues.
物事を話すことができることから、それらの代わりに彼らにひなをさせるの多くが低く、多くの場合、取るに足らないレベルで解決されなることができます 主要な問題。
This may seem like a lot of effort for a group of seemingly inconsequential creatures, but in fact many ecologists use ants to better understand evolution and the terrestrial ecosystems ants inhabit.
One experiment has demonstrated that, by using the enzyme sialidase, the genetic defect can be effectively bypassed and GM2 gangliosides can be metabolized so that they become almost inconsequential.
This seemingly inconsequential action virtually ensured Pope’s defeat during the coming battles because it allowed the two wings of Lee’s army to unite on the Manassas battlefield.
This seemingly inconsequential action virtually ensured Pope’s defeat during the battles of August 29-30 because it allowed the two wings of Lee’s army to unite on the Manassas battlefield.
Our children are not being taught what the evidence is and how to think about it, they are being taught to memorize a small portion of inconsequential data and to believe an unreasonable conclusion.
Therefore, Poofenplotz will consume large amounts of royal jelly in order to grow, live longer, and be crowned queen of the world, considering the potential side effect of a “grotesquely large abdomen for laying eggs” to be inconsequential.