- dearth
- deficiency
- failing
- flaw
- imperfection
- incapacity
- ineffectiveness
- inefficiency
- ineptitude
- insufficiency
- paucity
- shortcoming
- weakness
- blemish
- defalcation
- defectiveness
- deficit
- drawback
- faultiness
- inadequateness
- inaptness
- incompetence
- incompetency
- incompleteness
- ineffectualness
- inefficacy
- lack
- meagerness
- poverty
- scantiness
- unfitness
- unsuitableness
- skimpiness
- underage
英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
inadequacy | 欠点 | (failing, shortcoming) |
穴、傷 | ( 比喩 ) | |
This plan has too many inadequacies. | ||
この計画には不備が多すぎる。 | ||
inadequacy | 不十分さ | (insufficient amount) |
The inadequacy of the five loaves and two fishes to feed five thousand people was clear. | ||
5つのパンと2匹の魚が5,000人を養うには不十分であることは明らかでした。 | ||
inadequacy | 不全感、能力不足感 | (inability to cope) |
The job is very difficult; it has only been one day and I already have feelings of inadequacy. | ||
仕事はとても大変です。まだ1日しか経っていませんが、すでに不十分な感覚があります。 |
All with one thing in common in their inadequacy has been dependent on the heavenly Comforter.
As an example of a category mistake, it was used to show the inadequacy of certain probabilistic models of grammar, and the need for more structured models.
It can lead to feelings of inadequacy and social anxiety.
In short, being special replaces a suspicion that one may be deficient, to banish a feeling of inadequacy.
It can make you unhappy – depression, anxiety, panic attacks, feelings of inadequacy, pessimism and dissatisfaction with life are all part of the picture.
それは不幸に作ることができる - 不十分の不況、心配、恐慌発作、感じ、生命の悲観論および不満は映像の部分すべてである。
I think I felt this time was the inadequacy of words, I really have no idea what language to describe such a view of the.
This has produced a substantial inadequacy of the only organ of world government, remained a prisoner of special interests, ahead of the general ones.
The inadequacy of these remedies could compromise or at least influence the free articulation of the democratic dialectic, through which the ends of the State are established.
Moreover within the European Union itself it is already very negative example of the Hungarian case, against which Brussels has not gone beyond generic warnings, confirming its inadequacy policy.
When there is a hostile takeover – in this case it would be called an “inadequacy opinion” instead and would be used to defend the target by claiming that the offer is not fair.
The weak one may deal with their sense of inadequacy by blaming others, but in another moment feel the need to apologize for this.
The inadequacy of the United Nations, in this case, is the most striking example of the need to reform the institution that should solve, on an urgent conflicts, to heal and protect the minimum conditions of survival of civilian populations involved.
Medical care and education are social infrastructures that must be supported by government.Current inadequacy of the support is resulting in inequality in the society that will be carried over for generations forming the major cause of social instability.
an inadequacy in the Internal Controls over Financial Reports which is highly likely to have a material effect on the Financial Reports.
End, We must mention the existence of a previously small portion scientists, who fulfilled a cautious attitude, citing the existence of certain ambiguities and inadequacy of linguistic material was the available time, thus find it impossible to formulating an informed position [Mainly, French linguist Antoine Meillet (1866-1936) and Italoevraios historian Arnaldo Momigliano(1908-1987)] (the).
終了, 我々は以前、小さな部分の科学者の存在を言及する必要があります, 誰が慎重な態度を満たし, 特定の曖昧さや言語材料の不備の有無を引用すると、使用可能な時間でした, 情報に基づいた位置の策定を検討することが不可能 [主に, フランスの言語学者アントワーヌ・メイエ (1866-1936) そして、Italoevraios史家アルナルド・モミリアーノ(1908-1987)] (、). しかし、たとえ古代の源でした, マケドニア人の言語の問題についてだけでなく、非常に希少, しかし、むしろ混乱を悪化させ.
To the leaders of the party it is the confirmation of their inadequacy to direct one of the two US parties and, above all, they have been passive in the face ever-increasing importance in the American right, the Tea Party movement, hence the Trump phenomenon descends directly.
The problem is that the main subject appointed to this task, the United Nations, has once again revealed its inadequacy, this was accompanied by a European Union still unable to adopt a structure for international relations until three months after the results European elections.
PRADA shall not be liable therefore for the eventual inadequacy of the graphic representations of PRADA products displayed on the Site owing to the above mentioned technical issues.
Although the inadequacy of the New Regulatory Standards regarding estimation of volcanic effects became evident during the review process, as Chair of the NRA Shunichi Tanaka points out, the New Regulatory Standards do not guarantee safety.
In her afterword, Xiaoyi describes that, “in contradiction to Western philosophy, Koan’s emphasize the inadequacy of language and words, and the importance of intuition over reason and logic, to transform the self.”
西洋哲学とは反対に、Koan(公案)は自己を変容させるために、言語と言葉の不十分さと理性と論理に対する直感の重要性を強調しています。 私は本作をKoan(公案)を名付けました。