


  • I implicated
  • 私が関与した
  • you implicated
  • あなたが関与した
  • he/she/it implicated
  • 彼/彼女/それが関与した
  • we implicated
  • 私たちが関与した
  • you implicated
  • あなたが関与した
  • they implicated
  • 彼らは関与した


  • I have implicated
  • 私が関与した
  • you have implicated
  • あなたが関与した
  • he/she/it has implicated
  • 彼/彼女/それが関与している
  • we have implicated
  • 私たちが関与した
  • you have implicated
  • あなたが関与した
  • they have implicated
  • 彼らは関与している


  • I will have implicated
  • 私は関与しているでしょう
  • you will have implicated
  • あなたが関与しているでしょう
  • he/she/it will have implicated
  • 彼/彼女/それは関与しているでしょう
  • we will have implicated
  • 私たちは関与しているでしょう
  • you will have implicated
  • あなたが関与しているでしょう
  • they will have implicated
  • 彼らは関与しているでしょう


  • I had implicated
  • 関与していた
  • you had implicated
  • あなたが関与していた
  • he/she/it had implicated
  • 彼/彼女/それは関与していた
  • we had implicated
  • 私たちが関与していた
  • you had implicated
  • あなたが関与していた
  • they had implicated
  • 彼らは関与していた





  • involved
  • suspected
  • guilty
  • suspicious


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
be implicated in [sth] ~に関与する、関連する、連座する、かかわる (shown to be involved in)
Many Members of Parliament are implicated in the expenses scandal.


This process has been implicated generally in neurodegenerative diseases, and the authors suggest that defective axonal transport may contribute to the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis as well.
I will likely be immediately implicated.
私が犯人だと すぐに分かるでしょう
Further analysis found that the implicated regions probably have an effect in the central nervous system.
If a faulty component is implicated, replace it.
In contrast, evolutionary theory has engendered questions regarding how distal mechanisms may be implicated with pathogenesis.
Seven other genes seem to be implicated, however.
Poor oxygenation, muscle fatigue, abnormal cortisol and catecholamine levels, and circulating cytokines are also implicated.
[14] 酸素化不良、筋疲労、コルチゾールおよびカテコールアミンの異常値、循環サイトカインもまた関与している。
Peer seven men stand it and went, some can not help but mouth implicated.
This is a much more manageable number of implicated genes to test for their relevance in asthma.
I’m thinking someone else might need to be implicated as a Cylon agent.
誰かがサイロン工作員として 関与している必要があると思ってね
Since it can block apoptosis, and thereby promote cell survival, Akt1 has been implicated as a major factor in many types of cancer.
The tape ended when the implicated man told Williams to stop recording.
They implicated actually, the Spanish government, amazingly.
驚くことに スペイン政府が関与していたというのです
Kuznetsov himself was never implicated, but many of the officers under his command were.
Some of them confessed to their crimes and implicated others.
The two men implicated on the tape are now deceased.
He didn’t want you implicated if it was found on him.
君に迷惑を かけたくないと
On the tape, the man implicated reported that he took Hartley to La Farge, Wisconsin, where she was murdered and buried.
テープ上では、男は、自分はハートリーをウィスコンシン州ラ・ファージ(La Farge)に連れ行き、そこで彼女は殺害され埋められた、と報告した。
One of the men implicated himself in the Hartley disappearance on the tape.
On 25 April Chinese authorities began to shut down and destroy the implicated factories and detain their managers.

