



【秘密厳守の場合は秘密にされます。 】意味として使われています。

The project’s all very hush-hush .
【英単語】hush-hushを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文1


I do not see any signs of it being hushhush .
We must have an end of this ” hushhush ” attitude.
However, this is all very ” hushhush ” and we may have to keep an open mind on that question.
【英単語】hush-hushを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文2
Further, is he satisfied with the hushhush policy of the water company and the local authority?
This is a very hushhush war.
In order to do that they have instituted a hushhush campaign.
【英単語】hush-hushを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文3
There is a great deal too much hushhush about this.
Do not let us have too much secrecy and hushhush .




「hush hush」の類語一覧です。順番に覚えましょう!

  • ambiguous
  • careful
  • cautious
  • circumspect
  • discreet
  • equivocal
  • evasive
  • judicious
  • neutral
  • tactful
  • vague
  • wary
  • buttoned-up
  • clammed up
  • constrained
  • even-steven
  • guarded
  • hush-hush
  • incommunicable
  • indefinite
  • middle-of-the-road
  • on-the-fence
  • politic
  • reserved
  • restrained
  • temporizing
  • tentative
  • unrevealing
  • zipped

対義語・反対語一覧を覚えることで、hush hushの単語を使いこなしましょう!

  • careless
  • certain
  • clear
  • decisive
  • definite
  • foolish
  • hasty
  • heedless
  • incautious
  • indiscreet
  • positive
  • rash
  • reckless
  • sure
  • willing

hush hushの実際の意味・ニュアンス(秘密?を理解して、正しく使いましょう!

In the past 3D printing was considered in many respects a ‘hush hush‘ technology and many companies would try to hide the fact that they were using 3D printing, particularly from perceived competitors.
In the past 3D printing was considered in many respects a ‘hush hush‘ technology and many companies would try to hide the fact that they were using 3D printing, particularly from perceived competitors.But as 3D printing has jumped into the mainstream over the last year, we now see the cloak of secrecy slipping away to reveal some very sleek 3D printers and prototypes inside those sterile rooms.
It’s very – very hush-hush.
主要なホストよ 彼があなたに任せると思ってる?
They’re being all weird and hush-hush about it.
移動する気はない 軍曹には何度も言ってるぞ
Some hush-hush deal he couldn’t tell me about… except it’s on the other side of the border.
それはスゴそうね 安全なの?
They’re being all weird and hush-hush about it.
Most notable is the new restaurant from the midcoast native Erin French, who started a hush-hush dinner club, then last fall expanded to the Lost Kitchen Main Street, Belfast; on the ground floor of the 19th-century home she shares with her boat builder husband, Todd.
最も注目すべきmidcoastネイティブエリンフランス語から新しいレストランがあります, 誰口止め-口止め夕食クラブを開始しました, その後、昨年秋には、失われた台所メインストリートに拡大しました, ベルファスト; 19世紀の家の一階に、彼女は彼女のボートビルダーの夫と共有します, トッド.
The loyalty scheme goes well beyond First Web Casino free bonus credits, but the Jackpot Factory Group is very hush-hush about exactly what its VIP players will be privy to.
With the secret phone calls in the night, ducking out in the middle of a shift, hush-hush meetings with some man in a suit.
あなただ つまり 何があったんです? 支援する事になってる
You know, just so that we, uh, understand each other, you know, keep all this hush-hush.
いいか これは秘密だ 俺達
Taking Pop Culture Seriously When I start speaking about manga, in my case I find it pretty hard to stop, and I am going to force myself to move on here to the topic of what exactly diplomacy entails. First of all, I would like you to rid yourselves of any stereotypes that diplomacy means diplomats sitting around having dry, rarefied discussions with each other and classified, hush-hush negotiations.
ポップカルチャーに本気 漫画の話をし始めますと、私の場合きりがなくなるのでここらでやめておきますが、外交というものは外交官同士、秘密の交渉をし、おしゃれな会話をして進めることだという古い固定観念は、この際きれいさっぱり捨ててください。
Of a similar age, camping with our two groups want to show strength in the congregation before the superior climbers, a fierce climb path, I and my Cubs resigned to its left, struggling to a catch, still walking up a fight on a full breath a few mouthfuls of this great days of the door it is Oh, Hush, Hush, wicked climbed Ah.
“Cigarette smoking, Hush, smoking, Hush,” a bustling 10 minutes of work, the two pots are the eradication of an empty face, donkeys were exposed fond smile.
It’s all hush-hush.
誤解の余地は無いかと 何の為に雇われていたのか
It’s very hush-hush.
男か女かも分からず- 番号で呼ばれてる
It’s all hush-hush.
サウジの王子と旅する ”お仕事”
Vaguely. It’s very hush-hush.
Hush, hush 3.
気球 2. あこがれサイダー 3.
Why did he hush up the tipoff? Kozato?
融資を受けたかった 羽根専務あたりが 担当だった古里に 頼み込んだか?
Hush up, now. Somebody’s coming.
マダム・ルーポンの旅芝居一座が 上演をさせていただきます!



【秘密厳守の場合は秘密にされます。 】意味として使われています。

The project’s all very hush-hush .
【英単語】hush-hushを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文1


I do not see any signs of it being hushhush .
We must have an end of this ” hushhush ” attitude.
However, this is all very ” hushhush ” and we may have to keep an open mind on that question.
【英単語】hush-hushを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文2
Further, is he satisfied with the hushhush policy of the water company and the local authority?
This is a very hushhush war.
In order to do that they have instituted a hushhush campaign.
【英単語】hush-hushを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文3
There is a great deal too much hushhush about this.
Do not let us have too much secrecy and hushhush .




「hush hush」の類語一覧です。順番に覚えましょう!

  • ambiguous
  • careful
  • cautious
  • circumspect
  • discreet
  • equivocal
  • evasive
  • judicious
  • neutral
  • tactful
  • vague
  • wary
  • buttoned-up
  • clammed up
  • constrained
  • even-steven
  • guarded
  • hush-hush
  • incommunicable
  • indefinite
  • middle-of-the-road
  • on-the-fence
  • politic
  • reserved
  • restrained
  • temporizing
  • tentative
  • unrevealing
  • zipped

対義語・反対語一覧を覚えることで、hush hushの単語を使いこなしましょう!

  • careless
  • certain
  • clear
  • decisive
  • definite
  • foolish
  • hasty
  • heedless
  • incautious
  • indiscreet
  • positive
  • rash
  • reckless
  • sure
  • willing

hush hushの実際の意味・ニュアンス(秘密?を理解して、正しく使いましょう!

In the past 3D printing was considered in many respects a ‘hush hush‘ technology and many companies would try to hide the fact that they were using 3D printing, particularly from perceived competitors.
In the past 3D printing was considered in many respects a ‘hush hush‘ technology and many companies would try to hide the fact that they were using 3D printing, particularly from perceived competitors.But as 3D printing has jumped into the mainstream over the last year, we now see the cloak of secrecy slipping away to reveal some very sleek 3D printers and prototypes inside those sterile rooms.
It’s very – very hush-hush.
主要なホストよ 彼があなたに任せると思ってる?
They’re being all weird and hush-hush about it.
移動する気はない 軍曹には何度も言ってるぞ
Some hush-hush deal he couldn’t tell me about… except it’s on the other side of the border.
それはスゴそうね 安全なの?
They’re being all weird and hush-hush about it.
Most notable is the new restaurant from the midcoast native Erin French, who started a hush-hush dinner club, then last fall expanded to the Lost Kitchen Main Street, Belfast; on the ground floor of the 19th-century home she shares with her boat builder husband, Todd.
最も注目すべきmidcoastネイティブエリンフランス語から新しいレストランがあります, 誰口止め-口止め夕食クラブを開始しました, その後、昨年秋には、失われた台所メインストリートに拡大しました, ベルファスト; 19世紀の家の一階に、彼女は彼女のボートビルダーの夫と共有します, トッド.
The loyalty scheme goes well beyond First Web Casino free bonus credits, but the Jackpot Factory Group is very hush-hush about exactly what its VIP players will be privy to.
With the secret phone calls in the night, ducking out in the middle of a shift, hush-hush meetings with some man in a suit.
あなただ つまり 何があったんです? 支援する事になってる
You know, just so that we, uh, understand each other, you know, keep all this hush-hush.
いいか これは秘密だ 俺達
Taking Pop Culture Seriously When I start speaking about manga, in my case I find it pretty hard to stop, and I am going to force myself to move on here to the topic of what exactly diplomacy entails. First of all, I would like you to rid yourselves of any stereotypes that diplomacy means diplomats sitting around having dry, rarefied discussions with each other and classified, hush-hush negotiations.
ポップカルチャーに本気 漫画の話をし始めますと、私の場合きりがなくなるのでここらでやめておきますが、外交というものは外交官同士、秘密の交渉をし、おしゃれな会話をして進めることだという古い固定観念は、この際きれいさっぱり捨ててください。
Of a similar age, camping with our two groups want to show strength in the congregation before the superior climbers, a fierce climb path, I and my Cubs resigned to its left, struggling to a catch, still walking up a fight on a full breath a few mouthfuls of this great days of the door it is Oh, Hush, Hush, wicked climbed Ah.
“Cigarette smoking, Hush, smoking, Hush,” a bustling 10 minutes of work, the two pots are the eradication of an empty face, donkeys were exposed fond smile.
It’s all hush-hush.
誤解の余地は無いかと 何の為に雇われていたのか
It’s very hush-hush.
男か女かも分からず- 番号で呼ばれてる
It’s all hush-hush.
サウジの王子と旅する ”お仕事”
Vaguely. It’s very hush-hush.
Hush, hush 3.
気球 2. あこがれサイダー 3.
Why did he hush up the tipoff? Kozato?
融資を受けたかった 羽根専務あたりが 担当だった古里に 頼み込んだか?
Hush up, now. Somebody’s coming.
マダム・ルーポンの旅芝居一座が 上演をさせていただきます!

