





Sitting hunched over a computer all day can cause problems.
一日中コンピュータの前に座っ いると、問題が発生する可能性があります。
He stood with his shoulders hunched and his head down.
【英単語】hunchedを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文1





  • angled
  • arced
  • arched
  • bowed
  • contorted
  • crooked
  • drooping
  • hooked
  • humped
  • inclined
  • limp
  • looped
  • round
  • rounded
  • slumped
  • stooped
  • twined
  • twisted
  • warped
  • wilted
  • arciform
  • curvilinear
  • doubled over
  • droopy
  • sinuous
  • slouchy


  • straight


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
hunched 体を丸めた (bent forwards)
John was hunched at his desk all day.
hunched 猫背の、背を曲げた (with curved shoulders) ( 姿勢など )
The only passenger on the train was hunched in his seat.


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
hunch こぶ (hump)
The old man had a big hunch that made it hard for him to look up.


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
hunched forwards 前かがみの (bent over forwards)


Many sit hunched, head down to their device.
From his hunched, put-upon shoulders to his nervous, rapid-fire delivery, Eisenberg gives us vintage Woody .
They hunched body, waving clothes, doing the most perfect and well-being of the collision.
Moving forward, to see a long 10 meters of weaving machines, a middle-aged and an elderly Tibetan women, where hunched, holding shuttle, devoting pushing back and forth.
However, we should be hunched, shoulders and upper arm with the shoulder.
I hunched my shoulder, I picked my backpack up again and I started walking.
私は肩をすくめて、再びリュックを背負い 歩き始めました
I hunched my shoulder, I got my backpack and I went on to the University of Wisconsin.
私は肩をすくめ、リュックを持って ウィスコンシン大学に行きました
We hunched through the body between the chimney, while the people feel palpitations in the body totally exposed!
He walked through the doors and saw a group of preteen boys, all hunched around the counter, giggling and nudging each other.
彼はドアを通って歩いて、プレティーンの少年たちのグループを見ました, すべてのカウンターを中心に背を丸め, くすくす笑う、お互いをナッジ.
I release the hand, the small Dolma was hunched flash, flash, continue to walk.
Greenhouse take four weeks Mojian villain and hate only the back of the adults did not own a long giraffe’s neck, shoulders hunched constantly adjust his head position, try something from the human crevices observable.
Some people walk with their shoulders hunched, but when you are walking you have to keep proper balance.
A young lacemaker, undoubtedly a member of the Delft bourgeoisie, is hunched intently over her work, deftly manipulating bobbins, pins and thread on her sewing table.
Perhaps there is little attention had been given so many wild mushrooms, we went into raptures, so attend to hurry, in the woods hunched to wear to wear to go all the way to pick a variety of mushrooms.
When a person you’re blue, and especially not externalized, Your body weakens, because its energy flow stops. This person will be seen hunched, crestfallen, little and slow movements talkative.
人あなたはブルーたら, 特に、外部化されません, あなたの体は弱く, そのエネルギーの流れが停止するため. この人は、背を丸め見られます, うなだれた, おしゃべり少しゆっくりとした動き.
In this section, many routes have been about 45 o or more uphill, people walk hunched in the above, the mood is very depressed, and my heart on the boss happy, grumbles: The next death I do not come.
このセクションでは、多くのルートが45 º以上の上り、人々は、上記のムードは非常に上司幸せな私の心臓が押されてゴロゴロ言ってますで背を丸め、徒歩約されている:私は次の死でもない。
Kazakh people will be placed at an angle a shoulder, a hand over his head, as if to tell us that in his hands raised above all else there is in the flickering light, one will be another hands together on the lower abdomen before the hunched, as if he told us that he is very tiny, very modest, very dare say or do.
The adolescent’s hunched posture, sitting on a rock gazing intently down at the tablet, is freely inspired by a famous classical statue, the Spinario or Thorn Puller (Palazzo dei Conservatori, Rome), offered by Pope Sixtus IV to the people of Rome in 1471.
On the second floor attic is short, and hunched into.
He looked at me while hunched his shoulders.





Sitting hunched over a computer all day can cause problems.
一日中コンピュータの前に座っ いると、問題が発生する可能性があります。
He stood with his shoulders hunched and his head down.
【英単語】hunchedを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文1





  • angled
  • arced
  • arched
  • bowed
  • contorted
  • crooked
  • drooping
  • hooked
  • humped
  • inclined
  • limp
  • looped
  • round
  • rounded
  • slumped
  • stooped
  • twined
  • twisted
  • warped
  • wilted
  • arciform
  • curvilinear
  • doubled over
  • droopy
  • sinuous
  • slouchy


  • straight


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
hunched 体を丸めた (bent forwards)
John was hunched at his desk all day.
hunched 猫背の、背を曲げた (with curved shoulders) ( 姿勢など )
The only passenger on the train was hunched in his seat.


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
hunch こぶ (hump)
The old man had a big hunch that made it hard for him to look up.


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
hunched forwards 前かがみの (bent over forwards)


Many sit hunched, head down to their device.
From his hunched, put-upon shoulders to his nervous, rapid-fire delivery, Eisenberg gives us vintage Woody .
They hunched body, waving clothes, doing the most perfect and well-being of the collision.
Moving forward, to see a long 10 meters of weaving machines, a middle-aged and an elderly Tibetan women, where hunched, holding shuttle, devoting pushing back and forth.
However, we should be hunched, shoulders and upper arm with the shoulder.
I hunched my shoulder, I picked my backpack up again and I started walking.
私は肩をすくめて、再びリュックを背負い 歩き始めました
I hunched my shoulder, I got my backpack and I went on to the University of Wisconsin.
私は肩をすくめ、リュックを持って ウィスコンシン大学に行きました
We hunched through the body between the chimney, while the people feel palpitations in the body totally exposed!
He walked through the doors and saw a group of preteen boys, all hunched around the counter, giggling and nudging each other.
彼はドアを通って歩いて、プレティーンの少年たちのグループを見ました, すべてのカウンターを中心に背を丸め, くすくす笑う、お互いをナッジ.
I release the hand, the small Dolma was hunched flash, flash, continue to walk.
Greenhouse take four weeks Mojian villain and hate only the back of the adults did not own a long giraffe’s neck, shoulders hunched constantly adjust his head position, try something from the human crevices observable.
Some people walk with their shoulders hunched, but when you are walking you have to keep proper balance.
A young lacemaker, undoubtedly a member of the Delft bourgeoisie, is hunched intently over her work, deftly manipulating bobbins, pins and thread on her sewing table.
Perhaps there is little attention had been given so many wild mushrooms, we went into raptures, so attend to hurry, in the woods hunched to wear to wear to go all the way to pick a variety of mushrooms.
When a person you’re blue, and especially not externalized, Your body weakens, because its energy flow stops. This person will be seen hunched, crestfallen, little and slow movements talkative.
人あなたはブルーたら, 特に、外部化されません, あなたの体は弱く, そのエネルギーの流れが停止するため. この人は、背を丸め見られます, うなだれた, おしゃべり少しゆっくりとした動き.
In this section, many routes have been about 45 o or more uphill, people walk hunched in the above, the mood is very depressed, and my heart on the boss happy, grumbles: The next death I do not come.
このセクションでは、多くのルートが45 º以上の上り、人々は、上記のムードは非常に上司幸せな私の心臓が押されてゴロゴロ言ってますで背を丸め、徒歩約されている:私は次の死でもない。
Kazakh people will be placed at an angle a shoulder, a hand over his head, as if to tell us that in his hands raised above all else there is in the flickering light, one will be another hands together on the lower abdomen before the hunched, as if he told us that he is very tiny, very modest, very dare say or do.
The adolescent’s hunched posture, sitting on a rock gazing intently down at the tablet, is freely inspired by a famous classical statue, the Spinario or Thorn Puller (Palazzo dei Conservatori, Rome), offered by Pope Sixtus IV to the people of Rome in 1471.
On the second floor attic is short, and hunched into.
He looked at me while hunched his shoulders.

