20-year-old disappearance, a monstrous hound?
20年物の失踪 怪物級のハウンド
“Mr Holmes, they were the footprints of a gigantic hound.”
The hound chases the game in the sharp olfactory sense
The hound was in full chase of the bear.
After three darts are thrown, the hound then gets a chance to try to catch the fox.
Typically, the Afghan hound is appreciated as a pet for his quiet and sensitive nature in addition to his independent personality.
The object of the “hound” is to catch the fox before he gets back to his burrow.
“It hits the ground, it goes to the hound.”
“これは、グランドヒット それは犬になる。”
After the double-18 is hit, the hound progresses counter-clockwise throwing one dart into each double in order.
ダブル- 18がヒットした後、猟犬は順序で各ダブルに1つのダーツを投げて反時計回りに進行します。
Each player has a chance to be the fox and the hound, whoever gets further around the board as the fox wins the game.
Nazhi hound appears to be very vigilant, constantly wandering around in our front, somehow all of a sudden flash gone, wait for it to happen again when the feet and a bloodstained, the wizard that may have been what the bite bar!
You – you’re going to be bigger than the hound, but much better looking.
ハウンドよりも大きくなったな ただし奴らよりよい身なりだけどな
The out-of-bounds, but legal, Big Tesuque run is a powder hound‘s delight that ends on a luge-like forested trail leading to the access road.
アウト・オブ・バウンド、しかし合法的な、Big Tesuqueの走りは、アクセス道路につながる林のような森林のトレイルで終わるパウダー・ハウンドの喜びです。
One day, this bombshell Iris walked onto the lot with Biff, a great dane Russian wolf hound cross.
ある日 アイリスって カワイコちゃんが ビフって名の 犬を連れて ムスタングを 買いに来た
As a bounty hound, you get paid to explore hostile planets and kill aliens, rescue human survivors, and essentially clear the universe of all alien life for the sake of human progress.
There is a hound there, there is.
At work, the smell of kerosene hangs over Montag’s colleagues, who smoke and set their mechanical hound after rats to pass the time.
職場では 灯油の匂いが染みついた同僚たちが タバコをくゆらし ロボット犬に ネズミ狩りをさせて遊んでいます
Perhaps, it was chased by the hound accompanying the dromedaries, and was brought down by a rifle.
In fox hunt rules, wherever the fox was when the round ended is remembered or marked on the scoreboard and the roles of the fox and hound are reversed.
In autumn, the duckling who continues to travel alone asks a goose to let him join his flock.While they are talking, they see a hunter fire a gun and barely escape the hound.