「hiv positive」の類語一覧です。順番に覚えましょう!
hiv positiveの実際の意味・ニュアンス(HIV陽性?エイズに感染している?HIVポジティブ?を理解して、正しく使いましょう!
Through Linkages, hundreds of HIV positive individuals were able to access treatment.
One third of the people I rescue are HIV positive.
救出した犠牲者の3分の1は HIV陽性です
It is also promising that this candidate can potentially be used for infants, including those who are HIV positive.
The nurse said to me, “Why should you people bcome pregnant when you know you are HIV positive?
看護師はHIV陽性だと知っているのに なぜ妊娠なんかするの?
They are to stay alive, to earn a living, to not become HIV positive.
生き延びて生活費を稼いだり HIV陽性にならないようにすることです
Gabatswane is concerned about visiting the government clinic for treatment where she fears she will face stigma and discrimination for being HIV positive.
HIV陽性ということで汚名(スティグマ)と差別を受ける恐れがあるからです。 (政府のクリニックへ)行くのが恐いです。
Since the Linkages programme ended he has had to transfer his HIV positive peers from BOFWA to a new clinic and worries some of them will not continue treatment.
This young girl and her friend that I met in an orphanage in Delhi were HIV positive from a syringe.
この少女と友達には デリーの孤児院で会いました 彼らは注射器からHIV陽性になりました
Apart from this, it can also be used to treat HIV positive patients, and to prevent anthrax in those who have been exposed to anthrax germs.
Her husband and daughter are both HIV positive and have multidrug-resistant tuberculosis.
In the United States intravenous drug users made up 12% of all new cases of HIV, and in some areas more than 80% of people who inject drugs are HIV positive.
米国内では、 静脈薬の使用者達は、すべての新たなHIVの患者の12%を構成し、いくつかの地域では、 薬物を注射する人々の80%がHIV陽性です。
Employers also sometimes “resell,” or threaten to resell, troublesome women or women found to be HIV positive, thereby increasing the victims’ debts and often leading to even worse working conditions.
雇用主は、扱いにくい女性やHIV陽性と判明した女性を転売したり、転売すると脅しすこともありますが、それによって被害者の借金が増え、労働条件が さらに悪化することも多くなっています。
It may also be given to HIV positive patients to prevent infection from Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex disease.
それはまた、マイコバクテリウム・アビウム - イントラセルレア複合病からのHIV陽性患者にも与えられ得る。
People on dialysis People who have had close contact with someone infected with hepatitis C Workers at the care of people infected Users current or former injecting drug People with abnormal liver tests People who are HIV positive Hepatitis C – Treatment Two medicines are used to treat hepatitis C: interferon and ribavirin.
透析の人々 C型肝炎に感染した人との親密な接触を持っていた人々 医療従事者は、感染にさらされる 現在または過去の薬物注射のユーザー 異常な肝機能検査を持つ人々 HIV陽性の人々 C型肝炎 - 治療 C型肝炎を治療するために使用される2つの薬:インターフェロンとリバビリン。
The G8 supports ongoing work to review travel restrictions for HIV positive people with a view to facilitating travel and we are committed to follow this issue.
They gave the example of Gianni Versace’s medical condition, as Orth claims that Versace was HIV positive at the time of his death.
The effort to change the policy, particularly in HIV field… Our commitment that has been scratched on the paper… Frequently do not translate into real protection for HIV positive people.
Roger and Mimi reveal they are falling for each other, and reveal they are HIV positive (“I Should Tell You”).
ロジャーとミミは互いにHIV陽性であることを明かし、恋に落ちる(”I Should Tell You”)。
The government clinic is also very busy, as after the mine closed HIV positive workers were transferred from the mine clinic to the government clinic, putting a strain on staff there.
With sustained action for 3-5 years, this would enable a very significant reduction of the current burden with the elimination of some of these diseases. (g) We support ongoing work to review travel restrictions for HIV positive people with a view to facilitating travel and we are committed to follow this issue.
3年から5年の間行動を継続することで、現在の負担を大幅に削減することができ、いくつかの疾病の征圧につながるであろう。 (g)我々は、移動を円滑にすることを目的とした、HIV陽性者の移動制限措置を見直すために現在行われている取組を支持し、この問題を引き続き扱うことにコミットしている。