






If the sight of it and similar hieroglyphics offends your eye, then this is not the book for you.
それと同様の 象形文字 を見ると目が悪くなるなら、これはあなたのための本ではありません.
Visually, a somewhat similar vertical and horizontal hierarchy and appreciation of dynamics is applied to the hieroglyphics .
視覚的には、垂直方向と水平方向のヒエラルキーと幾分類似したダイナミクスの評価が 象形文字 に適用されます。
Meaning is ‘read’ much like hieroglyphics , a visual code whose impression masks something hidden, something waiting to be revealed.
意味は ヒエログリフ のように「読む」ことであり、その印象が隠された何かを隠し、明らかにされるのを待っている視覚的なコードです.
【英単語】hieroglyphicsを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文1
The numbers, then, seemed to ratify astronomical content within the inscriptions; so did a partial understanding of the hieroglyphics .
したがって、数字は碑文内の天文学的な内容を承認しているように見えました。 象形文字 の部分的な理解もそうでした。
The hieroglyphics show patterns similar to those found in the figures.
象形文字 は、図に見られるものと同様のパターンを示しています。
Translation of individual hieroglyphics did not lead to an understanding of the language.
個々の 象形文字 の翻訳は、言語の理解にはつながりませんでした。
【英単語】hieroglyphicsを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文2
His rich collection of manuscripts indicates that over the course of centuries there were individual learned scholars deeply curious about hieroglyphics .
彼の豊富な写本のコレクションは、何世紀にもわたって、 象形文字 に深く興味を持っていた個々の学者がいたことを示しています。
She was peering at the hieroglyphics printed on the cellophane wrappings.
彼女はセロファンの包装に印刷された ヒエログリフ をじっと見つめていました。
You reach the point when you have hieroglyphics in front of you which you cannot read, and no one else can read them.
目の前に自分には読めない 象形文字 があり、他の誰もそれを読むことができないという点に到達します。
【英単語】hieroglyphicsを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文3
Now these leaflets are abundantly supplied with hieroglyphics of a kind, but they are not hieroglyphics which make it very easy to identify them.
現在、これらのリーフレットには一種の 象形文字 が豊富に含まれていますが、それらを簡単に識別できる 象形文字 ではありません。





  • calligraphy
  • longhand
  • manuscript
  • scrawl
  • script
  • writing
  • chirography
  • hand
  • mark
  • scratching
  • scribble
  • style
  • autography
  • chicken scratch
  • ductus
  • griffonage
  • manuscription
  • pencraft
  • penscript
  • scription
  • scrivenery
  • scrivening


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
象形文字の (of Egyptian picture-writing)
The archaeologists discovered some hieroglyphic carvings deep within the ruins.
hieroglyphics 象形文字 (Egyptian picture-writing)
The professor is an expert at deciphering the hieroglyphics.
hieroglyphics 判読しにくい文字 figurative (undecipherable handwriting)
I can never read this doctor’s hieroglyphics.


The hieroglyphics said that she murdered her father.
象形文字によると彼女が自分の 父親を殺害したようです
Beeswax candle, hieroglyphics and residual ash.
蜜蝋ロウソクに 象形文字と残留する灰
In the movie, an explorer reads the hieroglyphics carved into the wall.
Never before heard of in ancient Egyptian history, King Seneb kay’s name was found inscribed in hieroglyphics written inside a royal cartouche – an oval with a horizontal line at one end signalling a royal name.
古代エジプトの歴史で決して前に聞いたことが, ロイヤル cartouche 内に書かれ象形文字が刻まれて王 Seneb ケイ名が見つかりました - ロイヤル名シグナル伝達 1 つの終わりには水平線の楕円.
In order to solve the mysteries of the pharaohs, the player must match colored hieroglyphics blocks in groups of three.
She says that they’re almost like hieroglyphics.
Today, we can write a word such as TED in Egyptian hieroglyphics and in cuneiform script, because both of these were deciphered in the 19th century.
今のところ 我々は TEDという言葉を エジプト象形文字や くさび文字で表すことができます これは両文字が 19世紀に解読されたからです
Such a culture, especially the Dongba hieroglyphs, is still in use to date the oldest hieroglyphics of the.
Another compilation, “Mody some hieroglyphics dictionary” and “Mody those objectives English language dictionary.”
もう1つのコンパイル モディいくつかの象形文字 と モディそれらの目標を辞書英語の辞書です。
You know, I have a theory that hieroglyphics are really an ancient comic strip about a character named Sphinxy.
僕は、象形文字って言うのは、 スフィンクシーと言う名の主人公が出てくる 漫画だって言う理論を持ってるんだ。
The ancient Dongba ancient Chinese text, and we particularly like is a kind of hieroglyphics, so write it as like a painting.
Here is the place where the Naxi people gathered at temples and murals can be seen everywhere on the world’s only still using the hieroglyphics, you can also hear the spread of the Naxi ancient music for thousands of years.
In Lijiang, we prove that most of the crafts, is probably the Dongba engraved wood plate, and these mysterious ancient, yet vibrant hieroglyphics, representing an ancient nation’s past, present and future.
Lijiang is the center of Naxi culture, but also Han, Tibetan, Bai and many other arts and culture interchange in order to hieroglyphics, “Dongba scriptures” Dongba painting and music and dance composition of Dongba Dongba culture, more rare treasures.
The spaceship is named after the Rosetta Stone, an inscribed piece of volcanic rock found in Egypt in 1799 that allowed scientists to decipher hieroglyphics and thus understand the ancient Egyptian culture.
宇宙船は、科学者達に象形文字を解読して、それによって古代エジプト文化を理解するのを可能にさせた、1799年に見つけられた火山岩の銘刻でされた破片である、 ロゼッタ石にちなんで名づけられました。
The artifacts included a Gold disc with lettering in an unknown language, not a surprise per the Zetas as the Annunaki used Gold in their Arc of the Covenant which was likewise a communication device, and the printed language of the Annunaki was not synonymous with Egyptian hieroglyphics.
人工物は、未知の言語の文字のある黄金の円盤を含み、ゼータ達によると、同様に通信装置であった契約の棺に黄金をアヌンナキが使い、 アヌンナキの印刷された言語がエジプトの象形文字と同義語ではなかったので、驚くべきことではありません。
“Dongba” is the Naxi “the most intelligent person” refers to the ancestors of the Naxi intellectuals, almost Jina Naxi ancient astronomy, geography, history, philosophy, myth, art and technology, all the contents of known as the world’s only preserved the “living hieroglyphics.”
Cruz creates colorful paintings overflowing with a sense of speed, revealing inspirations from cave paintings and alchemy, hieroglyphics, and the chaotic crowds of Manila, Philippines, his birthplace.He also creates extreme installations comprising of a huge number of sculptures that cover entire walls and floors up to the ceiling.
Eventually, scientists Heinrich Brugsch and Richard Burton (that’s not the one who played Mark Antony in the movie “Cleopatra”) discovered that the mysterious writings were not, as originally assumed, hieroglyphics, but ancient Etruscan.
Chinese characters are hieroglyphics, each word has its own meaning, which is not the same as the English need multiple letters to form a word.The combination of Chinese is like a dot- shaped composition, the western language is linear, the point and line composed of the word game is similar to the rhyme of poetry, forming an interesting system.

