Have got toとhave toの違い・使い分けとは?知るべき英文法
同じ have to 意味する必要 Have got to あります。 Have got to はより非公式です。ここまで have (got) to を使って 両方の動詞を参照してください。
Have got to および have to : フォーム
Have (got) to は主動詞の前に来る:
You have to try these cakes. They are so good.
You ‘ve got to press very hard on the doorbell.
Have (got) to の後に法助動詞を続けることはできません:
We ‘ve to take the car to the garage this morning.
Not: We’ve to must take the car to the garage this morning 。
Have (got) to は、主動詞と動詞の補語が明らかな場合にのみ単独で使用されます。
A:Does he は do exams this year? を受け have to ませんか。
B:Yes, he has (got) to 。
have to の否定形は、 do not 、 does not doesn’t did not didn’t don’t 、 doesnt 、 did’t を使用して形成されます。
We don’t have to pay for the food.
have got to の否定形は have の後に not をつけて作ります。 don’t 、 doesn’t 、 did’t は使用しませ didn’t 。
We haven’t got to pay for the food.
注: We don’t have got to pay for the food 。
Do, does, did は、主語の前に使用して、 have to で質問を形成します。
Do we have to take our shoes off?
件名 と have の位置を変えて質問を形成 have got to :
Have we got to take our shoes off?
Have got to と have to : 意味
Have (got) to は 慣れている スピーカーの外から来る義務を参照してください。
You ‘ve got to drive more slowly! We’re in a 30-mile-an-hour zone.
I’ ve got to pay extra rent now because my friend has left the apartment.
義務について話すとき、 have got to は have to よりも一般的です。
A:Let’s clean this kitchen up 。
B:‘ve just got to try to clean it a bit more We
A:Yes, at least once a week, it needs a good clean 。
Have (got) to は、推論を行ったり、結論を導き出すために使用できます。この意味では、 Have (got) to は must よりも一般的ではありません。
You have so much work and you’re not feeling well. This has got to be a tough time for you. (あなたは仕事が忙しくて体調が優れないので、今のあなたの生活は大変だと思います。)
A:Alan has just left his job in the bank です。
B:Why? There ‘s got to be a reason です。
A:Nobody seems to know why です。
A:The robbers cut a hole in the ceiling directly above the safe 。
B:That’s amazing. They have known where the safe was ‘ve got to
Have got to と have to : 時制
Have got to は現在しか使えません。 Have to な形で使用できる必要があります。
I ‘ve got to study for the exam.
Not: I’d got to study for the exam ませんでした。そうしない I’ll have got to study for the exam 。
I have to study for the exam.
I had to study for the exam.
I ‘ll have to study for the exam.
She has to call her parents by ten o’clock.
She ‘d had to call her parents by ten o’clock.
She ‘ll have to call her parents by ten o’clock.
いつ 将来の義務と計画がすでに合意されている場合は、 will have to よりも have (got) to の現在時制が優先されます。
Jane ‘s got to be at the doctor’s by three o’clock.
I have to pick up my daughter at school at four o’clock.