Have gotとhaveの使い分けとは?絶対知るべき英文法
Have got と have 意味は同じです。 Have got はより非公式です。 have (got ) を使用します ここで両方の動詞を参照します。
I ‘ve got a terrible pain in my back.
I have a terrible pain in my back. (より正式な)
They haven’t got a car.
They don’t have a car. (より正式な)
have ( got ) は、所有、関係、特徴、病気について話すときに使います。これらのコンテキストでは、連続形では使用されません。
She’ s got two cats and a dog.
She has two cats and a dog.
Not: She is having got two cats and a dog ます。
Have you got a drill?
Do you have a drill? (より正式な)
How many brothers have you got ?
How many brothers do you have ? (より正式な)
She’ s got a new boyfriend.
She has a new boyfriend. (より正式な)
She’ s got a delightful voice.
She has a delightful voice. (より正式な)
It’ s got 153 calories and 45g of carbohydrates.
It has 153 calories and 45g of carbohydrates. (より正式な)
I have the measles に had た never がありません。
She’ s got a headache.
ない: She is having a headache .