a glimmer of happiness, hope, etc.【a small sign of something good】意味として使われています。
You’ll glimmer on thousands of screens around the globe.
世界中のスクリーンで お前は光り輝くだろう
But I know now that was a false glimmer.
しかし今はわかる それは間違ったかすかな光だったと
Lamb and yogurt, and finally what I think dim glimmer of light-colored Tim Xining snacks.
Just a week, celebrity gathering, glimmer, to attract tourists inside and outside 20 Yu Wanguo.
The Japanese are a people who view, and will continue to view, the two letters “UN” as having a certain glimmer.
Their profound form changes depending on where you stand as the repeatedly overlapping geometric weaves give off their mysterious glimmer… and it is all created from a formula using only two variables.
This process coats the steel with an extremely thin layer of magnetite (Fe3O4); the cornflower blue glimmer is due to interference phenomena.
Don’t you try to glimmer me. Amy warned me about that.
息子さんは大丈夫さ 俺を見れば わかるだろ
Looking at Shakeel’s work sparked an idea to add even more glimmer and glitter.
All the way winds in the mountains, alpine green original, fresh vision, air Relax, but not been able to erase the minds of those faint glimmer of depression.
Along the rugged Hill Road, go forward to a “glimmer“, Cijing Once-called “thin strip of sky.”
険しい丘路に沿って進む かすか に、一度Cijing行く- 空の薄いストリップと呼ばれる。
Most do it in three to five days; their nights are spent sleeping on ledges or tethered into hammocks (watch for the glimmer of their headlamps as they get ready to tuck in for the night).
That settled the science behind the one-eyed sheep, but Beachy and his team caught the glimmer of another more beneficial connection.
羊が単眼症を生じる理由を 研究者たちはそう結論しました でも ビーチーのチームは 別の有効利用につながる 一筋の道を見つけました
Riding up on the elevator leading directly to the hotel is almost like being in the skies, while the spacious lobby with a typically Nagoya-like golden glimmer and sense of liberation releases guests from the mundane.
In front of a towering limestone peaks at the Lion Rock (caress the phrase mother and daughter cell Kamiyama), foot of the mountains suffused with little glimmer of the plane, that is extremely clear, and blue of the lake.
獅子岩にそびえる石灰岩の山の目の前では()、は、非常にはっきりしていると湖の青い山々は飛行機のほとんど望みのことでいっぱいの足の娘細胞は、神山の 母フレーズを愛撫する。
MIDSUMMER AT GILLIAM COURT flowing stream under the leaf shade in the phlox garden at noon preoccupied bees at dusk a lone faraway katydid at steepest dark glimmer of fireflies over the water BACK NEXT
ギリアム宮殿の盛夏 木陰の下を 流れる川 正午、フロックスの庭の うわの空のミツバチたち 夕暮れどき ポツンと 遠くはなれたキリギリス まっ暗闇のなか 水の上の ホタルのほのかな光 戻る 次へ
And you can also see other features like oxygen and nitrogen in that white glimmer in the circle showing you the auroras and also some wisps around the tropics.
酸素や窒素の他の気体は 白くキラキラと極圏に オーロラの環になり 熱帯地方付近にも所々現れています
She drives the gravel road to the main road, turns left, down the hill from where the distant glimmer of the sea can be seen, past a small, wild landfill and a zucchini field, 270 yards, to a red-rimmed sign, on which a hedgehog asks the driver not to flatten his equals.
As Victor worked on this project and created the scripts, he was also learning about the process of design, how to start with the glimmer of an idea and turn it into a fully-fledged, functioning project like you see here.
ビクターがこのプロジェクトに取り組み スクリプトを作っていたとき 彼はデザインのプロセスも 学んでいました ぼんやりした アイディアのから始めて ご覧いただいたように それを本格的な 実際に機能する プロジェクトにする方法です
To leave the “glimmer” of a detour through the “singing in antiphonal style Walk” went to a “hanging valley on the shelf,” This is leading to the “figurehead concept of day” to pass.