gleeの実際の意味・ニュアンス(グリー?歓喜?Glee?開け 歓声?)を理解して、正しく使いましょう!
In his grammar school glee club, he became an instrumentalist and singer.
I’m a member of the glee club.
The specter of Mad Max gangs, descending with ruthless glee upon their victims emerges.
Apparent features of glee and ecstasy dominated all his family members, yet unfortunately, they discovered the bitter fact: Hani was born blind!
Glee is an American musical comedy-drama television series that has aired on Fox since May 19, 2009.
Gleeは2009年5月19日からフォックスで放送されているアメリカのミュージカル コメディドラマシリーズ。
Under the original title, the song was recorded around June 1911 by the Crowel Glee Club, and released by Columbia Records.
この曲は、原曲の曲名で、1911年6月にクロウエル・グリー・クラブ (the Crowel Glee Club) によって録音され、コロムビア・レコードからリリースされた。
The Scarecrow, as you must know, weighs almost nothing, and the people shouted with glee, for they thought him a dummy man and part of the performance.
What could you do that would make Him smile with delight and glee? You already know the answer if you are a wise-hearted, discerning son or daughter.
父親を歓喜で微笑ますにはあなたは何が出来るでしょうか? もしあなたが賢い、知恵ある心を持った判別のある息子あるいは娘であれば、すでに分かっていることでしょう。
Emphasizing that “they were more southern than the Democrats,” the party grew within the South by going “after the abolition issue with unabashed vigor and glee.”
Until 2004, the songs in the CD had been the unaccompanied male chorus version sung by the glee club of the University, but since 2005, it has been the a cappella arrangement consisting of five mixed voices and vocal percussions.
While it was recorded by the glee club of Doshisha University, a men’s chorus group, without any background music until 2004, it was recorded as mixed chorus arrangement of five people in chapel with vocal percussion from 2005, and it was also recorded in an orchestra version with the Doshisha symphony orchestra.
Corporate Information The new social game”good-looking-man TV@ON AIR” starts. – ベクター IR・会社情報 Vector Inc. (head office: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, CEO: Nobuhiro Kajinami), starts the service of its mobile title, “Good-looking-man TV@ON AIR!!”, which is the dating simulation game for women, at “GREE” which glee (head office: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, CEO: Yoshikazu Tanaka) manages.
新作ソーシャルゲームイケメンTV@ON AIR!!に関するお知らせ - ベクター IR・会社情報 株式会社ベクター(本社:東京都新宿区、代表取締役社長:梶並伸博)は、グリー株式会社(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役社長:田中良和)が運営するソーシャル・ネットワーキング・サービス(SNS)GREEにおいて、本日より、女性向け恋愛シミュレーションゲームイケメンTV@ON AIR!!の提供を開始いたしました。
The curse of “Glee” seems to continue.
In casting Glee, series creator Ryan Murphy sought out actors who could identify with the rush of starring in theatrical roles..
鋳造グリーで, シリーズの作成者ライアン・マーフィーは、演劇の役割で主演のラッシュで識別することができる俳優を探し出し..
The former star of Glee was found dead, a TV series in which he played the role of Noah “Puck” Puckerman.
He was an active member of the Worcester Glee club, along with his father, and he accompanied singers, played the violin, composed and arranged works, and conducted for the first time.
The stars of successful high-school TV show ‘Glee‘, who have graduated to the next level of stardom with posing for GQ, are finding it hard to answer.
次のレベルに卒業して成功した高校のテレビ番組”グリー“のスター、 GQのポーズでスターの座は、それが難しい答えて見つけている。
Her first role in a Broadway musical was in the 1996 revival of The King and I..In 2009, Ushkowitz landed the role of Tina Cohen-Chang on Fox’s musical high school show Glee.
ブロードウェイミュージカルの彼女の最初の役割はにありました 1996 王様と私の復活.. で 2009, Ushkowitzは、フォックスの音楽高校ショーグリーにティナ・コーエン=チャンの役割を上陸させました.
He stated: I went from Nip/Tuck to Glee, so it made sense that I wanted to do something challenging and dark.
She is known for her performances in Broadway musicals and for her role as Tina Cohen-Chang on Glee..