From です 前置詞。
from を使用して、何かが始まる時間または時点を示します。
Tickets for the concert are on sale from Monday.
The finals take place from 1.30 pm on Sunday.
from を使用して、数値や価格など、物事が始まるレベルを示します。
Prices start from £366 per week for a property that sleeps four, including a return ferry crossing.
from を使用して、他の場所との距離について話します。
The Metro station is nearby and we are only five minutes from the motorway.
from を使用して、誰かまたは何かが開始または発生する場所を参照します。
Bernie comes from Manchester.
We get our vegetables from the farm shop. They’re really fresh.
Would you get me a knife from that drawer?
from を使用して、物を作るために材料や材料を使用する方法について話します。
Camembert is also made from unpasteurised milk, like Brie.
Brooms used to be made from twigs.
From … to
from … to を使用して、さまざまなものの範囲について説明します。
Prices range from £405 to £425, depending on the size of the room, and include breakfast and dinner.
Sir Edward Youde was the Governor of Hong Kong from 1982 to 1985.
The river flows from east to west.
There were six Miller children, ranging in age from nineteen to seven.
from … to を使用して、誰かまたは何かの状態の変化について話します。
He’s moved from Wimbledon to Leeds.
A small cloud of smoke rose from the glass and the colour of the liquid changed from red to purple, and from purple to a watery green.