【軽薄な活動または目的は、有用または深刻ではなく、ばかげているまたは重要ではない 】意味として使われています。
- foolish
- idiotic
- impractical
- petty
- pointless
- senseless
- barmy
- childish
- dizzy
- empty-headed
- facetious
- featherbrained
- flighty
- flip
- flippant
- gay
- giddy
- harebrained
- idle
- ill-considered
- juvenile
- light
- light-minded
- minor
- niggling
- nonserious
- not serious
- paltry
- peripheral
- playful
- puerile
- scatterbrained
- shallow
- sportive
- superficial
- tongue-in-cheek
- unimportant
- unprofound
- volatile
- whimsical
英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
frivolous | 軽率な、うわついた、浅はかな | (speech, action: lighthearted) ( 言動が ) |
Daniel’s frivolous remarks upset his mother. | ||
ダニエルの軽率な発言に母親は動揺した。 | ||
frivolous | ばかな、愚かな | (person: silly) ( 人 ) |
Arthur is a frivolous sort who loves games and jokes. | ||
アーサーは、ゲームとジョークが大好きな軽薄なタイプです。 | ||
frivolous | 取るに足りない、くだらない | pejorative (trivial, worthless) |
ばかげた、つまらない | ||
Don’t bother me with your frivolous problems! | ||
あなたの些細な問題で私を悩ませないでください! |
A frivolous lawsuit doesn’t qualify as extenuating circumstances.
軽薄な訴訟は資格がない 酌量すべき事情として
The revealed collateral responses were regarded as expected, frivolous.
It’s so fun, it might almost seen a little frivolous, especially at a time where we’re being confronted with some pretty depressing headlines.
あまりに楽しくて ちょっと軽薄に見えるくらいで 暗いニュースばかり 目にする時には特にそうです
Rie refuses to accept such a frivolous idea, but Taeko leaves to go to the boy.
When his frivolous fantasy turns into a nightmare he discovers a different world behind the facade of the supermarket.
The walls were long ago a place full of robust sailors, merchants and royal frivolous women.
It is not only keeping varma and snug, but also its materials are frivolous, so when you do exercise you will not feel heavy and cold.
“This case is an important step in defending free speech by helping protect small publishers and ISPs from frivolous legal threats by large corporations.”
この場合助力によって大きい株式会社によって軽薄な法的脅威から行う言論の自由の防御の重要なステップ保護する小さい出版業者およびISPs を。
Now recall the young and frivolous, the total was a bit scared.
Whether stunning girls in frivolous poses, grandiose tuned cars or stylish graphics – with the free tool, everyone can find the right wallpaper in perfect size and sharp resolution.
軽薄なポーズ、壮大なチューニング車やスタイリッシュなグラフィックスで素晴らしい女の子かどうか - 無料のツールで、誰もが完璧なサイズとシャープな解像度で右の壁紙を見つけることができます。
Warning 1: There are many transport companies that are frivolous and outrageous charge for taxi fares and transfers.
警告 1: タクシー運賃と転送の軽薄な法外な料金が多くの輸送会社があります。
More than once it’s been suggested that my efforts to Put Old on Hold are frivolous, vain and ultimately futile.? Why spend all that money on vitamins, supplements and anti-aging therapies? everybody gets old sooner or later.
古い保留にするための私の努力は軽薄、無駄最終的に役に立たないことが提案されたら多くより。 ?Why ビタミン、補足および反老化療法のお金すべてを使いなさいか。 皆は古くそのうちになる。
A look at life on Mars, anti-matter, plain old gravity and other cosmic phenomena from our favorite frivolous essayist, Gary Greenberg.
The mountains after the rain the air with a sweet flesh frivolous total let me up, soul, calm down.
If the beam Changhe Town is a beautiful innocent village girl, then is also a village of Lijiang has been put on the girl’s qipao, painted on the heavy makeup, somewhat frivolous.
He turned around and asked me when I noticed his face, should be more than 30-year-old man, looks very decent and sincere, not like a frivolous person.
His practice vacillates between the high-minded and the frivolous, the social and the personal, the transparent and the esoteric.
This can only be just our imagination of life determine our comfort all, time has already young and frivolous, that we have no raw edges and corners.
Daikon turned out to be not at all frivolous, but on the contrary, a very grateful culture: he feels fine on the vacated beds, grows quickly, the germination rate is friendly, the keeping quality is good.
There is an anecdote about him in which he was ridiculed by KOSHIKIBU no Naishi for being a little frivolous.