「forward thinking」の意味(noun)
参考:「forward thinking」の例文一覧
読み方は【ˌfɔː.wəd ˈθɪŋ.kɪŋ】です。下記動画を聞きながらˌfɔː.wəd ˈθɪŋ.kɪŋを大声で発音しましょう
「forward thinking」の類語一覧です。順番に覚えましょう!
対義語・反対語一覧を覚えることで、forward thinkingの単語を使いこなしましょう!
英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
forward-thinking | 先進的な、前衛的な | (progressive, enlightened) |
forward thinkingの実際の意味・ニュアンス(前向きな?前向きに考える?将来に向かっての計画?将来計画?)を理解して、正しく使いましょう!
It portrays our global philosophy of forward thinking and continuous cost optimization.
Expert craftsmanship, quality materials (such as sapphire crystal watches), and forward thinking.
優れたクラフツマンシップ、高品質な素材(サファイア ガラス ウォッチなど)、進歩的な考え方。
And we are aware that the tide is not with forward thinking.
慎重に困難を 乗り越えねばなりません
Others, probably a minority, are proactive, forward thinking people.
他人, おそらく少数派, 積極的である, 前方の人を考えて.
There are a lot of forward thinking tips such as no ironing for husband’s shirts.
It’s also trendy, and forward thinking.
It was this period of innovation that cemented the idea that Japanese products were synonymous with quality and forward thinking ideas.
To quote our Marketing Manager, A.J. Almeda, I feel like part of a family where free and forward thinking is highly encouraged.
Also, since the United States is filled with cheerful, forward thinking, adventurous people, living here suits my personality very well.
Going forward, we will boldly take on forward thinking approaches that are one step ahead of the times to remain a financial group trusted by our stakeholders.
Use this slide to prove the point of our evolution – and forward thinking mindset – to continue to meet customer demands in the changing global market.
Now this mentality includes staying in a forward thinking state of mind.
このようなメンタリティーは 前向きな精神でいることも含みます
The scale and complexity of forward thinking and commitment required to mitigate this problem is unprecedented.
We’ve used everything that is just really exciting, unique, diverse and forward thinking music.
So, already by starting on this base even from a student in the learning mode, we falls on something that is very forward thinking which was going in the opposite direction of the classical CGA standards.
, それは何を非常に楽しみにして古典の CGA による強行採決さを考えているにあたる.
Which companies immediately come to mind when you think of precision, perfection and technological achievement? Logos like Jaguar, Mercedes, or BMW convey enough inherent sense of forward thinking that they can appear as the only element on a billboard.
精密、完全さおよび科学技術の達成について考えるときどの会社がすぐ気にすることを来るか。 ロゴはJaguar 、Mercedes を好み、またはBMW は前方の十分な固有の感覚を掲示板の要素だけとして現われることができると考える運び。
My bike seemed to enjoy it; I can sense the fully energized forward thinking attitude from it somehow.
私の好きな八重桜です。 うちの相棒も自転車の身ながら相当嬉しかったらしく、自分だけやたらと前向きな姿勢を見せてくれていました。
The beauty and delicate eroticism of this distinctly Japanese world have earned her considerable acclaim from designers and forward thinking museum curators.
His expertise and forward thinking ensures Japanese customers will be at the forefront of innovation when it comes to video.
Companies still in this space are in a very dangerous position competitively, as they are going to be left behind by more forward thinking companies.