so, right, okayの違い・使い分けについて詳しく説明
談話マーカー anyway, right, okay, as I say, to begin with ような単語またはフレーズです。私たちはそれらを使用して、私たちが言ったり書いたりすることを接続、整理、管理したり、態度を表現したりします。
A:という So で I’ve decided I’m going to go to the bank and ask for a car loan 。
B:That sounds like a good idea 。
子:Well 、 you need a car 。
B:Right 。
A:Anyway 、 I was wondering if either of you would teach me how to drive 。
この抜粋の談話マーカーには多くの用途があります。つまり、会話の新しい部分の始まり so 示します。
焦点の変化を well 表しています (車のローンを組むことから車が必要になることへ)。
right は応答を示します (B は C に同意します)。
anyway 、トピックの変化を示しています (新しい車を購入することから運転のレッスンを受けることへ)。
anyway |
like |
right |
you know |
fine |
now |
so |
I mean |
good |
oh |
well |
as I say |
great |
okay |
mind you |
for a start |
firstly |
in addition |
moreover |
on the other hand |
secondly |
in conclusion |
on the one hand |
to begin with |
thirdly |
in sum |
談話マーカーには、辞書にあるような意味が常にあるとは限りません。ただし、それらには特定の機能があり、 well などの一部の談話マーカーには多くの機能があります。
A:Right 、 let’s get started. We need to get the suitcases into the car ます。
B:Okay た。 I’ll do that. Katie, will you help me?
Now , we have with us in the studio today someone you will all know from television. John Rice, welcome to the show.
A:So we’ll see you Sunday, Liz 。
B:Right 、 okay Mum 。
A:Okay 、また see you then, love 。
B:Bye, Mum. Thanks for calling ます。
A:Bye, Liz 。
A:Anyway 、 is that it? Has anyone got any questions?
B:No. I think we’re done 。
A:Right fine, thanks everyone for coming. We’ll circulate the documents tomorrow and make some follow-up calls about the project 。
A:We went to town to buy wallpaper to match the carpet 。
B:Did you try Keanes? They have a sale ます。
A:We looked there, but Jim said he thought it was too expensive and he didn’t like any of their designs .
B:What does he like?
A:He likes geometric shapes. He hates flowers です。 Anyway 、 we eventually found some that we both liked and when we went to pay for it, we realised that neither of us had brought any money 。 ( Anyway 、壁紙を購入するというメイントピックに戻ります。)
and |
in general |
second |
to sum up |
and then |
in the end |
* secondly |
what’s more |
first (of all ) |
last of all |
so |
well |
* firstly |
next |
lastly |
a … b |
for a start |
on top of that |
third(ly ) |
firstly と secondly は、first と second よりもフォーマルです。
A:I think Sheila might be having some financial problems at the moment 。
B:I don’t think so, Caroline 。 For a start 、 she has all the money that her aunt gave her. What’s more, she has a good job and she seems to have a good lifestyle です。
Firstly , we are going to look at how to write an essay. Secondly we are going to look at what makes a good essay and what makes a bad one. Lastly , we’re going to do some writing activities.
アルファベットの文字 ( a, b 、および c ) を使用して、何かの理由または引数をリストできます。
There are two reasons why I think it’s a bad idea, a because it’ll cost too much money, and b because it’ll take such a long time.
話している間、私たちは自分が何を言っているのか、聞き手が聞いたことにどのように反応しているかを監視 (または聞き取り) します。私たちは、聞き手の反応に応じて、自分の言うことを言い換えたり変えたりすることがよくあります。私たちは次のような単語やフレーズも使用します。つまり well, I mean, in other words, the thing is, you know, you know what I mean, you see, what I mean is 。
I just had to leave early. What I mean is I hated the show. It just wasn’t funny.
You exercise regularly, you have a good diet and you don’t have too much stress. In other words , I think you have nothing to worry about. Your health seems very good.
I think I’ve found a house I’d like to buy. Well it’s an apartment actually . It’s ideal for me.
私たちは話すとき、聞き手とどれだけの知識を共有しているかを考えます。私たちはよく、古い、共有されている、または期待されている知識だと you know ものをマークし、リスナーと共有されていないと思われる新しい知識を see, you see, the thing is ようなフレーズでマークします。
You know , hiring a car was a great idea. (話し手と聞き手はレンタカーのことを知っています。)
A:Why don’t you come and stay with me when you’re in Lisbon?
B:It’d be difficult. I have to be back in Dublin by Friday 。 my sister is getting married on Saturday so I won’t have time to visit You see (Bは、Aが妹の結婚式を知らないと仮定。これは新しい情報です)
誰かが話しているのを聞くとき、私たちは通常、身振り手振り (頭をうなずく) または短い応答 ( Mm, yeah, really, that’s a shame いずれかで、聞いたことに対する応答を示します。これは、私たちが話されていることに耳を傾け、興味を持っていることを示しています。これらの短い応答を「応答トークン」と呼びます。
absolutely |
fine |
okay |
wow |
(all) right |
good |
quite (より正式な) |
yeah |
certainly |
great |
really |
yes |
definitely |
I see |
sure |
exactly |
no |
wonderful |
that’s great/interesting/amazing/awful などです。 |
A:So he opened the door 。
B:Yeah 。
A:And he went in very quietly without waking her 。
B:Right 。
A:He opened her bag and…
A:We’ve decided to go to Africa for a month next year 。
B:Oh really!
A:He can’t play soccer for at least six months. He’s broken his leg ます。
B:That’s terrible です。
actually |
frankly |
I think |
(I’m) sorry |
admittedly |
hopefully |
literally |
surprisingly |
amazingly |
honestly |
naturally |
thankfully |
basically |
ideally |
no doubt |
to be honest |
certainly |
if you ask me |
obviously |
to tell you the truth |
clearly |
I’m afraid |
of course |
understandably |
confidentially |
I must admit |
predictably |
undoubtedly |
definitely |
I must say |
really |
unfortunately |
essentially |
in fact |
sadly |
fortunately |
indeed |
seriously |
If you ask me , Neil is making a big mistake leaving his job to go travelling with his friends.
We will obviously have to pay for the damage done to the window.
The whole problem has been caused, I think , by having too many cars on the road at busy times.
Sadly , Hilda has decided not to come with us.
談話マーカー: 直接的ではない
話すときは、直接的または力強く聞こえないように注意します。私たちは、言うことを和らげるため like, maybe, sort of などの単語やフレーズを使用します (ヘッジ)。
apparently |
kind of |
perhaps |
roughly |
arguably |
like |
presumably |
sort of/ kind of* |
I think |
maybe |
probably |
surely |
just |
* sort of はより一般的です ; kind of アメリカ英語でより一般的です .
Can I just ask you a question?
We can probably add some more water to the sauce.
Is this perhaps one of your first times driving a car?
ステートメントは、強すぎたり強引に聞こえないように、ヘッジまたは緩和されています。 |
声明はヘッジされておらず、より直接的で力強いように聞こえます. |
談話マーカー: um と erm
um を使用して、新しいトピックを慎重に紹介できます。
Um , could I ask you a personal question?
Um , there’s something else we need to talk about.
何かを言う前に一時停止するとき、特に何を言うべきかわからないときに erm を使用できます。
He’s… erm he’s not very pleased with your work, I’m afraid.
Her last book was called… erm what was it? I can’t remember the name.
談話マーカー: 間投詞 ( Oh! Gosh! )
間投詞は、やった hooray, oops, ouch などの単一の言葉の感嘆符であり、肯定的または否定的な感情的反応を示します。
A:The meeting’s been cancelled 。
A:I’ve just dropped the box of eggs 。
B:Oh no!
A:I don’t think this dessert looks very fresh .