決定子 |
形容詞 |
名詞修飾子 |
head 名詞 |
My two best friends at school were Mike and Terry.
All your books got wet when you left them in the garden – do you remember?
2 つの参照決定子または 2 つの定量化決定子を一緒に使用しません。
We sold the house.
We sold our house.
Not: We sold the our house 。
I have some questions.
I have many questions.
ない: I have some many questions ます。
ただし、参照決定子 ( the, this, my など) と一緒に、定量化決定子 ( some, many, enough など) + of 使用できます。
Many of the people present were very angry.
Some of his friends are awful people.
数量詞 (例: all, both, some ) |
記事 ( a/an, the ) |
実証的 ( this, that, these, those ) |
所有格 (例 . my, her, our, Anna’s ) |
番号 (例: 1、3、26 one, three, 26 |
head 名詞 |
Many , more much most , few , little
特に形式的なスタイルでは、実演詞または所有格の前後 the many, much, more, most, few 、 little を使用できます。
She spent the little money she had left on a new coat and hat.
Those few books which were not destroyed in the fire have been transferred to the new library.
I shall invite my many friends to join me on my 65th birthday.
All 、 both 、 half
All 、 both 、および half は、冠詞、指示詞、および所有格の前に置くことができます。の有無にかかわらず of 意味に違いはありません。
All that food should be put in the fridge. (またはその All of that food )
Do both your parents work in the city? (または both of your parents の両方)
Half the people at the party hadn’t been invited. (または Half of the people )
One of 、 most of など
all 、 both 、および half 以外の限定詞は、冠詞、指示詞、または所有格の前に来る場合、 of と一緒に使用する必要があります。
Do you want any of these boxes, or shall I throw them away?
いいえ: Do you want any these boxes …
Most of her school friends got married before she did.
I’d like some of the green grapes, please.
Two of my favourite programmes are on TV at the same time!
このように of で使用する決定子は次のとおりです。
(a) few |
enough |
most |
(a) little |
every ( every one of ) |
much |
all |
fewer |
neither |
another |
fewest |
no (代名詞形 none ) |
any |
least |
one two three |
both |
less |
several |
each |
many |
some |
either |
more |
which |
正式なスタイルでは、主語の場合は、単数形の動詞を使用 each of, every one of, none of any of しません。
Each of the children was given a place to hang their coat and bag.
None of my friends owns a house.
None of the computers are working. They’re all being repaired at the moment.
of 限定子は、意味が少し異なる場合があります。
なし of |
of _ |
数量を示す限定子 (下線付き) の前に、より具体的または強力にする単語 (太字の修飾子) がある場合があります。
Nearly every shop was closed for the public holiday.
The college has received many more applications this year than last year, but the total is still far fewer than ten years ago.
They were able to give me very little information.