

「Declaration of Independence」の意味(noun)





読み方は【ˌdek·ləˈreɪ·ʃən əv ˌɪn·dɪˈpen·dəns】です。下記動画を聞きながらˌdek·ləˈreɪ·ʃən əv ˌɪn·dɪˈpen·dənsを大声で発音しましょう


declaration of independenceの実際の意味・ニュアンス(独立宣言?どくりつせんげん?独立を宣言?を理解して、正しく使いましょう!

The United States also rejected the declaration of independence.
In 2008, Kosovo’s declaration of independence saw a marked deterioration in Russia’s relationship with the West.
They considered it an opportunity to get a local government instead of a European one, or a step towards a potential declaration of independence.
Following Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of independence in February 2008, Jeremić began campaigning against the self-proclaimed state’s integration into the international community.
The military wing of Ansar Dine rejected the MNLA’s declaration of independence hours after it was issued.
In July 2010, the International Court of Justice, ruled that the declaration of independence was legal.
Tuesday in parliament Puigdemont had acknowledged the victory of yes in the October referendum but had suspended the effects of the declaration of independence to allow for possible mediation with Madrid.
Since the declaration of independence, Serbia refused to deal directly with the Republic of Kosovo, but only through the international intermediaries UNMIK and EULEX.
Some definitions of Azawad also include parts of northern Niger and southern Algeria, adjacent areas to the south and the north though in its declaration of independence, the MNLA did not advance territorial claims on those areas.
The declaration of independence was made with the support of Belgian business interests and over 6,000 Belgian troops.
As a result of his elevation to the presidency, Mahama made political history by becoming the first Ghanaian head of state to have been born after Ghana’s declaration of independence on 6 March 1957.
Rákóczi’s proposed treaty with the French was stalled, so he became convinced that only a declaration of independence would make it acceptable for various powers to negotiate with him.
At Serbia’s request, the UN General Assembly (UNGA) in October 2008 sought an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on whether Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of independence was in accordance with international law.
セルビアの要求では、2008年10月に国連総会 (運河) は、国際司法裁判所 (ICJ) からコソボの一方的な独立宣言は、国際法に基づいていたかどうかの諮問意見を求めた。
On the day of the declaration of independence, about 200 Malian northerners staged a rally in Bamako, declaring their rejection of the partition and their willingness to fight to drive out the rebels.
In the same interview, Attaher also promised that Azawad would “respect all the colonial frontiers that separate Azawad from its neighbours” and insisted that Azawad’s declaration of independence has “some international legality”.
On his return he advised the prime minister, Harold Wilson, that the all-white Rhodesian government under Ian Smith would make a unilateral declaration of independence (UDI) before the end of the year, unless deterred by the threat of armed intervention.
If the Chinese president spoke of peaceful means to promote reunification, he also talked about how the declaration of independence would bring obvious economic disadvantages to the traffics of Taiwan, threatening, not too hiddenly, to increase the tension along the two sides of the channel that separates the island from China.
。 中国の大統領が統一を促進するための平和的な手段について話したならば、彼はまた独立宣言が台湾の交通に明白な経済的不利益をもたらすことについて話しました。 島と中国を隔てるチャンネル。
It all started when, without warning, a group of government leaders led by Vice President Tareck El Aissami and hundreds of Chavist militants broke into the National Assembly headquarters to “steal” the traditional reading ceremony of the original manuscript of the declaration of independence, proclaimed the 5 July 1811.
儀式の伝統的な読書に反対すべてが警告、副社長TareckエルAissami率いる政府代表のグループ、およびプロチャベス過激派の何百もせずにすべてを 『盗む』のために、国会を襲撃したときに、始まりました独立宣言の原稿は、7月5 1811に宣言しました。
In 1945, in the midst of the war triggered by the declaration of independence of Indonesia, he was arrested and imprisoned by the Dutch colonial forces.The novel he wrote in prison, “The Fugitive”, was highly appreciated both within and without Indonesia, making Mr. Pramoedya known to the international societies as a writer.
The President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, also stated: The declaration of independence voted on today in the Catalan Parliament is a breach of the rule of law, the Spanish constitution and the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia, which are part of the EU’s legal framework.

「Declaration of Independence」の意味(noun)





読み方は【ˌdek·ləˈreɪ·ʃən əv ˌɪn·dɪˈpen·dəns】です。下記動画を聞きながらˌdek·ləˈreɪ·ʃən əv ˌɪn·dɪˈpen·dənsを大声で発音しましょう


declaration of independenceの実際の意味・ニュアンス(独立宣言?どくりつせんげん?独立を宣言?を理解して、正しく使いましょう!

The United States also rejected the declaration of independence.
In 2008, Kosovo’s declaration of independence saw a marked deterioration in Russia’s relationship with the West.
They considered it an opportunity to get a local government instead of a European one, or a step towards a potential declaration of independence.
Following Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of independence in February 2008, Jeremić began campaigning against the self-proclaimed state’s integration into the international community.
The military wing of Ansar Dine rejected the MNLA’s declaration of independence hours after it was issued.
In July 2010, the International Court of Justice, ruled that the declaration of independence was legal.
Tuesday in parliament Puigdemont had acknowledged the victory of yes in the October referendum but had suspended the effects of the declaration of independence to allow for possible mediation with Madrid.
Since the declaration of independence, Serbia refused to deal directly with the Republic of Kosovo, but only through the international intermediaries UNMIK and EULEX.
Some definitions of Azawad also include parts of northern Niger and southern Algeria, adjacent areas to the south and the north though in its declaration of independence, the MNLA did not advance territorial claims on those areas.
The declaration of independence was made with the support of Belgian business interests and over 6,000 Belgian troops.
As a result of his elevation to the presidency, Mahama made political history by becoming the first Ghanaian head of state to have been born after Ghana’s declaration of independence on 6 March 1957.
Rákóczi’s proposed treaty with the French was stalled, so he became convinced that only a declaration of independence would make it acceptable for various powers to negotiate with him.
At Serbia’s request, the UN General Assembly (UNGA) in October 2008 sought an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on whether Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of independence was in accordance with international law.
セルビアの要求では、2008年10月に国連総会 (運河) は、国際司法裁判所 (ICJ) からコソボの一方的な独立宣言は、国際法に基づいていたかどうかの諮問意見を求めた。
On the day of the declaration of independence, about 200 Malian northerners staged a rally in Bamako, declaring their rejection of the partition and their willingness to fight to drive out the rebels.
In the same interview, Attaher also promised that Azawad would “respect all the colonial frontiers that separate Azawad from its neighbours” and insisted that Azawad’s declaration of independence has “some international legality”.
On his return he advised the prime minister, Harold Wilson, that the all-white Rhodesian government under Ian Smith would make a unilateral declaration of independence (UDI) before the end of the year, unless deterred by the threat of armed intervention.
If the Chinese president spoke of peaceful means to promote reunification, he also talked about how the declaration of independence would bring obvious economic disadvantages to the traffics of Taiwan, threatening, not too hiddenly, to increase the tension along the two sides of the channel that separates the island from China.
。 中国の大統領が統一を促進するための平和的な手段について話したならば、彼はまた独立宣言が台湾の交通に明白な経済的不利益をもたらすことについて話しました。 島と中国を隔てるチャンネル。
It all started when, without warning, a group of government leaders led by Vice President Tareck El Aissami and hundreds of Chavist militants broke into the National Assembly headquarters to “steal” the traditional reading ceremony of the original manuscript of the declaration of independence, proclaimed the 5 July 1811.
儀式の伝統的な読書に反対すべてが警告、副社長TareckエルAissami率いる政府代表のグループ、およびプロチャベス過激派の何百もせずにすべてを 『盗む』のために、国会を襲撃したときに、始まりました独立宣言の原稿は、7月5 1811に宣言しました。
In 1945, in the midst of the war triggered by the declaration of independence of Indonesia, he was arrested and imprisoned by the Dutch colonial forces.The novel he wrote in prison, “The Fugitive”, was highly appreciated both within and without Indonesia, making Mr. Pramoedya known to the international societies as a writer.
The President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, also stated: The declaration of independence voted on today in the Catalan Parliament is a breach of the rule of law, the Spanish constitution and the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia, which are part of the EU’s legal framework.

