- arrears
- bill
- capital
- commitment
- credit
- damage
- deficit
- due
- indebtedness
- liability
- mortgage
- obligation
- price tag
- receipt
- albatross
- baggage
- bite
- check
- chit
- claim
- cuff
- debenture
- debit
- dues
- duty
- encumbrance
- invoice
- manifest
- note
- reckoning
- responsibility
- score
- tab
- tally
- voucher
- arrearage
- bad news
- below the line
- dead horse
- in hock
- in the hole
- in the red
- outstandings
- promissory note
- red ink
英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
debt | 借金 、 負債 、 債務 | (money owed) ( 金融 ) |
Debt can cause a lot of stress if you have difficulty paying it back. | ||
返済が困難な場合、借金は多くのストレスを引き起こす可能性があります。 | ||
debt | 負債 | (amount owed) ( 金融 ) |
Nancy’s current debt is £10,000. | ||
ナンシーの現在の借金は 10,000 ポンドです。 | ||
debt | 借り 、 負い目 、 義理 、 恩義 | figurative (favour owed) ( 他人への ) |
I owe my high school English teacher a great debt for getting me interested in literature. | ||
私が文学に興味を持つようになったのは、高校の英語の先生のおかげです。 |
英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
bad debt | 不良債権 | (debt: unlikely to be repaid) |
If you cannot obtain payment from a customer, write it off as a bad debt. | ||
顧客から支払いが得られない場合は、不良債権として帳消しにします。 | ||
burden with debt | 借金を背負い込む | (cause to owe a lot of money) |
debt consolidation | 借金整理 | (amalgamation of sums owed) |
debt of honor (US),
debt of honour (UK) |
借り、恩、恩義 | (moral obligation) |
debt securities | 債券 | (finance: bonds) |
debt service coverage | デットサービスカバレッジ | (cash available to pay debts) ( 元利金返済額に対する充当額 ) |
deep in debt | 借金漬けの、借金まみれの | (in extreme financial debt) |
She was so deep in debt that the only solution appeared to be bankruptcy. | ||
彼女は多額の借金を抱えていたので、唯一の解決策は破産であるように見えました。 | ||
gambling debt | ギャンブルの借金 | (gambling: money owed) |
Mickey’s gambling debts ruined his marriage. | ||
ミッキーのギャンブルの借金が彼の結婚を台無しにした. | ||
get bogged down in debt | 借金地獄にはまる | informal (owe money) ( 比喩 ) |
Neil found himself getting bogged down in debt. | ||
ニールは自分が借金で行き詰まっていることに気づきました。 | ||
get into debt | 借金を作る、借金まみれになる | (borrow money one cannot repay) |
If you keep buying things that you can’t afford, you will get into debt. | ||
買えないものを買い続けると、借金になります。 | ||
government debt | 政府の借金 | (money owed by government) |
Government debt is currently very high. | ||
政府債務は現在非常に高い。 | ||
have debt | 借金がある | (be in debt, owe money) |
They have a lot of debt. | ||
彼らは多額の借金を抱えています。 | ||
in debt | 借金して | (owing money) |
I always pay my bills on time because I hate to be in debt. | ||
私は借金をするのが嫌いなので、いつも期限内に請求書を支払います。 | ||
be in debt to [sb] | (~に)借金している | (owing money to [sb] ) |
be in debt to [sb] for [sth] | (~に)(~の)恩義を感じている | figurative (morally obligated) |
be in debt to [sb] for doing [sth] | (~が~したことに)恩義を感じている | figurative (morally obligated) |
I will be forever in debt to you for saving my life. | ||
私の命を救ってくれたことに対して、私は永遠にあなたに借りがあります。 | ||
junk debt | 苦境にある企業が抱えている債務 | (old outstanding debt) |
national debt | 国債 | (money owed by a country) ( 経済 ) |
The national debt grew after the government made some bad decisions. | ||
政府がいくつかの悪い決定を下した後、国の負債が増えました。 | ||
net debt | 純負債 | (amount owed minus assets) |
outstanding debt | 借越し、未払いの負債 | (money still owed) ( 会計 ) |
She was not able to buy a car due to her outstanding debt. | ||
彼女は未払いの借金のために車を買うことができませんでした。 |
With debt schedules, use these guidelines
Sovereign debt is not included in this.
You are liable for the debt.
Having too much debt is extremely stressful.
Drowning in debt isn’t fun.
This applies perfectly to credit card debt.
Their continued involvement is indispensable to the debt strategy.
Current progress on debt cancellation remains dangerously slow.
He will never forgive my debt.
Gently take credit and giving money in debt.
借金、クレジット カードやお金を与えるをゆっくり外します。
Traffickers also use debt bondage to control victims.
They should adhere to sound principles of debt management.
Work towards enhancing debt transparency and sustainability.
This conversion causes liabilities or debt.
There are three types of available debt facilities
Implications of the European debt problems II.
欧州債務問題の影響 b.
That debt reached to 5 million Yen
The debtor is said to default on his debt.
The danger occurs when the debt is not repaid.
They’re demographics, education, debt and inequality.
その向かい風は人口変動 教育 負債 格差 です