






Developments in cybernetics should be openly debated with accountability to the public, especially for investment of public funds.
Most importantly, cybernetics was trumpeted as a universal science of government that would help to guide the social organization necessary for modernization.
These grassroots ventures and speculative forays of biologists into the terra incognita of cybernetics certainly conveyed a growing interest.
【英単語】cyberneticsを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文1
Ironically, while trying to show the limitations of man-machine metaphors, he himself borrowed the term feedback from the language of cybernetics .
This process has been discovered quasi-independently in many fields over the last century and has correspondingly many names, among them self-organisation, auto-poieisis and cybernetics .
Although information theory and cybernetics did not work in molecular biology on the technical level in the 1950s, it did survive on the discursive level.
情報理論とサイバネティックスは、1950 年代の分子生物学では技術レベルでは機能しませんでしたが、言説レベルでは生き残りました。
【英単語】cyberneticsを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文2
What is most remarkable, however, is that the discursive practice of information theory and cybernetics did survive despite that cognitive failure.
In cybernetics , a machine is defined as a system capable of accomplishing actions that lead to a certain goal.
Note, however, that circular causality and information were already key concepts of the cybernetics of the 1940s.
ただし、循環因果関係と情報は、1940 年代のサイバネティックスの重要な概念であったことに注意してください。
【英単語】cyberneticsを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文3
Cybernetics was thus depicted as a pseudoscientific theory, a false philosophy, and an alien ideology at the same time.





  • automation
  • artificial intelligence
  • automatic technology
  • autonetics
  • electronic communication
  • radiodynamics
  • robotization
  • telemechanics


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
cybernetics 人工頭脳学、サイバネティックス uncountable (field of study)
cybernetic 人工頭脳学の、サイバネティックスの (of or relating to cybernetics)


In China, the discipline was banned with semiotics, comparative linguistics and cybernetics as “Bourgeois pseudoscience” in 1952, not to return until 1979.
On the other hand, cybernetics has developed functional human-machine interfaces, in which brain-computer interfaces process brain waves to control electronic prostheses, such as bionic extremities and even wheel chairs.
Norbert Wiener’s cybernetics described control and stability in electrical networks.
Today, I believe, we must broaden our thinking by including cybernetics experts.
The whole story summarizes the increased importance that the electronic warfare are taking in a global governed by cybernetics.
In the 1970s, Karl Deutsch came to West Germany, and his cybernetics inspired work has been widely influential there as elsewhere.
Superorganisms are important in cybernetics, particularly biocybernetics.
The faculty trains experts according to educational-qualification programmes “Accounting and Audit” and “Economic cybernetics“.
This lecture is based on my experience with my work in pure and applied mathematics, neurophysiology, cell biology and cybernetics.
続きを読む 講演要旨 1.この講演は、純粋数学と応用数学、神経生理学、細胞生物学、サイバネティックスにおける私の研究活動の経験に基づいております。
This can also be seen as an example of applying the cybernetics (supplemental explanation) advocated by Norbert Wiener to software development.
Investigating into fields such as cybernetics, ecosystem thinking, counter culture, and Marxism, he is involved with projects that deepen the understanding of how these “problem systems” relate to design, media, and art.
Members | OIST Groups Dr. Tom FROESE, Assistant Professor E-mail: Tom is a cognitive scientist with a background in computer science and cybernetics.
Members | OIST Groups トム・フロース博士、准教授 メールアドレス: フロース氏はコンピューター科学とサイバネティクスにバックグラウンドを持つ認識科学者です。
This paper will discuss the notion of plasticity as it is articulated by the term ‘underspecification’ in Gordon Pask’s cybernetics, by the forms and practices of machine learning and by anarchism.
Further research is necessary to fully explore the potential applications of merging of synthetic biology and cybernetics but the authors hope that in the future devices based on this design could allow patients with locked-in syndrome to self-administer pain-relieving drugs.
In the 1930s, Talcott Parsons (1902-1979) developed action theory, integrating the study of social order with the structural and voluntaristic aspects of macro and micro factors, while placing the discussion within a higher explanatory context of system theory and cybernetics.
It was a common topic among the members of the Ratio Club, who were an informal group of British cybernetics and electronics researchers that included Alan Turing, after whom the test is named.
PRP Channel, whose logo, among other things, is a bridge where travelers meet in the world, thanks the author for this valuable research that has national value for the ideas it offers in favor of the protection of our cultural heritage and hopes for an evolution cybernetics through the development of APP for the dissemination of new and larger tourist itineraries, also utilizing the available GIS information.
These circumstances are well explained in treatises on communication between science and the imagination of contemporary literature from the viewpoint of cybernetics, chaos, quantum physics, and forefront technology such as “The Soft Machine: Cybernetic Fiction” (1985) by David Porush, “Chaos Bound” (1990) by N. Katherine Hayles, “Fiction in the Quantum Universe” (1992) by Susan Strehle and “Postmodern Sublime” (1995) by Joseph Tabbi.
実際、そのあたりの事情は、デイヴィッド・ポラッシュの『サイバネティク・フィクション』(1985 ペヨトル工房) をはじめとして、キャサリン・ヘイルズの『Chaos Bound 』(1990)、スーザン・ストレルの『Fiction in the Quantum Universe 』(1992)、あるいはジョゼフ・タビーの『Postmodern Sublime』(1995)といった、サイバネティクスからカオス理論、量子物理学、最新テクノロジーの観点から現代文学の想像力と科学との交通に関する優れた研究書が詳説してくれている。
Economic Cybernetics (Bachelor’s/Master’s Degrees) At our University you can obtain knowledge of existing and emerging technologies.
経済サイバネティクス (学士/修士号) 私たちの大学では、既存および新興技術の知識を得ることができます.
The Faculty of Accounting, Audit and Economic Cybernetics (founded in 1966).
会計学部, 監査と経済サイバネティクス (年に設立 1966).






Developments in cybernetics should be openly debated with accountability to the public, especially for investment of public funds.
Most importantly, cybernetics was trumpeted as a universal science of government that would help to guide the social organization necessary for modernization.
These grassroots ventures and speculative forays of biologists into the terra incognita of cybernetics certainly conveyed a growing interest.
【英単語】cyberneticsを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文1
Ironically, while trying to show the limitations of man-machine metaphors, he himself borrowed the term feedback from the language of cybernetics .
This process has been discovered quasi-independently in many fields over the last century and has correspondingly many names, among them self-organisation, auto-poieisis and cybernetics .
Although information theory and cybernetics did not work in molecular biology on the technical level in the 1950s, it did survive on the discursive level.
情報理論とサイバネティックスは、1950 年代の分子生物学では技術レベルでは機能しませんでしたが、言説レベルでは生き残りました。
【英単語】cyberneticsを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文2
What is most remarkable, however, is that the discursive practice of information theory and cybernetics did survive despite that cognitive failure.
In cybernetics , a machine is defined as a system capable of accomplishing actions that lead to a certain goal.
Note, however, that circular causality and information were already key concepts of the cybernetics of the 1940s.
ただし、循環因果関係と情報は、1940 年代のサイバネティックスの重要な概念であったことに注意してください。
【英単語】cyberneticsを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文3
Cybernetics was thus depicted as a pseudoscientific theory, a false philosophy, and an alien ideology at the same time.





  • automation
  • artificial intelligence
  • automatic technology
  • autonetics
  • electronic communication
  • radiodynamics
  • robotization
  • telemechanics


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
cybernetics 人工頭脳学、サイバネティックス uncountable (field of study)
cybernetic 人工頭脳学の、サイバネティックスの (of or relating to cybernetics)


In China, the discipline was banned with semiotics, comparative linguistics and cybernetics as “Bourgeois pseudoscience” in 1952, not to return until 1979.
On the other hand, cybernetics has developed functional human-machine interfaces, in which brain-computer interfaces process brain waves to control electronic prostheses, such as bionic extremities and even wheel chairs.
Norbert Wiener’s cybernetics described control and stability in electrical networks.
Today, I believe, we must broaden our thinking by including cybernetics experts.
The whole story summarizes the increased importance that the electronic warfare are taking in a global governed by cybernetics.
In the 1970s, Karl Deutsch came to West Germany, and his cybernetics inspired work has been widely influential there as elsewhere.
Superorganisms are important in cybernetics, particularly biocybernetics.
The faculty trains experts according to educational-qualification programmes “Accounting and Audit” and “Economic cybernetics“.
This lecture is based on my experience with my work in pure and applied mathematics, neurophysiology, cell biology and cybernetics.
続きを読む 講演要旨 1.この講演は、純粋数学と応用数学、神経生理学、細胞生物学、サイバネティックスにおける私の研究活動の経験に基づいております。
This can also be seen as an example of applying the cybernetics (supplemental explanation) advocated by Norbert Wiener to software development.
Investigating into fields such as cybernetics, ecosystem thinking, counter culture, and Marxism, he is involved with projects that deepen the understanding of how these “problem systems” relate to design, media, and art.
Members | OIST Groups Dr. Tom FROESE, Assistant Professor E-mail: Tom is a cognitive scientist with a background in computer science and cybernetics.
Members | OIST Groups トム・フロース博士、准教授 メールアドレス: フロース氏はコンピューター科学とサイバネティクスにバックグラウンドを持つ認識科学者です。
This paper will discuss the notion of plasticity as it is articulated by the term ‘underspecification’ in Gordon Pask’s cybernetics, by the forms and practices of machine learning and by anarchism.
Further research is necessary to fully explore the potential applications of merging of synthetic biology and cybernetics but the authors hope that in the future devices based on this design could allow patients with locked-in syndrome to self-administer pain-relieving drugs.
In the 1930s, Talcott Parsons (1902-1979) developed action theory, integrating the study of social order with the structural and voluntaristic aspects of macro and micro factors, while placing the discussion within a higher explanatory context of system theory and cybernetics.
It was a common topic among the members of the Ratio Club, who were an informal group of British cybernetics and electronics researchers that included Alan Turing, after whom the test is named.
PRP Channel, whose logo, among other things, is a bridge where travelers meet in the world, thanks the author for this valuable research that has national value for the ideas it offers in favor of the protection of our cultural heritage and hopes for an evolution cybernetics through the development of APP for the dissemination of new and larger tourist itineraries, also utilizing the available GIS information.
These circumstances are well explained in treatises on communication between science and the imagination of contemporary literature from the viewpoint of cybernetics, chaos, quantum physics, and forefront technology such as “The Soft Machine: Cybernetic Fiction” (1985) by David Porush, “Chaos Bound” (1990) by N. Katherine Hayles, “Fiction in the Quantum Universe” (1992) by Susan Strehle and “Postmodern Sublime” (1995) by Joseph Tabbi.
実際、そのあたりの事情は、デイヴィッド・ポラッシュの『サイバネティク・フィクション』(1985 ペヨトル工房) をはじめとして、キャサリン・ヘイルズの『Chaos Bound 』(1990)、スーザン・ストレルの『Fiction in the Quantum Universe 』(1992)、あるいはジョゼフ・タビーの『Postmodern Sublime』(1995)といった、サイバネティクスからカオス理論、量子物理学、最新テクノロジーの観点から現代文学の想像力と科学との交通に関する優れた研究書が詳説してくれている。
Economic Cybernetics (Bachelor’s/Master’s Degrees) At our University you can obtain knowledge of existing and emerging technologies.
経済サイバネティクス (学士/修士号) 私たちの大学では、既存および新興技術の知識を得ることができます.
The Faculty of Accounting, Audit and Economic Cybernetics (founded in 1966).
会計学部, 監査と経済サイバネティクス (年に設立 1966).

