「cover story」の意味(noun)
参考:「cover story」の例文一覧
読み方は【ˈkʌv.ə ˌstɔː.ri】です。下記動画を聞きながらˈkʌv.ə ˌstɔː.riを大声で発音しましょう
「cover story」の類語一覧です。順番に覚えましょう!
- alibi
- apology
- justification
- pretext
- rationalization
- substitute
- trick
- cleanup
- cover
- defense
- disguise
- evasion
- expedient
- extenuation
- grounds
- jive
- makeshift
- mitigation
- plea
- regrets
- routine
- semblance
- shift
- song
- stall
- stopgap
- story
- subterfuge
- vindication
- whitewash
- come-off
- cop-out
- coverup
- fish story
- song and dance
- why and wherefore
対義語・反対語一覧を覚えることで、cover storyの単語を使いこなしましょう!
cover storyの実際の意味・ニュアンス(特集記事?カバーストーリー?表紙?架空の経歴?)を理解して、正しく使いましょう!
Time Magazine had a cover story on that a few years ago.
This month’s cover story looks at Japan’s international cooperation through the creation of “new bonds” including those related to human security.
This ended up becoming a cover story at National Geographic.
I just put out the cover story that it was a gas main explosion,
私はちょうど出し それがあったカバーストーリー ガスメイン爆発、
This work was selected as a cover story in Nature.
And the fact that it was the cover story of all these famous magazines gives you already an idea of her significance, I think.
多くの有名な雑誌の表紙を飾ったことで 彼女の意義がお分かりになると思います
Are the elite now trapped with their cover story of a Russian missile to debunk the latest neon spiral?
Having failed with Global Warming and solar activity, they are desperate for any cover story.
The cover story is for our health of course, but the astute know better.
Alexander’s book was excerpted in a Newsweek magazine cover story in October 2012.
This month’s cover story introduces Japanese alcoholic beverages, including ways to enjoy food and the implements connected with these drinks.
The Planet 9 prong also presented the cover story that astronomers do not always agree, nor are they always wise and knowledgeable.
In the cover story for The Creativity Issue, Tim Walker captures the…
As is likewise known, NASA became frantic to put forth a cover story that a minor C3 CME was afoot, and to make much of a prediction for dramatic aurora displays.
同様に知られているように、NASAは、小さなC3 CMEが進行中にあったカバーストーリーを出し、ドラマチックなオーロラディスプレイのためにたいした予測を作るためについて大あわてになった。
Now we’ve gotten a lot of attention as a result of this, including being featured on The New York Times’ Sunday magazine cover story.
その結果 多くの注目を浴びることになり ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙の 日曜版の特集記事にもなりました
Sports Illustrated magazine famously used that phrase for a cover story on future NBA great LeBron James at age 17. It’s cool.
I was on the cover story of the January issue of “iTOUCH” magazine and as this was in the lounge of Narita Airport, I received emails about it from some friends.
Billy Graham’s Decision magazine said that Obama has put America on “a perilous path” as “the president devalues biblical principles and religious liberty” (ibid., cover story).
ビリー・グラハムのDecisionマガジンは、オバマは 、”聖書の道義や宗教の自由の価値を下げる大統領”(同著、カバーストーリー)として、アメリカを”危険な進路”においた、と書いています。
This issue’s cover story focuses on activities in different parts of the country which seek to change the nature of cities in consideration of the environment while continuing to improve people’s lives and maintaining industrial development.
Featuring Lorde in its 6 September 2013 cover story, Billboard named Lorde “your new alt-rock heroine”.