英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
contorted | 歪んだ | (facial expression: grimacing) ( 表情 ) |
contorted | 歪んだ、曲がった、ねじれた | (body: twisted in an unnatural position) ( 身体 ) |
contorted | 入り組んだ、込み入った | figurative (idea, argument: convoluted) |
Put simply, as the long polymer chains absorb energy, they adopt a more contorted configuration, reducing the volume of the material.
This has been reported in this Newsletter in Issue 538 last January when contorted twisting made an appearance and in Issue 526 last October when the magnetosphere seemed to entirely disappear for a time.
If you consider this path from an overhead, rather than head on as Nancy’s diagram shows, then you see this contorted path, exactly.
Because the magnetic fields are now being forced to merge, in various contorted ways, and this is the side of Earth’s magnetosphere that is losing its identity as it faces the more dominant magnetic field of Planet X. When I was a child I was deeply interested in UFO and had 2 short dreams in which I was strongly feeling (did not know why, just as if “knew”) that I was observing 2 highly developed cities on 2 other planets.
Their quick-hit sketches are filled with cartoonish noises squishes, snaps, abrupt edits, star wipes, zooms held seconds too long and freeze frames emphasizing contorted faces. Tim and Eric mock clumsy cable access, for sure, but also venerate the possibilities of terrible acting or the kinds of mistakes that reveal an honest moment in the middle of the artifice of show business.Steve character an entire show.Written by Tim Ferriss Topics: Entrepreneurship Noah Kagan built three multi-million dollar online businesses before turning He also looks great in green.
彼らのクイックヒットスケッチをマンガノイズのsquishesで満たされています, スナップ , 突然の編集, スターワイプ , ゆがんだ顔を強調手持ち秒長すぎるとフリーズフレームをズームします. ティムとエリック・モック不器用なケーブルアクセス, 確かに, だけでなく、ひどい演技の可能性やショービジネスの策略の途中で正直な瞬間を明らかにミスの種類をあがめます.スティーブ・キャラクターショー全体.ティム・フェリストピックスによって書かれました: 起業ノア・カガンは、彼はまた、緑の中で見栄え電源を入れる前に3百万ドルのオンラインビジネスを構築しました.
It is claimed that her body contorted into apparently impossible positions.
The weatherman’s explanations became more and more contorted.
Highly musical and unable to sit still, they constantly contorted their bodies wildly while singing.
The mid-sized climbing apparatus has a great twisty slide, a simulated rock wall, and a contorted ladder.
Freckles still remain on his cheeks positioned over the edges of a mouth contorted into an impertinent smirk.
The flowing robes and contorted posture abandon classical restraint and repose to depict a more passionate, almost voluptuous trance.
Filter frequency and delay time can be modulated by an LFO, making it possible to achieve a range of sounds from light chorus-like effects through to heavy contorted noise.
His depiction – large-eyed, with wiry, contorted limbs, and messy, knotted, convoluted webbing – influenced the way virtually all subsequent artists would draw the character.
Without money, in this scenario, moving the goods in a hand-to-hand operation from concerned individuals would be contorted and difficult, as all would want to ensure that the goods were not taken by fraud or by self centered individuals.
The magnetic field of your sun is being affected, and in point of fact, it is being twisted, contorted, and all of this is having an effect upon the magnetic field of your Earth and the magnetic fields of your bodies.
Cuanshang come from behind after another seven or eight colored car, contorted squeeze the body of the crossing, the order suddenly appears to be very confusing, managers are doing in vain to maintain – no way, not acquaintances or special vehicles, would dare so to before the break.
The flood of photos from those who see brilliant Moon Swirls or a Second Sun, and share their captures on social media, will not stop just because Meade’s contorted theories have not proven correct.
What is new are the winds that are changing the landscape for astonished humans, who wonder what next? The jet stream is contorted, not the usual pattern.
新しいことは、驚いた人間達にとり、風景を変えていく風であり、人間達はあやしんでいます、次は、何だろう? ジェット気流は、通常のパターンではなく、ゆがんでいます。
When they see it brought near, the countenances of the faithless will be contorted, and [they will be] told, ‘This is what you were asking for! ‘
We accepted this question only because Nancy had the time at the moment and to use as an example of why we will not accept such contorted questions in the future.