


[ または T ]



He hated wearing a tie – he felt it constricted his breathing.
彼はネクタイをするのが嫌いでした – 彼はそれが彼の呼吸を狭めていると感じました.
When you’re dancing, you don’t want to wear anything that constricts your movements.
The drug causes the blood vessels to constrict.
【英単語】constrictを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文1
[ T ]


Too many rules had constricted her lifestyle.


This appendage probably represents the still constricted portion of the egg after it passed through the ovipositor.
The power of anticommunism to unify antagonists had definite and rather constricted limits.
Lastly, if model and archetype might no longer constrict and dominate, they still can be seen as continuing and inspiring stimuli.
最後に、モデルとアーキタイプがもはや 収縮 したり支配したりしなくなったとしても、それらは継続的で刺激的な刺激と見なすことができます。
【英単語】constrictを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文2
And the market for finished goods was narrowly constricted by serfdom.
The main renal arteries were constricted at two hours, and at 18 hours the renal arterioles were also constricted.
主な腎動脈は 2 時間で収縮し、18 時間で腎細動脈も収縮しました。
In each of these subareas, there are immensely challenging physical laws that constrict and restrain what engineers can achieve in their mediums.
これらのサブエリアのそれぞれには、技術者がその媒体で達成できることを 制限 し制限する非常に困難な物理法則があります。
【英単語】constrictを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文3
In this scenario, they anticipated that in middle age the time available for physical activity would be constricted but still available at weekends.
When capacity fades and autonomy is constricted : a clientcentered approach to residential care.
As such, they raise the intrahepatic resistance to blood flow by constricting the sinusoids and contracting the whole cirrhotic liver.
【英単語】constrictを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文4
In some cases, the larvae could not completely exit due to the constricted opening and eventually died.





  • circumscribe
  • compress
  • cramp
  • astringe
  • choke
  • clench
  • concentrate
  • condense
  • confine
  • constringe
  • contract
  • curb
  • limit
  • narrow
  • pinch
  • restrain
  • restrict
  • shrink
  • squeeze
  • strangle
  • strangulate
  • tauten
  • tense
  • tighten
  • tuck
  • draw together


  • enlarge
  • expand
  • free
  • give
  • increase
  • lengthen
  • let go
  • liberate
  • loose
  • loosen
  • release
  • stretch
  • open


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
constrict 締まる、収縮する (become tighter)
constrict ~を圧縮する、締め付ける (squeeze)
constrict ~を制限する、束縛する (limit, restrict) ( 自由など )
~を抑える、妨げる ( 発展・成長など )
constrict [sb] ~を抑える 、 束縛する figurative (limit, restrict)
Pauline’s parents were very strict and constantly constricted her.


As noradrenalin is an ingredient to constrict the veins effectively, so in the case of yuzuyu, the veins were all the more dilated.
This main autonomic nervous system is divided into two parts: Sympathetic nervous system Parasympathetic nervous system The sympathetic nervous system’s primary function is to react to stressful situations, like make your heart beat faster, constrict blood vessels, cause things necessary when protecting yourself against stress (this is also known as the fight or flight response).
この主な自律神経系は二つの部分に分けられます。 交感神経系 副交感神経系 交感神経系の主な機能は、心拍数を早める、血管を収縮させる、発汗を引き起こすなどして、ストレスの多い状況に対処することです(闘争・逃走反応とも呼ばれます)。
With little temperature drop capillaries and pores to constrict, resulting in skin is smoothed, rejuvenated.
Now, in a typical stress response, your heart rate goes up, and your blood vessels constrict like this.
普通 ストレス反応では 心拍数が増えて 血管はこのように 収縮します
Your blood vessels will constrict back to their usual size and your blood pressure will return to normal in a more natural way.
That happens because as the airways constrict, air whistles as it passes through the narrowed space.
気道が狭窄されると 狭い気道を空気が通る際に 笛のような音を発するのです
For hair loss, devices called cold caps can help lower the temperature around the head and constrict blood vessels, limiting the amount of chemotherapy drugs that reach hair follicles.
脱毛には 冷却キャップと呼ばれる機器で 頭部の温度を下げ 血管を収縮することで 毛根の細胞に届く化学療法薬の量を制限します
As the aircraft travels through the air faster the static air will be greater and that static air can provide pulse power to the material memory leading edge to force it to constrict and become thinner.
より速く静的な空気によってがより大きい及びより薄くconstrict 、なるためにそれを強制する航空機が空気を移動するのでその静的な空気は物質的な記憶リーディングエッジに脈拍力を提供できる。
Jumbo Jet – 50 photo 50 age – AviaSpotter.it 9 February 1969 – 9 February 2019 Today I am 50 years that the machine that best represents aviation in the world soar through the skies of our planet. The Boeing thought that the plane, Designed as he developed the first supersonic, He would have short life, maximum 400 constrict specimens.
ジャンボジェット機 - 50 フォト 50 時代 - AviaSpotter.it 9 2月 1969 - 9 2月 2019 今日 50 年最高の世界に航空を表しマシンは、私たちの惑星の空を舞い上がること. ボーイングは飛行機と思いました, 彼は最初の超音速を開発したとして設計, 彼は短い人生を持っているでしょう, 最大 400 標本を収縮.
If we somewhere down the line decrease the internal diameter of the pipe, the pipe will constrict, giving the slurry less space to flow.
The Bakunyuu that feeling to rub seem to be good and constrict of tightening is also the best.
Once again, the brothers promised to safeguard their youngest brother, and once again Jacob felt his heart constrict with fear.
The salt promotes water retention, and the extra fluid increases the blood volume and blood pressure, and stress, like the fight or flight response, releases hormones, like epinephrine and norepinephrine that constrict key vessels, increasing the resistance to flow and raising the pressure upstream.
塩分は水分を内部に留めるため 余分な水分は血液の量を増やし 血圧を上昇させます ストレスも闘争・逃走反応と同様に アドレナリンやノルアドレナリンといった ホルモンを分泌して 血管を収縮せるため 血液の流れに抵抗が掛かり 血圧を上昇させていきます
We all are confronted every day with conditions that define, influence, or constrict our freedom, at home with the family, at work, in the subway, in the car, in a traffic jam; everywhere, all the time no matter in which country or culture.
The developmental-arrest approach (Kohut) had generated a perspective on narcissism which stresses the growth-enhancing function of narcissistic illusions, but overlooks the extent to which they often constrict and interfere in real engagements between the analysant and other people, including the analyst .
The weird thing is snakes either envenomate or constrict.
奇妙なのはヘビが 毒と絞め殺しを両方やったこと
These struggles will enable local communities to constrict all elements leading to war, the greatest means of global capitalist domination.
Example: When the left eye is stimulated by light, neither pupils constrict.
) ライトオフ:バックライトがボタンを押しても、明るくならない。
This is accomplished by causing the blood vessels in the brain to constrict helping to reduce migraine pain.
When it finds them, it extends, latches onto them, and then proceeds to engulf and constrict them.


[ または T ]



He hated wearing a tie – he felt it constricted his breathing.
彼はネクタイをするのが嫌いでした – 彼はそれが彼の呼吸を狭めていると感じました.
When you’re dancing, you don’t want to wear anything that constricts your movements.
The drug causes the blood vessels to constrict.
【英単語】constrictを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文1
[ T ]


Too many rules had constricted her lifestyle.


This appendage probably represents the still constricted portion of the egg after it passed through the ovipositor.
The power of anticommunism to unify antagonists had definite and rather constricted limits.
Lastly, if model and archetype might no longer constrict and dominate, they still can be seen as continuing and inspiring stimuli.
最後に、モデルとアーキタイプがもはや 収縮 したり支配したりしなくなったとしても、それらは継続的で刺激的な刺激と見なすことができます。
【英単語】constrictを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文2
And the market for finished goods was narrowly constricted by serfdom.
The main renal arteries were constricted at two hours, and at 18 hours the renal arterioles were also constricted.
主な腎動脈は 2 時間で収縮し、18 時間で腎細動脈も収縮しました。
In each of these subareas, there are immensely challenging physical laws that constrict and restrain what engineers can achieve in their mediums.
これらのサブエリアのそれぞれには、技術者がその媒体で達成できることを 制限 し制限する非常に困難な物理法則があります。
【英単語】constrictを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文3
In this scenario, they anticipated that in middle age the time available for physical activity would be constricted but still available at weekends.
When capacity fades and autonomy is constricted : a clientcentered approach to residential care.
As such, they raise the intrahepatic resistance to blood flow by constricting the sinusoids and contracting the whole cirrhotic liver.
【英単語】constrictを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文4
In some cases, the larvae could not completely exit due to the constricted opening and eventually died.





  • circumscribe
  • compress
  • cramp
  • astringe
  • choke
  • clench
  • concentrate
  • condense
  • confine
  • constringe
  • contract
  • curb
  • limit
  • narrow
  • pinch
  • restrain
  • restrict
  • shrink
  • squeeze
  • strangle
  • strangulate
  • tauten
  • tense
  • tighten
  • tuck
  • draw together


  • enlarge
  • expand
  • free
  • give
  • increase
  • lengthen
  • let go
  • liberate
  • loose
  • loosen
  • release
  • stretch
  • open


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
constrict 締まる、収縮する (become tighter)
constrict ~を圧縮する、締め付ける (squeeze)
constrict ~を制限する、束縛する (limit, restrict) ( 自由など )
~を抑える、妨げる ( 発展・成長など )
constrict [sb] ~を抑える 、 束縛する figurative (limit, restrict)
Pauline’s parents were very strict and constantly constricted her.


As noradrenalin is an ingredient to constrict the veins effectively, so in the case of yuzuyu, the veins were all the more dilated.
This main autonomic nervous system is divided into two parts: Sympathetic nervous system Parasympathetic nervous system The sympathetic nervous system’s primary function is to react to stressful situations, like make your heart beat faster, constrict blood vessels, cause things necessary when protecting yourself against stress (this is also known as the fight or flight response).
この主な自律神経系は二つの部分に分けられます。 交感神経系 副交感神経系 交感神経系の主な機能は、心拍数を早める、血管を収縮させる、発汗を引き起こすなどして、ストレスの多い状況に対処することです(闘争・逃走反応とも呼ばれます)。
With little temperature drop capillaries and pores to constrict, resulting in skin is smoothed, rejuvenated.
Now, in a typical stress response, your heart rate goes up, and your blood vessels constrict like this.
普通 ストレス反応では 心拍数が増えて 血管はこのように 収縮します
Your blood vessels will constrict back to their usual size and your blood pressure will return to normal in a more natural way.
That happens because as the airways constrict, air whistles as it passes through the narrowed space.
気道が狭窄されると 狭い気道を空気が通る際に 笛のような音を発するのです
For hair loss, devices called cold caps can help lower the temperature around the head and constrict blood vessels, limiting the amount of chemotherapy drugs that reach hair follicles.
脱毛には 冷却キャップと呼ばれる機器で 頭部の温度を下げ 血管を収縮することで 毛根の細胞に届く化学療法薬の量を制限します
As the aircraft travels through the air faster the static air will be greater and that static air can provide pulse power to the material memory leading edge to force it to constrict and become thinner.
より速く静的な空気によってがより大きい及びより薄くconstrict 、なるためにそれを強制する航空機が空気を移動するのでその静的な空気は物質的な記憶リーディングエッジに脈拍力を提供できる。
Jumbo Jet – 50 photo 50 age – AviaSpotter.it 9 February 1969 – 9 February 2019 Today I am 50 years that the machine that best represents aviation in the world soar through the skies of our planet. The Boeing thought that the plane, Designed as he developed the first supersonic, He would have short life, maximum 400 constrict specimens.
ジャンボジェット機 - 50 フォト 50 時代 - AviaSpotter.it 9 2月 1969 - 9 2月 2019 今日 50 年最高の世界に航空を表しマシンは、私たちの惑星の空を舞い上がること. ボーイングは飛行機と思いました, 彼は最初の超音速を開発したとして設計, 彼は短い人生を持っているでしょう, 最大 400 標本を収縮.
If we somewhere down the line decrease the internal diameter of the pipe, the pipe will constrict, giving the slurry less space to flow.
The Bakunyuu that feeling to rub seem to be good and constrict of tightening is also the best.
Once again, the brothers promised to safeguard their youngest brother, and once again Jacob felt his heart constrict with fear.
The salt promotes water retention, and the extra fluid increases the blood volume and blood pressure, and stress, like the fight or flight response, releases hormones, like epinephrine and norepinephrine that constrict key vessels, increasing the resistance to flow and raising the pressure upstream.
塩分は水分を内部に留めるため 余分な水分は血液の量を増やし 血圧を上昇させます ストレスも闘争・逃走反応と同様に アドレナリンやノルアドレナリンといった ホルモンを分泌して 血管を収縮せるため 血液の流れに抵抗が掛かり 血圧を上昇させていきます
We all are confronted every day with conditions that define, influence, or constrict our freedom, at home with the family, at work, in the subway, in the car, in a traffic jam; everywhere, all the time no matter in which country or culture.
The developmental-arrest approach (Kohut) had generated a perspective on narcissism which stresses the growth-enhancing function of narcissistic illusions, but overlooks the extent to which they often constrict and interfere in real engagements between the analysant and other people, including the analyst .
The weird thing is snakes either envenomate or constrict.
奇妙なのはヘビが 毒と絞め殺しを両方やったこと
These struggles will enable local communities to constrict all elements leading to war, the greatest means of global capitalist domination.
Example: When the left eye is stimulated by light, neither pupils constrict.
) ライトオフ:バックライトがボタンを押しても、明るくならない。
This is accomplished by causing the blood vessels in the brain to constrict helping to reduce migraine pain.
When it finds them, it extends, latches onto them, and then proceeds to engulf and constrict them.

