比較表現:同等の比較(as … as …)について詳しく解説
As … as …
2 つのものが何らかの形で等しい場合、 as … as … による比較を使用できます。比較には、最初の as の後に形容詞 (adj) または副詞 (adv)、2 番目の as の後に名詞句 (np) または句が含まれる場合があります。
He’s grown so much. He’s as tall as his father now . (形容詞 + 名詞句)
The team is still as good as it was five years ago . (形容詞 + 句)
The second game didn’t go as well as the first one . (副詞 + 名詞句)
The company is not performing as successfully as it did when Arthur Carling was the President . (前置詞 + 節)
比較の 2 番目の部分が節である場合、その節は多くの場合、短縮された節 (省略記号を含む節) であるか、代用動詞 do またはモーダル動詞を含む節です。
If the sales figures are as bad as predicted , the company will probably go bankrupt. (…経済学者が予測したのと同じくらい悪い…)
I worked as hard as I had ever done in my life for my final exam. (…今までの人生で一番頑張った…)
We tried as hard as we could .
as … as … を名詞句で使用する場合は、 much or little + 数えられない名詞を使用する必要があります。 または many または few + 複数名詞:
She had as much work as she needed and did not want to take on any more.
There are as many students in Class 2A as there are in 2B.
He spent as little money as he could.
as … as … with not as … as …、または not so … as … の否定形を作ることができます。 not not as … as … as … という形がより一般的です。
He did n’t run as fast as he did in the European Championship.
He did n’t pay as much tax this year as last year because he earned less.
She’s not so shy as she used to be. (あまり一般的ではありません)
I do n’t read so many novels now as I used to. (あまり一般的ではありません)