参考:「catapult launching」の例文一覧
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catapult launchingの実際の意味・ニュアンスを理解して、正しく使いましょう!
Data relating to “g” forces in catapult launching of aircraft involved horizontal thrust and was therefore inapplicable to the new problem.
The Fury was capable of launching without catapult assistance, but on a crowded flight deck the capability was of limited use.
Many participants told me that they feel Game Changer Catapult is very unique initiative for a large company, as we are launching various new business ideas to create new value while also helping to solve social issues.
新しい価値提案・社会課題解決型の新規事業テーマを複数推進しているGame Changer Catapultは、大企業としてとてもユニークと評価いただき、お声がけ頂きました。
(Left) Yukinobu Yokota/ Managing Director of i.lab. Director of i.school. (Right) Masa Fukata/ Director, Game Changer Catapult Tackling the “Service Industry”, Rather than “Manufacturing Industry” Yokota: First, please tell me about the background of launching Game Changer Catapult.
(左)i.lab マネージング・ディレクター横田幸信氏(右)Game Changer Catapult代表・深田昌則 製造業ではなく、サービス業へのチャレンジ 横田:まず始めに、Game Changer Catapultが生まれた経緯についてお伺いさせてください。