【死んでいるか腐っている肉】 意味として使われています。
英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
carrion | 腐肉 | (decomposing flesh) |
The vultures poked at the carrion. | ||
ハゲタカは腐肉をつつきました。 |
英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
carrion bird | 死肉を食べる鳥 | (bird: eats corpses) |
The vulture is a carrion bird. | ||
ハゲワシは腐肉鳥です。 |
They are quite satisfied to eat the stinking, fetid carrion that the world offers them.
This is a flower that really, really smells pretty nasty and is designed, again, evolved, to look like carrion.
そんなに良い香りではありません 本当に嫌な臭いがして 死肉のように見える姿に 進化してきました
That’s what’s left (so called carrion), would have long since very easily have been a center of attention of very different animals (called scavengers).
DIET.This Genus is a true omnivore; the diet in the wild consists of figs, fruits, carrion, fish, and crustaceans.
餌. この属のカメは、まさしく雑食性です。これらのカメは野生では、イチジク、また他の果物類、腐肉、魚、そして甲殻類を食べます。
Indotestudo forstenii has an omnivorous diet in the wild consisting of fruits, leafy greens, worms, slugs and carrion if available.
Then, as we began covering the bits and pieces of once-human remains with sand, clouds of huge green carrion flies, drawn by the stench of viscera, rose to attack us.
In May, immediately after flowering, we process the peach from the moth, preferably at an air temperature of not higher than 20 º.During the massive invasion of caterpillars I use special purchased preparations from them, and a large amount of carrion testifies that it is time to use biopreparations.
開花直後の5月には、蛾の桃を、好ましくは6º以下の空気温度で処理する。 キャタピラの大規模な侵略の間に、私は特別な購入準備をしています。 大量の腐肉は、生物製剤を使う時期であると証言しています。
Ravens and bald eagles came down to feed on the carrion that the wolves had left.
ワタリガラスや白頭ワシが 狼の食べ残しをついばみに来て
I factored in ambient temperature at the scene, rainfall, the feeding of the carrion…
ぼくが現場で 周囲温度と雨の量 腐肉の程度を計測したので…
Bald eagles and ravens fed on the carrion that the wolves abandoned.
ハクトウワシとワタリガラスは 狼が残す 腐肉を食べました
And of you, sublime carrion, no one will ever, ever know anything!
This species is highly carnivorous with a natural diet that relies heavily on fish, carrion, snails, crustaceans, tadpoles, and even other turtles.
the barn owl, the tawny owl, the carrion vulture,
白ふくろう, ペリカン , 野がん,
With its strong scent of carrion, the blooming plant attracts beetles for pollination in its natural jungle environment.
A disciple who is a doctor reported the conditions cancer patients normally have: They stink before they die and smell like carrion when they get close to death.
The nest resembles that of the carrion crow, but on the coast, seaweed is often interwoven in the structure, and animal bones and wire are also frequently incorporated.
It is recommended to collect and destroy the nests with caterpillars, the damaged carrion, to cut off branches littered with glass larvae..
ガラスの幼虫で散らばった枝を切断するために、害虫であるキャタピラーを使って巣を収集して破壊することが推奨されます。 4。
A dead deer being pecked by vultures, remains partly eaten by other animals, that sort of rotten meat is called ‘carrion‘.
ハゲタカが突っつく死んだ鹿とか、他の動物の食べ残しとか、 そういう腐った肉を死肉と書きました。
They lay their eggs in it, thinking it’s a nice bit of carrion, and not realizing that there’s no food for the eggs, that the eggs are going to die, but the plant, meanwhile, has benefited, because the bristles release and the flies disappear to pollinate the next flower – fantastic.
よい死肉だと思って 卵を産みつけますが 食べるものがないので 卵は死んでしまいます 一方で植物は恩恵を受けます 毛が開いて ハエは次の花へと飛んで 受粉させてくれるからです - 素晴らしい
They thrive on carrion.