

「Bunsen burner」の意味(noun)





読み方は【ˌbʌn·sən ˈbɜː·nər】です。下記動画を聞きながらˌbʌn·sən ˈbɜː·nərを大声で発音しましょう


「bunsen burner」の類語一覧です。順番に覚えましょう!

  • burner
  • element
  • etna
  • gas jet
  • heating element
  • jet
  • pilot burner
  • pilot light

bunsen burnerの実際の意味・ニュアンス(ブンゼンバーナー?を理解して、正しく使いましょう!

Gas Cartridge Type Bunsen Burner Suitable for Wide Variety of Usage
These include procedures for determining certain characteristics of materials (e.g. the Limited Oxygen Index (LOI) according to ISO 4598 or Cone Calorimetry according to ISO 5660) as well as industry-specific methods (e.g. Bunsen burner test according to UL 94 for electrical engineering).
この中には材料の持つ特定の特性を調べる方法や特定の産業に特化した方法などがあり、たとえば前者の例として ISO 4598に規定された LOI ( Limited Oxygen Index)や ISO 5660 に規定されたコーン熱量法、後者の例としては UL 94 が規定する電気工事用のブンゼンバーナー試験などを挙げることができます。
“The kids in the story see their mom working in her laboratory, making stew over a Bunsen burner.”
Lunch was prepared on a Bunsen burner and eaten at 2:30 in a “warm and secret place” near Oxford Street.
All you had to do was mention the Bunsen burner and he was off on a rant.
ブンゼンを毛嫌いした 教授もいたな?
His “reactor” was a bored-out block of lead, and he used lithium from $1,000 worth of purchased batteries to purify the thorium ash using a Bunsen burner.
He proved that the magnetic field rotates the light’s plane of polarisation (Faraday effect).During his work in the field of chemistry, he discovered the chemical compound benzene and invented one of the early forms of the Bunsen burner.

