「building society」の意味(noun)
複数のビルディング ソサエティ
参考:「building society」の例文一覧
読み方は【ˈbɪl·dɪŋ səˌsaɪ·ə·ti】です。下記動画を聞きながらˈbɪl·dɪŋ səˌsaɪ·ə·tiを大声で発音しましょう
「building society」の類語一覧です。順番に覚えましょう!
building societyの実際の意味・ニュアンス(住宅金融組合?を理解して、正しく使いましょう!
However the main type of institution similar to U.S. savings and loan associations in the United Kingdom is not the savings bank, but the building society and had existed since the 1770s.
I was assigned to a corporate PR team, looking after British Gas (which later became Centrica) and a building society, which was thinking of floating on the stock exchange.
With 11 million members, Nationwide is the world’s largest Building Society and the s seventh largest financial organisation.
If more than 75% of members voted in favour, the building society would then become a limited company like any other.
To meet the needs of users responsible for building society, KOBELCO continues its challenge to develop super large construction machines.
In 1924 he founded the building society GEHAG, which was responsible for seventy percent of Berlin’s housing built from 1924 through 1933, amounting to many thousands of residential units.
“This is MECENAT” is a new scheme started in 2014 for designating the Mécénat activities (building society through the arts and culture) of corporations and other private-sector organizations.
This is MECENATとは、多様な企業メセナを顕在化する仕組みにより、各地に点在する創意工夫に満ちた活動の数々を明らかにし、その社会的意義や存在感を示すことを目的として2014年よりスタートした制度です。
Curran says this can be a process of checking all avenues, such as writing to the deceased’s friends, neighbours, other local Lawyers, the deceased’s bank and building society, etc…
In July 2009 the Nationwide Building Society confirmed that it would prevent Phorm from scanning its website, in order to protect the privacy of its customers.
2009年7月、Nationwide Building Societyは、顧客のプライバシーを保護するために、Phormによるウェブサイトのスキャニングを防止することを承認した。
The world’s largest building society and the U.K.’s seventh-largest financial organization
The Northern Rock Building Society was formed in 1965 as a result of the merger of Northern Counties Permanent Building Society (established in 1850) and Rock Building Society (established in 1865).
The first building to be completed was the Nationwide Building Society which, while not directly connected to the shopping centre, was part of the development.