英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
brownie | ブラウニー | (American chocolate cake) ( アメリカのチョコレート菓子 ) |
The school lunch today was pizza, corn, and brownies. | ||
今日の給食はピザ、コーン、ブラウニーでした。 | ||
Brownie Guide |
ブラウニー | UK (young Girl Guide, Girl Scout) ( ガールスカウト団員 ) |
You wouldn’t believe it but my sister was once a Brownie. | ||
信じられないかもしれませんが、私の妹はかつてブラウニーでした。 |
英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
brownie | ブラウニー | (folklore: benevolent spirit) ( 妖精 ) |
A brownie must have done all the housework! | ||
ブラウニーが家事を全部やったに違いない! |
The highest praise that a brownie can receive is “heavy and dense.”
ブラウニーの最上級の誉め言葉に ”Heavy & Dense” という表現がある。
It was at this time that the media began calling her “Brownie Mary”.
Brownie was diagnosed by her veterinarian with an obstructed cecum which is blockage at the beginning of her large intestine.
ブラウニーは獣医師から大腸の先頭部分を閉塞している. 閉塞盲腸だと診断されました。
I purchased Bois, Fromage 2 and Macadamia Nuts Brownie.
From 1986 to 1987 Advantage Arms produced the model 422 with many features of the Brownie.
The menu features dishes like brownie pancakes, roast beef eggs benedict and a breakfast-spin on a hamburger.
メニューはブラウニー パンケーキ、ローストビーフ エッグベネディクトや朝食版ハンバーガーなど。
The Board recognized Rathbun’s volunteer work at the hospital by declaring August 25 “Brownie Mary Day”.
They suggested making the brownies in a mini-muffin tin for brownie bites but I used a square baking pan to make more traditional brownies.
While on a date sharing is best and when you’re sharing it doesn’t hurt to have a brownie the size of a fist.
It’s bustling on this Saturday afternoon as we line up to order half a dozen macarons (brownie fudge, pink lemonade, salted caramel and birthday cake flavour, please) and some very good lasagna soup that the kids raved about.
On the palate neat a sweet, bitter, and spicy flavour explosion like that of a chewy dark chocolate brownie combined with the tartness of sour cherries and the addition of a chipotle chilli pepper.
Weekly page imagination is aroused “Brownie notebook” is made up of the “Monthly” classic format of “Weekly”, and “annual schedule”, “One year Project”, with a total of four types of format.
想像が掻き立てられるウィークリーページ ブラウニー手帳は定番のマンスリーとウィークリーのフォーマット、そして年間スケジュールOne year Project、合わせて4タイプのフォーマットで構成されています。
Would one want “Brownie” in charge during the Last Weeks? Then there was the large purchase of hollow-point bullets by the then DHS secretary in April, 2012.
最後の数週間に、人は、”ブラウニー“が責任をもつよう欲するでしょうか? それで、そのときに2012年4月にDHS長官による、ハローポイント弾の大量購入がありました。
Brownie Sugimoto is a 5 year old mixed Holland Lop rabbit.
Jane Meredith Adams of The Dallas Morning News observed that “four-letter words are an essential part of the vocabulary of Brownie Mary.”
“Various tea sweets” is the theme of this buffet and you can eat some gorgeous sweets such as “Elderflower’s jelly” and “Matcha brownie.”
“さまざまなお茶のスイーツ” をテーマに、エルダーフラワーのジュレ・抹茶ブラウニーなどのスイーツを堪能することができる。
Yarnys as Helper Spirits When I first saw the original Yarny, back when Unravel came out, they kind of reminded me of a brownie.
お助け妖精としてのヤーニー Unravelが発売されて初めてオリジナルのヤーニーを見たとき、妖精ブラウニーを思い出しました。
Mimi couldn’t make it to the second round, and Eiki lost in the second round, but Eiki and Brownie won a “Special Award” from the audience.
The first Girl Scout troop in the village was founded in 1917 by Louise Miller and Mrs. Alfred Jones, and the first Brownie troop was founded in 1929.
Spread out on a baking tray, flattening with a spatula and leave to harden Brownie de avelãs Ingredients: 100g dark chocolate 160g butter 50g brown sugar 50g granulated sugar 3 egg yolks 3 egg whites 15g cocoa powder 40g plain flour Method: Melt the chocolate with the butter and add the sugar, the egg yolks, flour and cocoa powder.
へーゼルナッツのブラウニー 材料: ブラックチョコレート100g バター160g ブラウンシュガー50g 通常の砂糖50g 卵黄3個 卵白3個分 カカオパウダー15g 小麦粉40g 調理法: チョコレートとバターを溶かし、砂糖、黄味、小麦粉、カカオを加える。