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breast-stroke |
平泳ぎ | (face-down swimming stroke) |
The head should always be on the water surface, using the breaststroke or backstroke better.
Dennis initially swam as a freestyler, but converted to breaststroke at the age of 13.
In most swimming classes, beginners learn either the breaststroke or the front crawl first.
To accommodate most users, our algorithm works best with breaststroke and crawl.
In the breaststroke event, held later, she set a State record, but was disqualified for a one-handed touch.
Of course, such a person can be taught to swim breaststroke, but it takes a long time.
While other styles like the breaststroke, front crawl, or backstroke can be swum easily even by beginners, the butterfly requires very good technique to be feasible.
In a breaststroke competition rules determined by the symmetry of the movements of the arms and legs.
He set a world record of 48.49 seconds in the breaststroke preliminaries.
Also, what I had in mind with the word “breaststroke” was the success of former swimmer Kosuke Kitajima.
It is also called ‘swimming printing’ because the gesture resembles the movement of the breaststroke.
Overview Swimmers compete to achieve the fastest time while covering a designated distance using a predetermined stroke (freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke or butterfly).
競技概要 一定の距離を決められた泳法(自由形、背泳ぎ、バタフライ、平泳ぎ)で泳いでタイムを競う競泳。
At the 2012 London Paralympics, his third consecutive Paralympics competition and his second stint as captain of the swim team, Suzuki won bronze medals in the 150m individual medley and 50m breaststroke.
This was only two months after changing from the traditional breaststroke technique to the butterfly stroke, which was at that stage permitted due to a loophole in the rules.
Medley relays differ from individual medleys in that the following stroke order is used: backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, freestyle.
In 2018, he won a gold medal in men’s 200-meter breaststroke at the 13th Pan Pacific Swimming Championships which was his first gold medal at major championship.
2018年 第13回パンパシフィック水泳選手権大会に日本代表として出場し男子200m平泳ぎで主要国際大会自身初となる金メダルを獲得。
But in competitive swimming, the breaststroke is regarded as one of the most difficult strokes, requiring comparable endurance to other strokes.
Berlin/London, September 3, 2012 After a few days of intensive training in London and some already quite successful competitions for his team mates from the think-cell supported Berlin Swimming Team, Niels Grunenberg looks forward to Wednesday when he will be competing in the men’s 100m breaststroke.
ベルリン/ロンドン、2012年9月3日 ロンドンで数日間の集中トレーニングを受け、think-cellの支援を受けているベルリン水泳チームの数人のチームメートがすでに好成績をおさめる中、Niels Grunenbergは水曜の男子100m平泳ぎの試合を楽しみにしています。
Rawls caused a sensation at the 1931 U.S. National Championships aged just 14, when she beat star Eleanor Holm in the 300m individual medley in a new world record, and the next day beat champion Margaret Hoffman in the 220yds breaststroke.
Berlin/London, September 5, 2012 Niels Grunenberg – athlete of the think-cell supported Berlin Swimming Team – has won the silver medal in today’s men’s 100m breaststroke SB5 final at the Paralympic Games 2012 in London!
Berlin/London, September 5, 2012 ニールス・グルーネンベルク(Niels Grunenberg) - think-cellがサポートしているベルリン水泳チームの選手 - が本日開催された2012年ロンドン、パラリンピックの男子100m平泳ぎ(運動機能障害SB5)の決勝戦で見事銀メダルを獲得しました! すばらしい試合で、これまでのトレーニングと努力が報われました。