英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
blackness | 黒さ、暗さ、黒度 | (darkness in colour) |
blackness | 暗黒、闇 | (darkness, lack of light) |
In the blackness, I could scarcely make out the shape of my own hands. | ||
暗闇の中で、自分の手の形がほとんどわからなかった。 | ||
blackness | 腹黒さ、邪悪 | figurative (negativity, evil) ( 悪さ ) |
陰鬱、陰気、不機嫌 | ( 暗い気持ち ) | |
Jim always seemed like such a nice man; I never guessed what blackness lay in his heart. | ||
ジムはいつもとてもいい人に見えました。彼の心にどんな闇が横たわっているのか、私は決して推測しませんでした。 |
They came with mist from the blackness.
The empty blackness that makes up most of the Universe is on average minus 270ºC!
In the blackness, illuminated by only very faint light, he’d seen that the gun powder had been thusly polluted-but just in the nick of time, right before it exploded, he had suddenly heard Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche calling his name and telling him to come down from there.
真っ暗の中に、かすかな光があり、燃料が汚染されたのを見た。 爆発しそうで危機一髪のところでリンチェンドルジェ・リンポチェが私の名前を呼んで降りなさいといった声が聞こえた。
Everyone who is buried in a coffin is in a real sense “buried alive,” for the soul will live on, buried alive, in “blackness of darkness for ever” (Jude 13).
というのは、魂は生き続けるからです。 そして、生きたままで埋められ、”まっくらなやみが永久に用意されている”(ユダの手紙13節)のです。
“Color Theory” catalyzed new conversations about the value of blackness.
色原理は 黒人であることの価値に関する 新たな対話をもたらしました
The idea that blackness was ugly was highly damaging to the psyche of African Americans, manifesting itself as internalized racism.
But what is truly beautiful is to watch her grow up and love her figure, her blackness, her wit.
Queerness is our major key; blackness is our magic.
クィアであることは私たちの要であり 黒人であることは私たちの力です
In the pitch blackness, he sets up an 11 inch Celestron telescope for us to stargaze with.
don’t lose your blackness and don’t lose your glasses.
黒人であることを忘れないことと 眼鏡を忘れないことです
Went straight into a coma, and then, somewhere in that… blackness, she slipped off into another, deeper kind.
その心の奥で… 深い暗闇の世界へ- 落ちていった
The goal of Enodi is to highlight first-generation immigrants just like me who carry this kinship for the countries we grew up in, for the countries of origin and for this concept called “blackness.”
エノディの目的は 私のような 育った国との繋がり 生まれた国との繋がり そして黒人としての繋がりを持った 移民第一世代を取り上げることです
I mean, imagine yourself here in this room, if you were suddenly plunged into blackness, with your only job to find the exit, sometimes swimming through these large spaces, and at other times crawling beneath the seats, following a thin guideline, just waiting for the life support to provide your very next breath.
想像してみてください この部屋にいるあなたが 突然暗闇に押し込められて ひたすら出口を探すのを任務とし 時には広い空間を泳ぎ 時には椅子の下を 這うようにして 細いガイドラインをたどって 生命維持装置が次の息を 供給するのを待つのです
This makes it possible to produce total blackness by turning off the stage lighting for a quick moment, and enables the players to change costumes and to move to the next performing positions, and, by applying a Gando-gaeshi mechanism to the stage setting, scenes such as places and seasons can be changed in the darkness without dropping and raising the curtain in front of the audience over a short amount of time.
I was instantly blotted in blackness.
This blackness is due to heated wheat flour and bamboo charcoal.
You must be convinced of the blackness of your sin.
The pictures clearly show a vast white city floating eerily in the blackness of space.
It seems very natural to locate blackness as an abstract idea in the mind that’s useful in dealing with the world.
Your life is a patchwork of blackness with no time for joy.
人生に喜びはなく 闇が見え隠れしてるわ